Su Yu can feel it, but what Su Yu feels right now is that those people are making trouble in this place.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's face showed a bit of helplessness.

Seeing Su Yu like that, Cullo's face also became a little ugly, Cullo stared at Su Yu and couldn't help but said.

"Then what should we do now?"

Su Yu sneered, looked at Cullo beside him, patted Cullo on the shoulder and said with justice.

"Of course, I taught them that these guys are really unscrupulous for money."

When his words rang in his ears, Cullo nodded immediately to know that after the opening of this new map of the ancient cemetery, countless treasures would fall in this place, except for this point.

They keep digging here, and they can also find those treasures.

So there are also a lot of people in this place, constantly digging things, and they are holding explosives in their hands to blow up this place and get more good things.

Su Yu felt very puzzled about this, Su Yu hurried over at this moment, those people's faces were full of excitement, and they shouted while digging out the things in their hands.

"Everyone hurry up and rest for a while.

740 "Work faster and give you a raise in the evening."

There was a bit of excitement on their faces, and several supervisors kept shouting in that place. Su Yu heard their voices ringing in his ears, and his face became a little ugly.

Seeing such a scene, Cullo seemed to have reacted as well. Cullo stared at Su Yu with wide eyes and said anxiously.

"They should be illegal!"

As soon as Cullo's words came out, Su Yu hurriedly nodded and admitted that he saw Su Yu like that. Cullo rolled his eyes and almost fainted. Cullo looked at Su Yu and said anxiously.

"Then what should we do next?

Cullo's question rang in his ears, Su Yu shook his head, not knowing how to answer, seeing the look on Su Yu's face, Cullo couldn't help but talk to him again.

"Are we really out of options now?"

When Cullo's question came out, Su Yu shook his head and sighed. At this moment, Su Yu looked at the wilderness here, and saw those people digging there non-stop. After thinking about it, Su Yu said to Cullo without hesitation.

"There is still a way, but their (aeee) heads have to be found.

After finding their heads, we can solve these things next. After all, catching the thief first and catching the king thought of this, and Su Yu couldn't help but say when he looked at Cullo beside him.

"You stay here first.""

Su Yu's words came out, Cullo frowned, with a bit of inexplicable in his eyes, he couldn't help talking to Su Yu.

"It doesn't seem like it's any use for me to stay here, let alone.

But before Cullo's words were finished, Su Yu rolled his eyes, and Su Yu stared at Cullo and said impatiently.

"It's not enough for you to stay here, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Su Yu raised her chin as she spoke.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Cullo had nothing to do, Cullo could only look at the people in front of him, his eyes were full of complexity.

But what Culow never expected was that while he was standing here staring at these guys, the faces of the overseers were full of excitement after discovering Culow.

They pulled Cullo over and looked at Cullo and said excitedly.

"Let me tell you, it's useless for you to go to that place to constantly practice and play dungeons. We can satisfy all the things you want here. 35

There was a bit of excitement in their tone, and their words rang in their ears, and Cullo seemed to have reacted, what was going on.

"So you want me to join your team."

As soon as Cullo's words came out, they nodded immediately, but Cullo hurriedly shook his head and refused to look at the people in front of him, Cullo said with disgust on his face.

"I don't want to be like them, look at how exhausted they are.

There was a bit of helplessness in Cullo's tone. Although everyone's faces flashed with anger when he said that, they thought about it and couldn't help but pat Cullo on the shoulder.

"Don't say that, if you join our team now, at least you don't have to work so hard, not to mention that there may be a lot of dangers in that place, come on!

Their tone was full of excitement, their words came out, and there was only indifference in Cullo's eyes, Cullo shook his head and ignored them.

On the other side, Su Yu looked at the luxurious airship in front of him.

Su Yu's eyes flickered with complexity, he knocked on the door without hesitation, and the people inside were chatting, only to see Su Yu walk in, their faces were a little excited.

"My God, why are you here?"

In this place, Su Yu can be considered a famous person. In addition to this, Su Yu's ability and his weapons are admired by everyone, so in this kind of time.

Everyone's attitude towards Su Yu was very friendly. Su Yu heard their words ringing in his ears and laughed for a while. At this moment, Su Yu stared at them and said calmly.

"I just want to know why that place is reclaimed for no reason and there is still this place, do you have any documents?

Su Yu's words rang in his ears.

There was complexity on their faces, and they frowned and stared at Su Yu and couldn't help but speak.

"Look at what you said, as if we were heinous, but we didn't do such a thing.

When he said this, the other man with glasses also laughed softly, he looked at Su Yu and said excitedly.

"This is just a game world, you don't need to worry about the things here, let alone the things that live on this land, it's not a good thing?

When his words rang in his ears, Su Yu's face became a little ugly, Su Yu clenched his fists and stared at the man with glasses and said impatiently.

"What are you talking nonsense about here?"

While saying this, Su Yu watched him yell, Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and the man with glasses' face became a little ugly. He touched his nose and didn't expect the atmosphere to be so embarrassing.

The same is true for everyone, they didn't expect Su Yu to say such a thing.

Su Yu stared at the man with glasses and the guys in front of him and said curiously.

"Since you have to dig, then I will ask you if something goes wrong after reclamation, can you really guarantee it? Especially on this piece of land."

Before Su Yu's words were finished, their faces became a little ugly.

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