After all, the anger of those players will not be drowned out at will.

There was only anger on their faces, and they only hoped that the boss would go out of business, so that when the boss resold the shop, Su Yu could accept it.

But what people never expected was that at this moment Su Yu actually decided to open a family of his own, because for Su Yu, it would take too long to wait for the boss.

Su Yu didn't want to waste time on the boss, so he opened a store in the most prosperous place, and when Su Yu opened the store, those people came to cheer.

Those people's faces were full of excitement, they looked at Su Yu, and said congratulatory words one after another, in addition to this, they also took a lot of good things.

Most of the rare materials, they were almost given to Su Yu as gifts.

Su Yu looked at such a scene, his face was only calm, he nodded, he had no extra thoughts about what he did before, and even thought that everyone saw Su Yu like that, although he had long been used to it.

But there is a bit of complexity in the eyes of everyone.

How they wished they could hear Su Yu say thank you.

After all, for them, if Su Yu can do this, they can show off for days, but how can Su Yu bow his head to others at will.

In this kind of moment, the more calm Su Yu behaves, the more ugly the faces of those people, because they know that Su Yu is serious, and Su Yu will not bow to them casually.

Their mood has also become very complicated because of this matter, but after all, it is also the day when Su Yu opened the store, how could they be angry in public, but they only hold grudges, and they will not remember.

After all, they just complained in their hearts, but in fact, in terms of their relationship with Su Yu, and their admiration for Su Yu, they really couldn't do anything to complain about Su Yu, or even hold grudges.

Who will take revenge on the sun?

In such a moment, the welcome that Su Yu received made the boss's face extremely ugly, the boss frowned, his eyes were only blue, he never thought such a thing would happen.

Although the boss also received the invitation letter, but the boss felt that this was Su Yu deliberately mocking himself, so the boss chose to ignore it and have no past.

When those people found that the boss didn't come, they all laughed, and they looked at Su Yu and said without shyness.

"If you guessed correctly, boss, this guy should be trying to find a way to remove his own sign~~?

There was a bit of excitement in their eyes, and when their words came out, Su Yu frowned, not knowing how to respond.

Seeing Su Yu's silence, everyone's eyes also showed complexity, and everyone looked at Su Yu and said carefully.

"Don't you agree with what we're saying?

Their questions rang in their ears, and Su Yu shook his head with a smile. At this moment, Su Yu looked at the people in front of him and said calmly.

"Even if I agree, what can I do? What does this guy have to do with me, why must I be associated with him?"

Those people think that Su Yu and the boss have grievances and entanglements, but in fact it is not the case.

Su Yu didn't have so much leisure time, and put it on the boss.

In fact, Su Yu is still trying to figure out how to prepare her own store.

Seeing the leisurely look on Su Yu's face, everyone burst into laughter. At this moment, they chatted and laughed with Su Yu, seeing that they would do it.

Su Yu also nodded with satisfaction. At this moment, Su Yu looked at everyone and said without shyness.

"Speak the truth.

Before Su Yu's words were finished, the faces of everyone had become extremely ugly, and everyone frowned and looked at Su Yu and said with a melancholy expression.

"Your shop will definitely be prosperous, no matter what? We will bring people over to cheer, you don't have to worry about business problems.

Their voices were full of excitement, and Su Yu nodded as they spoke, but what was unexpected was that at this moment, Su Yu also hung his precious materials on the sales shelves.

Looking at this precious material, everyone's faces were full of surprise.

"Isn't this an East China Sea pearl? As far as I know, not many people in this world have it!

"This thing is priceless, no one can afford it, why should it be listed?

Their eyes were full of horror. Although a group of people were very rich, it was still a bit difficult for them to spend such a large sum of money at such a moment.

But when Su Yu heard their words, there was only peace in Su Yu's eyes. At this moment, Su Yu looked at the people in front of him and said without hesitation.

"`~ I didn't let you take it, not to mention that I just put it in this place as a decoration, so that other people will see that I have something here, and they will think that I am selling something. 99

When Su Yu's explanation came out, everyone was stunned, unable to say a word, obviously not knowing what to do. There was helplessness in their eyes.

But they thought about it, and they didn't struggle too much, but looked at this thing standing next to it and drooled.

For them, they really want to get this thing, but in terms of their ability, it is not that simple to get it.

Therefore, in this kind of moment, they did not hesitate to stand by and watch. In addition to this, some people chose to take pictures for nostalgia.

What they did, although it seemed a little stupid, in fact, the people who were able to come to this place were all invited by Su Yu, so there were also a large number of people who were envied.

But the fact that Su Yu opened the store was also sent to the hot search by those people.

(Zhao Zhaozhao) Most of the people, even if they are watching this matter calmly, but in fact, those people are still a little uncomfortable.

Because they all want to go over there to participate, in addition to this, they also want to go there and take a look at that so-called priceless East China Sea Dragon Ball.

They were anxious and crazy because of this matter, but unexpectedly, Su Yu also reposted his dynamic without hesitation.

"People are welcome anytime, anywhere.

When such a sentence was spoken, all the people were stunned, their eyes widened, and they didn't believe what they saw at all, but at this moment, they laughed and said vigorously.

"It's really nice, Su Yu invited us over."

But in fact, when someone commented, there was also a large group of narcissistic people who swiped under Su Yu's comment area.

"Su Yu is inviting me, not you.

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