National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 132 The world's attention-grabbing war, the blood eye in the sky, the power that domina

【Meteorite Sky Chong】!

A purple "scroll" was crushed by the imperial city's hegemony. In an instant, there were thunderstorms and black clouds surging.

Above the sky, a huge black vortex formed...


A huge meteorite blasted out from the vortex, the meteorite roared down, and the flames were raging, and it smashed down hard according to the Su Yu below!

Players were stunned by this earth-shattering power!


Facing this meteorite, Su Yu's eyes showed a trace of disdain, but he did not move, ignoring the existence of the meteorite at all.


"This Mu Xue, is he crazy?"

"Fuck, Mu Xue didn't hide from the meteorite summoned by the purple Scroll, is he courting death?

"Qianshan Muxue, is this frightened?

"The snow is heavy, run quickly..."

"It's over, the idol is going to die now!"


Players are also screaming wildly,

The purple scroll is by no means an existence that players can resist hard. Qianshan Muxue did not hide, it was definitely courting death!


The next moment, the meteorite fell, like a nuclear bomb, the earth trembled, and smoke rose into the sky, forming a hundred-meter-high mushroom cloud.

The explosion contained the power of the law, and the huge ice wall was also shaken by a tortoise pattern!

Such a powerful bombardment,

Not to mention being a player, I am afraid that a boss can be a bit overwhelming.

Qianshan Muxue, I am afraid he is already dead!


When the smoke and dust dissipated, a player figure stood proudly on the spot, his skin was extremely radiant, and the whole body burst into darkness!


A word also flashed on Su Yu's head, Meteorite, was missed!


At the critical moment, Su Yu turned on the [Sacred Artifact・Ghost Armor], with an absolute evasion rate of 99.9%, allowing him to easily escape the bombardment of this meteorite!


"The purple "scroll" of labor and capital was actually avoided?"

The imperial city hegemony looked unbelievable,

Purple scrolls are priceless, just wasted one!

"You can hide from the first day of the first year, but you can't hide from the fifteenth!"

"I see when you hide!""

snorted coldly,

Imperial City Domination, with five fingers, crushed a purple "scroll" again


【Meteorite Sky Chong】

The sky was cloudy again, and there was a flaming meteorite that broke through the clouds and came down!

Escape is impossible to escape,

A real man should face all harm,

The second meteorite fell,

Su Yu is still standing in the same place, hard to eat the meteorite at this moment!


The meteorite fell to the ground, as if a nuclear bomb was exploding on the ground, the earth trembled, the smoke rose into the sky, and the ice wall was blasted with cracks, which made people retreat!


At the center of the explosion, a miss word popped up again on Su Yu's head.

Another meteorite escaped!


Imperial City Hegemony was stunned, he was hiding two purple "scrolls" in a row, and he vomited blood!

With a crazy face, he crushed a purple "scroll" again!

【Meteorite Sky Chong】!


【Meteorite Sky Chong】!


【Meteorite Sky Chong】!


【Meteorite Sky Chong】!


the gate of the underground palace,

As if conducting a nuclear test, the nuclear bomb-level meteorites continuously burst on the ground, the earth shook back and forth, and the smoke and dust rushed into the sky again and again...

The ground was blasted into a big hole!

Players are stunned.


The man at the center of the explosion stood proudly, with a relaxed expression on his face. From beginning to end, he did not suffer even a single point of damage!

Ten meteorites, all missed!


"Is this the strength of Qianshan Muxue, ten meteorites, all dodge!"

"Qianshan Muxue: I am the man you can never hit!"

"Ten purple "scrolls", blood loss!"

"Sure enough, is dodge the strongest attribute in "Gods"?"

"Fairy! Fairy!"


"Ten meteorites, all smashed empty, I'm just like a guy!

"The battle of the century, it's really fun to watch Jill!

Players are crazy.

The barrage also completely exploded.

As expected of waiting for the battle for more than ten hours, at the beginning, the players were hooked!

