National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 186 Can't Look Back

It's impossible to successfully block their actions, so the only thing Su Yu can do is to make a very deep impression on them.

For example, there has been a very heavy casualty here. I believe those people will not do such a thing again, and those guys will aggravate this matter and take care of it.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's face showed a bit of excitement, he looked at Cullo and said casually.

"You have to know that it's not me who caused all this, but those guys, so they are the ones who go the extra mile, if you blame them, you can blame them, there's no need to tell me these things, I'll be fine .35

Su Yu said while raising his chin. He was telling the truth. He has always been like this, and Cullo understood his character. Cullo sighed deeply for a long time without saying a word.

The troubles in front of him really made Clow feel helpless.

Cullo also felt a deep headache, Su Yu saw Cullo like that and couldn't help but say Cullo.

"If you guessed correctly, you must have other ideas in your mind. You think I should save them, but have you ever thought about not impressing them once?

When it came to 743, Su Yu had already laughed, and Su Yu looked at Cullo and said indifferently.

"Things like this will happen sooner or later, and it's impossible for us to be by their side all the time to save them."

The seriousness on Su Yu's face was not fake, and when Cullo heard it, he fell into silence. He nodded and agreed with what Su Yu said.

But Cullo thought about it and couldn't help but talk to Su Yu.

"Then what do we do now? Don't you care about this matter?"

There was a bit of nervousness on Cullo's face, he was afraid that Su Yu would really ignore this matter, because he knew that if Su Yu didn't deal with it, the whole thing would turn out to be extremely bad, including these here. people.

They are all innocent, Cullo understands this, Su Yu saw the expression on Cullo's face and laughed for a while, he shook his head, looked at Cullo and said very seriously.

"I know you want me to save them, but what will I get in return for saving them? Have you thought about the consequences?"

When Su Yu's words rang in his ears, Cullo's face became a little ugly, Cullo frowned, thought for a while, and finally fell into silence again, these people are mercenary, how could they listen to Su Yu.

What's more, only if Su Yu came down from the sky to save them, maybe they will remember all this clearly, but what Cullo and Su Yu need are not these things at all.

Thinking of this, Cullo fell into silence and didn't say a word. Su Yu laughed when he saw Cullo like that. He patted Cullo on the shoulder and said very seriously.

"Anyway, I will handle this matter. You just need to remember that most things are not as bad as we think, not to mention that all this is under my control?"

When Su Yu's words came out, although Cullo nodded, there was still a bit of worry in Cullo's eyes, and now looking at the people working next to him, Cullo couldn't help talking to Su Yu.

"I'll take care of things over there first.

Someone was fighting over there, Cullo walked over unceremoniously, Su Yu watched Cullo's back, he could imagine what was going on over there, and it was absolutely inseparable from Pei Ge.

As Su Yu expected.

This guy, Pei Ge, fought with his younger brothers. After his younger brothers finished working for Pei Ge, they found that Pei Ge gave them only a small tip.

So that his younger brothers were very angry, so Pei Ge was beaten.

Su Yu looked at the scene in front of him, his face was somewhat calm, he shook his head and stared at Pei Ge, there was only helplessness in his eyes, he looked at Pei Ge and said with a melancholy face.

"(aeee) This is a poor guy, he doesn't have that much money, and he has to show off in this place, don't you know the rules of survival here?"

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Pei Ge's face became extremely ugly. Pei Ge looked at the younger brothers in front of him and said angrily.

"How can you do such an outrageous thing?"

Pei Ge's words rang in their ears, these little brothers just smiled and shook their heads, they looked at Pei Ge and said perfunctorily.

"You said before that as long as we work with you, there will be countless money? So what we are doing now is not excessive, it is you who failed to keep your promise."5

There was a bit of excitement on their faces, and they didn't feel that they had done anything wrong. Seeing them like that, Pei Ge laughed for a while, and Pei Ge clenched his fists.

While Pei Ge was angry because of this, Su Yu couldn't help but say when he looked at Pei Ge.

"To be honest, this is really unnecessary.

Su Yu walked over as he spoke. He looked at the younger brothers in front of him and couldn't help but smile and talk to them.

"I know you must be very angry, because he didn't give you enough money, why don't you do it again, let him finish your work, and everyone can reconcile."

Su Yu's words rang in their ears, everyone reacted, they nodded immediately, and the faces of these younger brothers also showed excitement, they looked at Pei Ge and said happily.

"Yes, just do as we say.

While they were talking, they looked at Su Yu and smiled. When Pei Ge heard what they said, he gritted his teeth in anger. Pei Ge stared at the people in front of him and said impatiently.

"You guys are a bunch of white-eyed wolves, you took my money, and now you are deliberately smearing me like this, I can see through your true colors.

When Pei Ge's words rang in their ears, everyone just thought it was funny, Su Yu shook his head, stared at Pei Ge and said seriously.

"If you don't want to be beaten, then you should hurry up and work according to everyone's orders, otherwise it will be bad if you are beaten soon.

Su Yu said, looking at Bae Ge and sighing.

The seriousness on Su Yu's face is not fake, Pei Ge heard his words ringing in his ears, and clenched his teeth in anger. At this moment, Pei Ge couldn't say a word.

With a bit of impatience on his face, he stared at Su Yu and said melancholy.

"Don't say I didn't warn you.

Pei Ge's words were not finished yet.

Su Yu was already laughing, he turned and left, the whole thing didn't need him to deal with it, he knew where things would go, just as Su Yu expected.

The younger brothers in front of them all fought against Pei Ge because Pei Ge didn't go to work.

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