"Aren't you just kidding? You hand me this store, I might as well buy it directly, what do you think you're thinking, I don't know?

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, the boss's face became extremely ugly, the boss frowned, looked at Su Yu and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Seeing that the boss was silent, Su Yu's eyes also showed complexity, Su Yu stared at the boss and said seriously.

"To be honest, if you really feel that you are not up to the job, I can give it to him.

But as soon as Su Yu said these words, the boss shook his head hastily.

The boss's face was full of panic, and he obviously didn't want to try on Su Yu. Seeing the boss's appearance, Su Yu's eyes also showed disdain.

Su Yu shook his head, stared at the boss, and said seriously.

"I want to buy this thing now, so you'd better sell it to me quickly.

While talking, Su Yu stared at the boss and sneered, Su Yu's words rang in his ears, the boss's face became a little ugly, the boss frowned, looked at Su Yu and said nervously.

"I was just joking with you just now 04, why are you taking it seriously? And I have been taking care of this shop for so many years, if it really wants to be handed over to you, I am not at ease.

The boss had a bit of stubbornness on his face. When he said the words, the people next to him didn't think so. They stared at the boss, and there was only impatience in their eyes.

"Hurry up and hand over this shop.

While they were talking, they clenched their fists, and they looked like they were going to take advantage of the fire. The boss stared at these people with wide eyes and said incredulously.

"My God, what are you doing? Are you planning to attack me?"

The boss's tone was full of surprise, his words rang in his ears, Su Yu did not deny it, the others just looked at the boss calmly, as if they were agreeing with the boss's words.

Seeing them like that, the boss's face became extremely ugly, the boss frowned, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"I said it all, it's just a joke, why don't you do it like this, today's everything in the audience is 20% off, if you have anything you like, go get it yourself, now.

Before the boss's words were finished, the faces of everyone had become extremely ugly, and everyone frowned, staring at the boss and said impatiently.

"Look what you're saying?"

While talking, everyone stared at the boss and sneered.

Their words rang in their ears, and the boss's face became a little ugly.

The boss sighed softly, not knowing what to do. At this moment, the boss looked at the people in front of him and raised his finger again.

"Well, how about a 40% discount? This can be considered a loss."

The boss's face was full of tension, his flattery sounded in his ears, and everyone just thought it was extremely ridiculous, everyone shook their heads, stared at the boss, and said without hesitation.

"Do you think we care about these things?

Their questions ring in their ears.

The boss's face became extremely ugly, and the boss frowned, not knowing what to say.

Seeing that the boss was silent, everyone's temper became more and more irritable, and everyone stared at the boss and shouted again.

"Would you like to trade?"

When these words were spoken, the boss's face became extremely ugly. Su Yu watched such a scene and did not speak. For Su Yu, these were all brought by the boss.

There are many people who want to take advantage of Su Yu. What role does the boss count as?

He actually dared to do such an outrageous thing, because although Su Yu admitted that it was a bit too much for his fans to bully the boss, but Su Yu didn't bother to stop it.

For Su Yu, always give this guy some color, so that he will remember the lesson this time, otherwise he will do this stupid behavior next time.

By that time, Su Yu didn't have the heart to teach him a lesson.

When the boss saw Su Yu like that, his face became a little ugly.

"I'm really just joking with you. Just forgive me, they won't target me like this."5

The boss's face was full of seriousness.

When these words were spoken, Su Yu also reacted, and the other people's eyes widened, they stared at the boss and said in disbelief.

"According to what you said, do you still hope that Su Yu will take the initiative to apologize to you?"

Their tone was full of complexity. When their words were spoken, the boss shook his head hurriedly, but the boss's explanation was useless.

Seeing the boss like that, everyone's eyes were full of impatience, everyone stared at the boss, and then said again.

"If you don't want to go bankrupt, you'd better hand it over!"

Their tone was full of impatience, and the boss suddenly started shouting at the top of his voice.

"Come here, someone is bullying the weak here."

The boss's eyes were full of grievances. When the boss said the words, Su Yu also laughed. Su Yu looked at such a scene, and there was only helplessness in his eyes.

At this moment, Su Yu thought about it, and said without hesitation to the people in front of him.

"Okay, stop forcing him, it's boring to do it like this, not to mention that he wants this shop, so let him keep it himself."

I just hope he can really drive 773 for a long time, Su Yu thought in his heart.

Su Yu also didn't consider other shops, although he was a little interested in this kind of bounty hunter shop, but for Su Yu.

He has already taken a fancy to the boss's shop, and now, except for the boss's shop, no one else's shop can enter Su Yu's eyes.

So Su Yu waited patiently.

It didn't take long for the boss's business to become very sluggish, and everyone knew about it, and their attitude towards the boss became very bad.

Even if the number of people who cooperated decreases, even those who come to buy leave.

They had no intention of buying at all, and these people didn't come to make trouble, they just ignored him one by one. The boss also felt a headache for this matter.

The boss is irritated by this matter at the same time.

Seeing the look on the boss's face, everyone couldn't help but chuckle slightly. They all stood at the door and waited, and the boss took the initiative to remove the sign.

But the boss seems to be fighting with them.

The boss deliberately guards the shop and does nothing, even if he loses money, he will guard.

After all, for the boss, now is a critical moment, and only after this period of time can he continue to drive.

The boss thought so.

But in fact, the reality is not so good.

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