Su Yu saw the expression on the young man's face, and patted him on the shoulder for a while.

"Okay, if you don't want to do it anyway, it's like you've never been to this map.

Instead of touching a venomous snake, it is better to stay in those ordinary places all the time.

This is for the vast majority of players, and Su Yu's mentality is also in their hearts. At this moment, Su Yu looks at the young man with calmness in his eyes. Seeing Su Yu's appearance, the young man's face becomes extremely ugly.

There was really no other way, the young man could only turn around and leave. At this moment, he was reluctant to bow his head to Su Yu, but the young man never thought of it.

After he left, Su Yu immediately made the matter public, and sent out the conditions set by the youth.

When everyone found out, their faces became extremely ugly. They thought that Su Yu and the youth had reached an agreement, but they did not expect that Su Yu's request was even more excessive.

For a time, the faces of everyone became extremely ugly, and they both loved and worshipped Su Yu, at this moment.

To be able to give them these benefits without hesitation like Su Yu, maybe there is only Su Yu in 757.

When thinking of these things, everyone's face has become extremely ugly, they even directly touted Su Yu, Su Yu saw their comments, and his face also showed a bit of complexity.

To be honest, he didn't dare to say how powerful he was, but at this moment, at least Su Yu wouldn't do such disgusting things.

Now Su Yu's face is also showing a bit of complexity. What people never expected is that after the young man learned what Su Yu did.

He was also instantly enraged by Su Yu, and also began to think of ways to get revenge on Su Yu.

It's a pity that his revenge has no effect on Su Yu at all.

Except when Su Yu was fighting monsters, he suddenly jumped out to scare Su Yu, or he increased the strength of those wild monsters and made Su Yu suffer.

But in fact, these monsters have no effect on Su Yu at all. If he would be infected by these things, he would not stand in this place at all.

On the contrary, the actions of the youth have also been discussed by a large number of people, and their scolding has been made by those who have regarded Su Yu as an idol, and what the youth are doing now is indirectly harming their interests.

So in this moment, they hate young people very much, and Su Yu also found that the traces of young people are less and less.

Su Yu couldn't help laughing, he knew that the youth was not his opponent, and if he really wanted to play head-to-head, in terms of youth's ability, he was not his opponent at all.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's face showed a bit of excitement.

While Su Yu was happy because of this, he didn't expect that the young man would find Su Yu again, his face was full of exhaustion, and he couldn't help but say when he looked at Su Yu.

"I can follow the conditions you said.""

He really can't help it, he can't play Su Yu and can't consume Su Yu, he has never seen a player as strong as Su Yu who can play him around.

At this moment, he had no other choice but to bow his head to Su Yu.

Seeing the pain on the young man's face, Su Yu suddenly laughed. Su Yu patted the young man on the shoulder and said solemnly.

"I told you a long time ago that I wouldn't do that kind of hurtful things, but you don't believe me, you think I'm a very bad person, and you don't think so either.

Before Su Yu finished speaking, the young man shook his head, and the young man looked at Su Yu and said very seriously.

"Okay, don't say those words."

He really didn't want to hear it anymore, Su Yu saw the tiredness on his face, and laughed for a while, at this moment Su Yu looked at him and said with a bit of melancholy.

"(aeee) I didn't mean it, after all, everyone is for their own welfare and everyone's ideas, but you are too selfish, so I can only use this method to punish you.

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and the youth nodded. At this moment, Su Yu and the youth formed a contract, and the two had agreed to reconcile.

Su Yu went to bring those players to this place, and the youth activated the prompt signal the moment the problem appeared.

Su Yu was very satisfied with this. At this moment, most of the players knew about it, and Su Yu felt it with everyone.

Even Cullo was no exception, Cullo had a bit of excitement on his face, he looked at Su Yu and couldn't help but say.

"My God, have you done too much this time? You are too skilled. 99

While saying that, Cullo gave a thumbs up, Cullo's words rang in his ears, and Su Yu just nodded, looking calm without much turbulence.

Seeing the smile on Su Yu's face, Cullo couldn't help pushing Su Yu's arm again.

"To be honest, I have never seen someone like you in my life."

Cullo's face was full of excitement. Seeing Cullo like that, Su Yu just laughed. At this moment, Su Yu patted Cullo's shoulder and said casually.

"It's okay, I feel that these things are nothing to me, the truly great person may be that young man, after all, he gave us such a gift.

Su Yu's face was filled with excitement.

When his words rang in their ears, everyone couldn't help laughing. In fact, everyone knew in their hearts what this young man's actions meant to them.

In a moment like this, if it wasn't for Su Yu taking the lead back to this place, how could they have come?

Thinking of this, with a bit of complexity on their faces, they looked at Su Yu and said solemnly.

"Next time, if this young man dares to do such an outrageous thing, you must punish him severely. This time it is only because of you that we will come back."

They looked at Su Yu and smiled while talking. When their words rang in their ears, Su Yu smiled and nodded. At this moment, Su Yu looked at the level in front of him and couldn't help talking to everyone.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the first level, what's the problem!"

Su Yu led the crowd to the front, the young man was very sad when he saw such a scene, but he had no choice, he could only make such a choice.

At this moment, Su Yu looked at the scenery in front of him, his face also showed a bit of excitement, he couldn't help talking to his companions.

"These things are really interesting."

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and his companions nodded decisively, each of them with excited smiles on their faces.

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