"Damn it!

[Imperial City Domination] I wanted to smash the meteorite again, but found that the purple "scroll" had been used up.

All ten meteorites in a row were dodged, and he was about to vomit!

"Brother Imperial City.

"This Muxue dodge is very high, or, let me meet him for a while."

[Black Wind Crazy Blade] let out a long breath.

"it is good


"I'll leave it to Brother Crazy Blade. 35

[Imperial City Domination] is a bit unwilling, but what is the way, his talent [Invisibility Cloak] and ten purple "scrolls" have all been used, and he has no trump cards.

"rest assured.

"Brother Huangcheng, please watch my performance.

[Black Wind Crazy Blade] A flash of confidence flashed in his eyes.

His talent is [Hell Vine]. This talent is very powerful, but it needs to release the vine seeds in advance, so that the vines can grow underground, and the preparation time is very long.

Taking advantage of the time when the two of them were fighting, his vines had already spread to the nearby area.

"Hell Vine, get up~~!

[Black Wind Crazy Saber] With a slap of the earth, the earthquake trembled in an instant, as if there was an earthquake, cracking open one after another huge cracks, and hot magma spurted out from the cracks.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Swish! Swish!

One after another twisted black vines drilled out of the magma. The vines were endless and dense, at least thousands of them, swept toward the ice wall.

The refrigerator, just hit by a meteorite, was smashed with tortoises,

At this moment, under the attack of thousands of vines, it couldn't stand it anymore, it split inch by inch and collapsed!


The thousands of vines swept away towards Su Yu.


"So many vines, something.

Su Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

In [Ghost Form], he has an absolute evasion rate of 99.9%, and he is almost unable to hit himself with ordinary skills.

But these vines are different. There are too many vines. Even if 999 of them are dodged, the last one may entangle themselves. Once they are controlled, no amount of HP will be useless.

In this case,

I have to show a little bit of real strength,

【Sacred Artifact・Angel Wings】!

Su Yu opened his arms, and a pair of 3-meter snow-white wings slowly opened behind him. The feathers were lifelike, and the holy light flickered, as if it came from the heavens, which instantly attracted countless eyes.


The wings fluttered, the airflow rolled up, and Su Yu soared into the sky!





The thousands of vines below can't reach Su Yu at all, and there are tons of "miss"




[Black Wind Crazy Blade] A look of confusion.

He had prepared the ultimate move [Hell Vine] for a long time, but, unexpectedly, it was easily resolved by the opponent.

In "World of the Gods", flying skills can be said to be the skills that completely overcome the earth system!

after all,

I'm taking off, your earth skills can only stare!

"Brothers, go!"

"This flying skill must be a big move, Mu Xue can't fly too high, nor can he fly for too long!"

"Now that the ice wall is gone, everyone is rushing to kill Mu Xue!

[Imperial City Domination] Roar!

Although the two players have run out of cards, the number of players still has an absolute advantage!

"People of the blood alliance, let's go together!"

"Kill Muxue, get reward! 35

[Black Wind Crazy Blade] also snorted, now, he can only use crowd tactics.

order issued,

The 30,000 to 40,000 players of the Prince's Gang and the Blood Alliance were once again preparing to use their skills, and many casual players who were eager to move also joined in, ready to share a piece of the pie.


"Since everyone is so happy, I'll give you a little surprise.

Su Yu smiled,

Forty to fifty thousand players rushed over, killing them little by little, not knowing until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse and the Moon, they also took out a golden "Magic Scroll" from the center.

[Flame Eyes] (Tier 3 Gold)

Times: 30.

Cooling: 1 day.

Effect: Summons 3 celestial eyes, with true vision effect, can launch 10 attacks, each time to the target area, causing 10~1 million damage per person.

(Note: The above are the attributes after enchanting)

This third-order golden scroll is obtained when you kill [Flame Lord Talis]. After the enchantment, the properties of the scroll have been greatly enhanced!


