National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 131 Three-way battle, Qianshan Muxue vs Imperial City Hegemony!

College Union.

The heads of the major colleges and universities in the Xia Kingdom gathered together in the form of virtual projection and were participating in an executive meeting of the alliance.


"I have an interesting live broadcast here, maybe, everyone will like to watch it.

Jinghua principal Qin Wentian laughed.

It just so happened that all the principals were also tired. Watching the live broadcast could also relieve their fatigue.

a burst of operation,

A live broadcast room was projected on the big screen with the title: "Holy Tree Live: Prince Gang vs Qianshan Muxue".

live screen,

Outside the Holy Tree Secret Realm underground palace, there is a large crowd of players, there are 20,000 to 30,000 Prince Gang players, more than 10,000 orc blood alliance players, and even more scattered players.

These players gathered together with only one purpose, to kill Qianshan Muxue!

The contradiction between the Prince's Gang and Qianshan Muxue,

The principals have long known.

But at this moment,

Seeing that the Prince's Gang dispatched so many players, and even united with the Orc Blood Alliance, in such a big battle, besieging Qianshan Muxue alone, he was also slightly surprised.

"Principal Qin, is your school going too far?"

Principal Jiannan frowned.

"Yeah, tens of thousands of people, besieging one person, even if you win, I'm afraid you won't be able to win, there's nothing to be proud of, right? 35

The principal of the Central Plains shook his head slightly.

"With all due respect, in order to deal with a compatriot, your school has continued to unite with orcs, which is tantamount to surrendering to the enemy and betraying the country. I am a scum of the human race! 39

The headmaster of Hanzhong was straight-faced and started to spray directly.

"Hehe, Qianshan Muxue, who just won glory for our Xia Kingdom in the secret realm of the beast cave, was besieged by my compatriots in a blink of an eye. Sure enough, the most ruthless person is always the one around him.

Jiangnan's principal is a woman, gentle and elegant, and she doesn't swear at people.

04 Unite with the enemy clan to deal with a compatriot.

These principals are unacceptable.

"Headmasters, you have to stand and talk without back pain, I, Jinghua, have been miserable by this Muxuekeng!

Qin Wentian vomited blood.

Also like a grudge, explaining,

Ever since Qianshan Muxue entered the secret realm of the Holy Tree, she has been struggling with the Prince's help everywhere, grabbing airdrops, grabbing dungeons, and finally killing the Prince's Gang's thigh NPC, and robbing the Prince's Gang's heroic NPC that has been working hard for more than a year!

In his mouth, Qianshan Muxue is simply a heinous crime!

"I Jinghua, how have I ever suffered from such bird anger?"

"Since Qianshan Muxue has offended me, Jinghua University, no matter what, I must pay the price!!

Qin Wentian slapped the table fiercely!

When the words fell, the Imperial University of Technology, Imperial University of Science and Technology, Imperial College of Technology and other Imperial Capital universities also supported Jinghua to invite the president.


"This kid has really annoyed the Crown Prince's gang, I hope he hides in the underground palace and doesn't come out.

Situ Yu, the headmaster of Magic Star, secretly said in his heart.

It was also the first time for him, seeing Qin Wentian so angry, he couldn't help but worry about Su Yu in his heart.

At this time,

There was an exclamation in the conference room.

Impressively, at the entrance of the underground palace, a young man slowly walked out and stood opposite the tens of thousands of members of the Prince's Gang and the Blood Alliance.

The id above the head: [Qianshan Twilight Snow].

Qianshan Muxue came out of the underground palace, and the battle seemed to be about to start.

at the same time.

As Su Yu emerges from the Devil's Underground Palace,

live platform,

In major live broadcast rooms,

Netizens who have been waiting for more than ten hours have come to the spirit immediately!


"Qianshan Muxue, actually left the palace?"

"1vs tens of thousands, Qianshan Muxue did not hesitate, as expected of my idol!

"Fight up! Fight up!"

"Nima, after waiting for more than ten hours, is this century war finally going to start?"

"Peanuts, melon seeds, beer, crayfish, all ready!

"Brother, don't expect too much from this battle. Qianshan Muxue alone will probably be lost in seconds at the beginning."

"Yes, the number gap is too big!"

"looking forward to!

The barrage fluttered like snowflakes.

For a time, countless pairs of eyes were watching this game.

[Hint: The current space is blocked, you cannot use flash skills! 】

Just walked out of the underground palace.

Su Yu saw a row of messages,

good guy,

The Prince's Gang is really professional. In order to besiege itself, they used the rare "Space Blockade Scroll"!

"Thousands of mountains twilight snow."

[Imperial City Domination] When I saw Su Yu walking out, I was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "Without the flash, you are the turtle in the urn of my prince gang!

Without the flash, the Prince Gang could drown Su Yu even with one mouthful of saliva!

"Qianshan Muxue, the hatred of the four brothers in Shituoling."

"Today, it's like you've done the math!"

