At this moment, everyone sighed softly and looked at the boss and said very seriously.

"Actually, we think it's not that simple, it's better."

Before their words were finished, the boss's face had become extremely ugly. The boss frowned and looked at them and said strangely.

"Oh, you guys have changed your face so fast, you have already agreed just now that you are going to get this thing together, but now you show your face.

The boss's eyes were full of impatience. When the boss's words came out, everyone frowned and didn't know how to respond. At this moment, the boss grabbed their arms and said recklessly.

"I don't care what you think? Anyway, we have already decided, so now we really can't escape, and you also know that what I hate the most is people who escape, if you don't want to offend me."

As soon as the boss's words were spoken, everyone sighed softly, and everyone frowned, not knowing how to respond to the boss's words.

There was a bit of deepness in their eyes, and a bit of weirdness on their faces. Seeing them like that, the boss didn't care at all.

At this moment, when night fell, the boss also set off with the tools without hesitation. When everyone saw the enthusiastic look of the boss, they really had no choice but to follow behind the boss.

But they also hoped in their hearts that what they did would not be discovered by Su Yu. If Su Yu really knew, then it would definitely be a disaster for them.

When thinking of these things, their faces became a little ugly, they frowned, and they couldn't say a word.

While they were thinking about it.

The boss looked at them and said without hesitation.

"Don't say I didn't remind you, all the next action plans must obey me, if there is such a little mistake, then you will bear the consequences yourself~~. 35

The boss's tone was full of anger. Listening to the boss's words, everyone nodded without any opinion. Su Yu was just guarding the shop.

He knew that someone was coming, so at this moment, Su Yu lifted the alarm, but the alarm at Donghai Dragon Ball, Su Yu was still on.

Because there is a little warning light, telling other people that there is an alarm here, so those people will definitely know that Su Yu has turned off all the warning lights, except for this one of Donghai Dragon Ball.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's face showed a bit of excitement, and he just stood there quietly on the balcony, looking in this direction.

He knew that someone would definitely come, and as Su Yu expected, he deliberately closed the door, but it was at 100,000 volts.

Su Yu also reduced the voltage.

At this time, Su Yu patiently waited for the mouse to come out of the hole, and at the same time was eating what was in his hand. Su Yu's eyes were a little calm, maybe he had expected someone to come.

So when Su Yu heard those voices, Su Yu also knew that someone was coming, he put down the things in his hand without hesitation, and patiently watched those guys come over.

As Su Yu expected, Kaelin had a bit of fluke and nervousness on his face.

He looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but smiled softly, and he looked at the boss and said unceremoniously.

"It's really strange, there aren't many people on this road, isn't that just taking advantage of us?

Kaylin's tone was full of excitement, listening to Kaylin's words, the boss nodded, the boss looked at Kaylin and said without hesitation.

"I have already said that this matter is not as complicated as we thought, and it has already been decided, we should come here quickly, not ink.

The boss raised his chin with a bit of arrogance in his eyes. When he said the words, Kailin smiled and nodded. Kailin looked at the boss and said happily.

"If this transaction is successful, we can expect to make a lot of money, but how do they solve the warning lights there?"

As Kaylin spoke, he stared at the boss and frowned, Kaylin's question rang in his ear, the boss also sighed, the boss shook his head, not knowing how to answer.

If he knew how to get rid of it, he would have already gone in, how could he still stay in this place?

Seeing that neither of them dared to go in, the other people hurriedly pushed their arms, and then pointed at the wall and said anxiously.

"Climb in quickly and talk about it, otherwise someone will pass by and see us sneaking here, it is estimated that we will have a problem.

When their words came out, other people reacted, they nodded hurriedly, and then turned over.

Seeing their movements so nimble, Su Yu also laughed, just as Su Yu expected, when their hands just touched the wall.

Their faces became extremely ugly, they almost screamed, they hurriedly retracted their hands, and looked at their companions and said anxiously.

"`~ What's going on? Is there electricity on the wall? Why do I feel so numb? Could this guy be harming us?"

When their words came out, the boss's face became a little ugly, the boss frowned, looking at his companions and suddenly said.

"To be honest, I didn't feel anything.

Seeing the boss's appearance, Su Yu laughed for a while, because he had already closed the store, so the boss didn't notice anything.

At this moment, the boss looked at his teammates and said impatiently.

"There are so many hypocritical things you do all day long. Let me tell you, there is absolutely no problem with this thing (Zhao Qian's), I don't believe that I will demonstrate it to you now. 35

The boss turned over while talking. Seeing that the boss's actions were so decisive, everyone laughed. At this moment, everyone also realized that the boss had really turned over.

Everyone stared at the boss with wide eyes, there was only surprise in their eyes, they couldn't believe what they saw, and their eyes were full of complexity and purity.

Seeing them like that, Su Yu laughed for a while, and at this moment, Su Yu shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Their eyes were full of joy, they thought they were lucky enough to enter this place, but in fact it was not.

Seeing them like that, Su Yu also laughed. At this moment, Su Yu went to another place to see them. After all, when Su Yu contracted this store, he also contracted another small building.

So it is very simple for Su Yu to want to observe them,

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