Looking at such a level, Su Yu also chose to enter without hesitation, and other people followed Su Yu to enter, but what they didn't know was that although the youth agreed, it was in fact.

Each of them entered a new level, which means that they could not enter with their companions, and even if they could, it was only two people.

In such a moment, Su Yu looked at Chrollo who was beside him and said a little regretfully.

"I didn't expect to be able to play with my fans, but I thought I could play with them.

There was a bit of melancholy on Su Yu's face, when Su Yu's words rang in his ears, Cullo couldn't help laughing, Cullo patted Su Yu's shoulder and said.

"If I'm not mistaken, it must be the guy's fault, and I can't think of anyone other than him—who is so boring."

The seriousness on Cullo's face was not fake, and Su Yu nodded decisively when he heard it.

At this moment, Su Yu looked at Cullo and said excitedly.

"Apart from that guy, other people really can't use such means."

Su Yu covered his mouth with a smile, seeing that they were all laughing at him, the young man was very uncomfortable, but the young man thought about it, but didn't care too much about them.

Because for young people.

In such a moment, too much fuss with Su Yu will not solve the problem.

In addition to this, he wanted to see how Su Yu passed this level, and he specially added a unique difficulty to this level for Su Yu.

So he believes that Su Yu will definitely lose, and in terms of Su Yu's ability, he has no way to compete with himself.

Thinking of this, the youth's eyes also revealed a bit of complexity.

However, Su Yu is a cunning guy, so the young man can't help but worry about it, because most things may not be as simple as he thinks.

Thinking of this, the young man's face became a little ugly.

On the other side, Su Yu looked at the first level in front of him. What he didn't expect was that the first level was a ruin. Apart from this, there were countless monsters running out of the corner of the ruins.

Seeing such a scene, Su Yu subconsciously went to beat them, but Cullo hurriedly stopped Su Yu's hand and said.

"Wait a minute, where did they come from? We don't know how this level is set up so weird!"

There was a bit of complexity in Cullo's tone, Cullo's words rang in his ears, Su Yu couldn't help laughing, Su Yu looked at Cullo and said with a melancholy face.

"I guess it's because?"

Before Su Yu's words were finished, Cullo's eyes widened, and Cullo looked at Su Yu and said excitedly.

"If I'm not wrong, it may be because this place is a newly opened map, so the difficulty is different. 35

When Cullo's guess rang in his ears, Su Yu shook his head, he knew it wasn't that simple, but he didn't remind Cullo.

Because for Su Yu, these things are not so simple and easy.

But in fact, these are not worth his attention.

He and Clow quickly dealt with the monsters here.

There was a bit of excitement on the faces of the two, and when Clow saw Su Yu like that, he couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder and said.

"I'm really happy, these monsters are not our opponents at all, if we fight another batch, we should be able to see the next monster, right?

There was a bit of caution and nervousness in Cullo's tone, Su Yu saw Cullo like that, he suddenly shook his head, he looked at Cullo and said solemnly.

"I don't think these things are necessarily as simple as we think, and there may be many problems in this place.

Su Yu said while clenching his fists, if he guessed correctly, it was definitely the young man who was playing tricks, and Su Yu's fists became hard again.

At this moment, Su Yu couldn't help but want to beat the young man.

Sure enough, as most people expected, there are no messy pie in the world. At this moment, there is really a problem with the young man being able to answer so neatly.

Almost everyone encountered the same troubles. They found that these monsters would never be finished. At such a moment, the faces of the fire were full of pain, and they were devastated.

They couldn't help but sigh softly.

They couldn't even say a word. Su Yu saw the expressions on their faces and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. He glanced at the social circles and thought about it. Su Yu chose to encourage them without hesitation.

0**・・・・ …

While Su Yu was encouraging, Cullo looked at Su Yu and said with surprise,

"I seem to know what's going on here, and if I'm not wrong, it might all be an illusion.

Clow's face was full of excitement.

Although such a guess might be a bit absurd, in fact, these monsters crawled out of those corners inexplicably, which means that everything they saw might be an illusion.

Except for this.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his guess either.

At this moment, when Cullo spoke out his thoughts, the young man's face became a little ugly, and the young man frowned, for fear that his thoughts would be discovered.

The young man frowned, with a bit of caution and nervousness in his eyes, no one knew how worried the young man was at this moment.

Su Yu saw the expression on Cullo's face, thought about it, and couldn't help but patted Cullo's shoulder and said.

"It's not impossible for you to say these things, but you have to remember that most of the things may not be so weird, and we are just unilateral guesses now. 35

Although Su Yu said this, in fact he looked at the walls next to him, and he knocked them down without hesitation.

But the expected voice did not come. At this moment, Su Yu and Cullo looked at each other, Cullo nodded, and he continued to deal with the monsters below.

He was holding the magic weapon in his hand, although he couldn't hold it, but if Su Yu could find the flaw, it would actually be a benefit for both of them.

At this moment, Su Yu also swung his fist on a pillar next to him without hesitation.

As Su Yu expected, the flaw, in this place, Su Yu's face was full of excitement, Su Yu saw Cullo and said happily.

"I've completed.'

When Su Yu's words came out, Cullo also saw the monsters in front of him disappear, Cullo cheered, but Cullo looked up at the surrounding environment, only to find that they were in a grassland.

Cullo's face became a little ugly, he sighed softly, looked at Su Yu and said helplessly.

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