Cullo's face became a little ugly, Cullo couldn't help but ran over and said to Su Yu.

"You have to be careful, the burns they gave us were very serious.

Cullo's finger was accidentally scalded, and it hasn't been repaired yet.

Su Yu laughed when he saw Cullo like that. The fire spitting out from these little monsters in front of him was like a small lighter. Seeing such a scene, Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Su Yu like that, Cullo's face also became a little ugly, Cullo stared at Su Yu and couldn't help but say.

"Why do you still laugh? We're all in trouble at this juncture."

However, Cullo also saw the little monsters in front of him breathing fire. Looking at these little monsters, Cullo suddenly laughed, and the monster here suddenly ran over.

Under Su Yu's attention, the monster devoured all these little monsters.

Su Yu froze in place and didn't believe what he saw, and the monster suddenly became huge when he saw Su Yu, and Su Yu at this moment thought he was going to attack him.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly vomited a lot of things.

It's all the medicines Su Yu needs and the things Su Yu needs. Seeing such a scene, Su Yu's face becomes a little ugly.

Su Yu frowned and didn't speak for a long time, but he didn't expect this monster to think that Su Yu didn't need these things, so he vomited again.

And one thing after another was placed in front of Su Yu.

If other people looked at such a scene, they would have been dumbfounded, but Su Yu stared at these things without changing his face, not because of everything in front of him.

Su Yu looked at these things and couldn't help but smiled slightly, he looked at Cullo beside him, and then said.

"If he guessed correctly, he should be thanking us!"

As soon as Su Yu said this, Cullo nodded hurriedly, and the two of them hurriedly picked up these things, but they didn't expect that the faces of those next to him were full of excitement watching such a scene.

"Finally someone came to save us, you hurry up and save us~~"

They all came here to take risks, Su Yu heard their voices ringing in his ears and nodded immediately, but when Cullo was going to save them, Su Yu silently pulled Cullo.

Looking at Su Yu's actions, Cullo's face showed complexity. Cullo wanted to say something, but he didn't expect Su Yu to look at Cullo and say calmly at this moment.

"Don't worry. 35

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Cullo nodded immediately.

But there was still a bit of complexity in Cullo's eyes, Cullo couldn't help but said Su Yu.

"Look at how miserable they are. 35

Su Yu ignored him, but put all these things away. At this moment, Su Yu and Cullo went to rescue them. They didn't complain about Su Yu's delay.

Because if Su Yu hadn't been here, I'm afraid they wouldn't be rescued until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

What's more, these things in front of them look so terrifying, and they are not something they can provoke at will.

Thinking of this, their faces became extremely ugly, Su Yu smiled slightly when he saw them like that, and stared at them, Su Yu said helplessly.

"Take it easy, it's just a small problem, not to mention that you will experience more of these small disturbances in the future.

Although it is said like this, it is actually.

They are not Su Yu, nor are they as powerful as Su Yu, and it is normal for them to be afraid.

While they were thinking in their hearts, Su Yu looked at them and couldn't help but speak.

"Aren't you really scared?"

As soon as Su Yu's question was spoken, everyone nodded in unison. Seeing the panic on their faces, Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Calm down, what are these things? When you see more and more turmoil in the future, you will not be afraid of these things."5

Su Yu raised his chin as he spoke, his words rang in his ears, and everyone nodded, but there was still a bit of complexity in their eyes.

They looked at Su Yu with no emotion except for admiration. At this moment, if Su Yu hadn't sacrificed his life to save them.

Perhaps they were already dead, and they knew it in their hearts.

At this moment, Su Yu watched them leave, but Cullo looked at Su Yu with puzzled eyes, Cullo looked at Su Yu and said with a puzzled face.

"Why wait?"

There was curiosity in Cullo's tone. Seeing Cullo's innocent appearance, Su Yu laughed, and he approached Cullo's side and lowered his voice.

"Have you ever thought of an important point?"

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, Cullo frowned, Cullo looked at Su Yu and said strangely.

"`~What's the point?"

As soon as Cullo's question was said, Su Yu patted it directly, and Cullo said on the shoulder.

"The whole thing is not as simple as we thought, except for that."

Before Su Yu finished speaking, he pointed at these people and said seriously.

"What if we got them out, and how many of them came and took those things we had?35

"How could this possibly happen?"

Kuro frowned and looked at Su Yu and said with a half-smile.

He felt that such a thing could not happen, but it was just his own unilateral idea, Su Yu shook his head and didn't explain too much to him.

Su Yu had seen these people, real faces, a long time ago, so Su Yu didn't have any expectations for them.

Seeing the look on Su Yu's face, Cullo couldn't help but pat Su Yu's shoulder and said.

"However, this time we have solved (Zhao's) a very difficult monster. Can we relax a little later? Reward us to investigate.""

When Cullo's question came out, Su Yu hurriedly shook his head, Su Yu looked at Cullo and said perfunctorily.

"Just such a little trouble is solved, you still want to relax, do you think it's too naive?"

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, and Cullo's face became a little ugly. Cullo opened his mouth and didn't say more, but what Cullo didn't expect was a sudden shock from his feet.

Kuro frowned and looked at Su Yu and said with a flustered face.

"What's going on here? Did another monster come out somewhere?"

Su Yu frowned and smiled slightly, he shook his head and looked at Cullo with a perfunctory expression.

"I'm afraid those guys are digging in that place! 99

If a monster is making trouble in this place.

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