[Black Wind Crazy Blade] also shouted angrily.

The evil beasts of the blood alliance also shouted for revenge.

"good very good."

"It's really surprising that the dignified Human Prince Gang and the Orc Blood Alliance are united together."

"You guys, let's go together.""

Su Yu smiled indifferently.

No matter how many people there are, in the face of absolute strength, no matter how many ants there are, they are still ants.


The war started, and under the greetings of Imperial City Domination and Black Wind Crazy Blade, players from the Prince’s Gang and Blood Alliance took action one after another…

【Chimera Shooting】!

【Hammer of Punishment】!

【Shadow Light Wave】!

【Triple Arrows】!

【Lightning Spear Technique】!

【Thunder and lightning】!

【Hot Fire Fan】!

【Strong Hurricane】!

In an instant,

Thirty or forty thousand players shot at the same time, and the bright magic missiles irradiated the ground with incomparable light, a dazzling sight!

The shining magic tail flame makes people unable to open their eyes and look directly!


The players onlookers were in Beijing for a while, and 30,000 to 40,000 people shot together, let alone a player, even a boss, can't stand it?

【Super・Refrigerator Technique】!

Thousands of magic strikes,

Su Yu raised his hand lightly, and shot out an aura of frost in his hand, forming an ice wall nearly 100 meters high in front of him.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ding! Ding!  …

Thousands of magic, hit the ice wall, without exception, all resisted!

One trick to break all the tricks!

It also seems that people who do not believe in evil, the Prince's Gang and the Blood Alliance are doing their best to continue the ice wall...

After banging for a while, the refrigerator didn't move!

good guy,

This time, not only the people from the Prince's Gang and the Blood Alliance, but even the onlookers and the audience in the live broadcast room were completely stunned!


"Fuck, it's amazing...

"This wall of ice is huge!""

"The ice wall is so big, please bear with it..."

"What kind of skill is this?"

"Fuck, with just one move, it resisted the combined attack of the Prince's Gang and the Blood Alliance, what kind of skill is this? 99

"Cow pen!

"This is one husband's control, ten thousand people don't open it!

Players talk a lot.

Of course.

This 700-800-meter-long, 100-meter-high ice wall is a huge «Refrigerator Technique» that requires continuous consumption of a lot of magic.

【hand of God】!

Su Yu didn't hold on for a few seconds, the mana was exhausted, and he quickly came to a hand of God to return the mp value.

Deng, Deng, pedal...

at the same time.

Seeing that the long-range bombardment was useless, the imperial city hegemony also moved. Thousands of elite melee players were dispatched to bypass the ice wall and kill them here.

【Group Invisibility】!

Huangcheng Baye waved his hand, and a huge invisibility cloak fell from the sky, covering more than a thousand players, instantly making everyone invisible.

This "invisibility cloak" is the innate skill of Imperial City Hegemony.

"Group Invisibility?"

"I'm afraid it's too tender!"

Su Yu raised his hand and fired an illumination missile without saying a word!



The flare exploded in the air, directly 500 yards in diameter below, and the light was extremely bright!

Such a wide range of flares also stunned everyone, and there was no shortage of Huangcheng Baye and others below. All 707 appeared and remained silent for 5 seconds.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

-7666! (Knockback)

-7535! (Knockback)


After a burst of frantic shooting, the prince helped the players, and one by one was knocked down by a rain of arrows.

【Five Layers・Sword Qi Slash】!

Instant kill!

Instant kill!

Instant kill!

When the group of players approached, a series of five epee swords slashed, and immediately typed out the words of instant kill.

Thousands of troops collapsed in an instant!

"Twilight, die!"

At this time, [Imperial City Domination] had already circled behind Su Yu, and a diamond lance stabbed it fiercely.

"Go back and forth! 99

Su Yu smiled coldly, turned around and kicked it.



Huangcheng Baye was kicked by this jio, and his body was shocked, like a kite with a broken string, it flew through the air with a graceful whistle, and flew backwards!

The distance of kicking is linked to the range!


-Second kill!

The imperial city hegemony had been flying upside down for more than 6,000 meters, landed on a dirt mountain, cracked the mountain, and fell directly to the ground without waking up!

this time,

All the players were stunned, one jio kicked more than 6,000 meters, is Qianshan Muxue still human?

It's a pity not to join the national football team with such footwork!

This imperial city hegemony is too miserable!!

【Blessed Roulette】!


Imperial City Hegemony did not die, but consumed a [Blessing Roulette] and stood up again.

But the expression on his face is more uncomfortable than death.

In front of thousands of spectators and netizens from all over the world, being kicked 6 kilometers away by a jio is simply shameful to open the door to shame, shameful to go home!

"Qianshan Muxue, you forced me!"

I wiped the dust off my face,

Imperial City Hegemony, from his arms, took out ten "Magic Scrolls" shining with purple light in a row.

Right now,

I can only use "Scroll" to kill Qianshan Muxue!

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