The next moment, as Su Yu used the scroll, a huge blood-colored vortex appeared above the sky, and a terrifying blood-colored aura gathered around the vortex...

Then, a huge eye opened in the whirlpool!!

giant eyes appear,

All the players below shivered, feeling the fear in their hearts!



The second and third giant eyes opened, and there were a total of 3 giant eyes in the sky.

This golden scroll originally could only summon 1 giant eye, but after the enchantment, it can also summon 3, 3 times the happiness.


Su Yu took out an orb from his bosom, which was the legendary treasure given by Shadow Moon last time, [Refresh Orb]!


【Fire Eyes】!

After using the refresh, the "Eye of the Flame" scroll with a cooldown of up to 1 day is instantly cold, and it can also be used.

Above the sky, 3 eyes of the sky are summoned again!


【Fire Eyes】!


【Fire Eyes】!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

refresh orb,

It can be used 3 times per hour.

After 3 refreshes, the "Flame Eyes" scroll has been used 3 times again. Above the sky, there are a total of 12 heavenly eyes!

12 blood-red heavenly eyes staring down, making people shudder!

"not enough.

Su Yu let out a sigh of relief,

At this time, the time has come to the next hour, and the [Refresh Orb] has cooled down and can be used again.




Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Refresh 3 times in a row,

Above the sky, terrifying blood-colored giant eyes continued to emerge, and finally, there were a total of 21 celestial eyes.

The terrifying aura, spilled from the eyes of the sky, enveloped the entire battlefield!


Countless players stared at the sky above their heads, feeling that their souls had been seen through, and they were already a little scared before the battle started.

"What kind of skill is this?"

Within the University Alliance,

Qin Wentian, the principal of Jinghua, looked at the 21 heavenly eyes, but his head was too big.

The Prince's Gang, the Blood Alliance, and the powerful team up, they used up their cards to deal with a Mu Xue, but they made mistakes again and again. And these bloody eyes, even he can't figure it out.

"can not understand……"

"The current junior is too powerful, the third-order awakener can use such perverted skills!"

The president of Zhongzhou University sighed.

Such a terrifying skill, even a magic scroll, is really rare in the third-order field.

"Although I can't understand it, I feel very shocked!"

Principal Jiannan was speechless.

He has never seen such an amazing eye in the third-order field, and there are 21 at a time!

"Uh, are you sure this is a battle between Tier 3 Awakeners?"

The principal of Hanzhong had a black line on his face,

After this battle, it was a giant ice wall, a sky fire meteorite, thousands of vines, and an angel flying. The whole thing was dazzling and superb!

Now the good guy has another 21 giant eyes, which is very scary to look at!

"This doll..."

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable...

"I just don't know, how powerful are these 21 blood-colored eyes when they fall to the ground?"

Situ Yu, the principal of Magic Star, looked at the live broadcast, and his heart was full.

Such a wonderful low-level battle,

Long time no see!

"Let the world feel the pain!""

21 heavenly eyes are done,

Su Yu let out a long breath, raised his left hand, and snapped his fingers slightly,


Above the sky, the bloody eyes swirled one after another, the terrifying aura condensed frantically, the air was suppressed to a point, and there was silence all around.

It's like the calm before the storm!


Above a sky eye, a red light suddenly flashed, and a fiery beam of flame sprayed down.

The beam of light was 30 meters in diameter and contained endless flames, instantly blasting into the Prince's Gang phalanx.



-888888! (Seckill)


the beam of light falls,

Within a circle with a diameter of 30 yards, all 800,000+ damage numbers pop up on the player's head.

This kind of damage is enough to kill the player more than a dozen times!

Players in the circle, without exception, die instantly!

looking down from the sky,

In the dense array of players, it seemed that a circle was instantly cut out!

[You killed: (lv25 toothpick God of War)! 】

[You killed: (lv25 · Bugs Bunny)! 】

[You killed: (lv25. Abalone is a bit salty)!] (Real kill)

[You killed: (lv25 · Lily loves candy)! 】

[You killed:...]

