National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 185 It's Strange

But Cullo looked at Pei Ge's actions, rolled his eyes, and left directly. Pei Ge was not surprised to see Cullo like that, because Pei Ge knew that these people would not be easily bribed.

So in this kind of moment, Pei Ge also needs to think of a way to make them bow to him. Thinking of this, Pei Ge's face becomes a little complicated.

Seeing Pei Ge like that, Cullo couldn't help but smile and tell him.

"If you don't go to work now, you will definitely not have any good fruit to eat in the future. Although they work for you, in fact, you have to do your own work well.

While talking, Cullo raised his chin. He seemed to be deliberately making things difficult for Pei Ge. Pei Ge heard Cullo's words and nodded decisively. He stood up and pretended to pick up two stones.

The younger brothers next to him had very sharp eyes, they did not hesitate to help, they moved quickly, they looked at Cullo with excitement on their faces.

"Okay, Pei Ge's work has been done, you shouldn't have any other opinions now, right?"

While they were talking, they looked at Cullo and smiled, their words rang in their ears, Cullo shook his head, but staring at these people, Cullo couldn't help but talk to them.

"If you don't finish your own work, then you don't have to wait for dinner."

The seriousness on Cullo's face is not fake. When everyone heard these words, they just laughed. If they had money in front of this, how could they still care about eating.

Seeing their eagerness to work, Pei Ge nodded with satisfaction.

Su Yu looked at such a scene, his face was only calm, but Cullo came over, and Cullo spoke directly to Su Yu while everyone was not paying attention.

"This guy is too much. I want to give him some color and see. Do you have anything good in there?"

Su Yu shook his head when Cullo's question was spoken. At this moment, Su Yu looked at the ores in front of him and spoke to Cullo without hesitation.

"I felt a very strong energy in it, I wonder if there is something strange in it that is multiplying~~.

When he said these words, Cullo was completely stunned, Cullo widened his eyes, looked at Su Yu and said nervously.

"Don't scare me, this kind of thing can't be nonsense.

There was a bit of caution in Cullo's tone. Su Yu laughed when he saw Cullo like that. He patted Cullo on the shoulder and said helplessly.

"It's not good for me to scare you, what's more, what I said is the truth, if you don't believe it, you can go over there with me and take a look.

See the look on Su Yu's face.

Cullo's face also became a little ugly. At this moment, Cullo thought about it and nodded without hesitation, but looking at Su Yu, Cullo couldn't help but talk to him.

"Actually I think."

Before Cullo's words were finished, Su Yu shook his head, and Su Yu looked at Cullo and said casually.

"Don't say so much, we just need to go there now, what's more, there must be some great things in it, but they haven't seen each other after mining here for so long."

When he said this, Su Yu frowned, looked at Cullo beside him, and said with a strange expression on his face.

"It's kind of weird.

You must know that if there is really a big boss inside, it is impossible for him not to know that these people outside are so lively, and it is impossible for him to choose to ignore it, so Su Yu is very curious about all this.

Seeing the look on Su Yu's face, Cullo smiled and couldn't help but pat Su Yu's shoulder and said.

"If I'm not wrong, he may really have chosen to ignore it habitually! 35

Cullo's words rang in his ears, Su Yu laughed, and he didn't say anything else.

At this moment, Su Yu looked at the ores in front of him and couldn't help but talk to Cullo.

"To be honest, people who can come to this place are actually pitiful people, otherwise, how could other people come to such a place to suffer and suffer?

The seriousness on Su Yu's face is not fake, when Cullo heard it, he nodded immediately, but looking at Su Yu, Cullo said helplessly.

"But there are too many things that can't be stopped. What's more, what we can do now is not to stop the things here, and cut off everything at the source by the way."

When Cullo's words came out, Su Yu nodded, but Su Yu looked at the darkness in front of him, but felt his heart beat faster, as if something was staring at him, but soon disappeared.

Su Yu froze in place. After he realized it, he looked at Cullo beside him and couldn't help but speak.

"There must be a big boss inside, and as far as I know, that big boss is definitely not that simple.

When he said this, Su Yu suddenly laughed, Su Yu looked at Cullo, who was beside him with a terrified face, and said without hesitation.

"`~ If I guessed correctly, we might have passed him by.

"If this is the case, then all this is really terrifying, so what should we do next?"

Cullo's tone was full of caution. Faced with Cullo's question, Su Yu shook his head. He didn't know the words. Seeing Su Yu's appearance, Cullo lowered his head and felt that this matter had become extremely troublesome.

Chloe's face became extremely ugly, he looked at Su Yu and said suddenly.

"Why don't we do it this way, we'll act separately, I'll handle the situation here, you go in there and see the big boss.

But when Su Yu heard Cullo's words, he suddenly laughed, he shook his head, looked at Cullo, he said good without hesitation.

"No, it won't work like this."

His refusal sounded in his ears, although Cullo felt strange, but at the moment Cullo thought about it, and he was not suspicious, but looked at Su Yu and said helplessly.

"Then what should we do next? If we don't deal with this trouble now, he will surely become a threat to us in the future.

"That's for the best, and if he wasn't a threat, I wouldn't be here.

However, what Cullo didn't expect was that Su Yu actually looked at him and said these words with a smile on his face.

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Cullo froze in place. Cullo's eyes widened, looking at Su Yu and said incredulously.

"But is it really good to do it this way? What if all this is destroyed? I suspect that this big boss is not as simple as we have seen before. 99

But Su Yu shook his head, he looked at Cullo, he knew in his heart that no matter what means he used to stop this, or even try to make those people break their determination.

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