【You killed:

background messages,

instant refresh,

Judging from the news, in an instant, the beam of light instantly killed more than 500 Prince Gang players, which is also quite terrifying!

Although for an army of four or five players, this number is not high.

But the deterrent is very strong,

the beam of light falls,

There is no explanation, the direct range is instant kill, this special meow, is too scary?!


The second beam of light fell,


-666666! (Seckill)


Familiar formula, familiar taste, the beam of light hit the blood alliance square this time,

Without any explanation, all players within a diameter of 30 yards, all 600,000 + damage popped out of their heads, and died directly on the spot!

looking down from the sky,

The blood alliance phalanx was also bombarded into a circular open space!

this wave,

It also killed four or five hundred players in seconds!




Spike! Spike! Spike!

above the sky,

The giant blood-colored eyes blasted down giant flame beams, each of which could vaporize all players in a circle.

all of a sudden.

The Prince's Gang, the Blood Alliance, and the scattered players, as if they had encountered a violent bombardment, were full of fallen corpses.

Terrible, terrifying!

In ordinary battles, even if you die, you will try your best to die,

But the giant eyes of the sky,

There is no negotiation at all, there is no room, once you hit, you will die immediately!

This is too domineering,

Fear spreads in everyone's heart, tens of thousands against 1 person, as soon as the fight started, their mentality was already overwhelmed by Su Yu alone!

Boom boom~

After the first wave, all 21 giant eyes in the sky attacked, about 10,000 giant corpses were already lying on the ground.

At this time,

The second round of bombardment has already landed...

Boom boom boom!

21 giant eyes, constantly changing positions in the sky, aiming at the area with the largest number of people, blasting down the flame beam...

(Zhao's Zhao) No matter how fast a player runs, they can't beat the giant eye's movement speed.

The second round is over,

On the ground, there were again six or seven thousand giant corpses,

two rounds of attack,

One third of the dead!

At this time,

The third round of the Sky Eye attack is on again...




The Prince's Gang, the Blood Alliance, and the scattered players have already exploded in their mentality. This is not a fight, it is a one-sided slaughter.

They are not opponents of Tianyan at all, and they also started to flee!

Defeat, rout!

~Special code, what kind of skill is this, Qianshan Muxue, have you opened it?"

[Imperial City Domination] While running, he cursed.

40,000 to 50,000 people besieged Mu Xue alone, and the big trick is full of cards. As a result, 40,000 to 50,000 people were beaten all over the ground by one person, and there is no one who is special!

"Brother Imperial City. 35

66 'If you stay with the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as you live, you will always have a chance to turn around! 35

"In the future, I am blood alliance, and I am very happy to cooperate with Brother Huangcheng!

[Black Wind Crazy Blade] said with a sullen face.

In this battle, the blood alliance lost, and it lost badly. The only gain is to establish a "friendship" with the Prince's Gang, which is convenient for infiltrating the imperial capital in the future.

"it is good."

"Using the blood alliance to get rid of the enemies of my Prince's Gang is also a good method."

[Imperial City Domination] nodded.

Today, the Prince's Gang has many enemies like Qianshan Muxue in the Xia Kingdom. If you want to get rid of these people, you can completely use the power of the blood alliance.

"Haha, nice to say, nice to say!

【Black Wind Crazy Blade】He was overjoyed.


Just when the two were talking happily, a giant blood-colored eye appeared in the space above the two of them, and a beam of hot light spurted out from the foreheads of the two.

Boom~ boom~


-988888! (Seckill)

the beam of light falls,

The eyes of the two of them were black, and they were hiccups.


"The special code is broken!"

Before dying, the two couldn't help but curse.

[You killed the player: (lv25・Imperial City Domination)!]

[You killed the player: (lv25·Black Wind Crazy Blade)! Library]

the other side,

Su Yu also received the message,

As the bosses of the Prince's Gang and the Blood Alliance were killed one after another, this battle also came to an end.

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