National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 240 Life is like a play

And Su Yu also turned off the monitoring, but the hidden monitoring is still on, and it is also very high-definition.

Su Yu stared at them silently, watching them carefully.

Su Yu suddenly laughed, only to think that these guys were like mice.

Kailin was walking here on tiptoe, the boss saw Kailin like that, and the boss couldn't help urging Kailin.

"You guy, go faster and don't get in the way here."

The boss's tone was a bit urgent. Seeing the boss's appearance, Kailin's face became a little ugly. Kailin frowned and looked at the boss and said with a puzzled face.

"What are you doing walking so fast? What if there are traps ahead? Don't you see that these things are too easy? If one accidentally falls into the trap, we're in trouble."

Kaelin's eyes were full of tension, Kaelin's words came out, the boss frowned, the boss didn't know how to answer, but the boss looked at the surrounding environment.

There was also a bit of complexity in the boss's eyes. While the boss was thinking, he opened the door without hesitation and walked in, but Kailin saw his bold action.

Kailin's face also became extremely ugly, Kailin hurriedly took the boss's hand and said impatiently.

"Are you 780 crazy? Why are you so fast? Isn't this waiting to die?"

Kailin said while clenching his fists. While Kailin was angry, the boss looked at Kailin and said helplessly.

"Don't you have to go faster? If you don't go faster, people from them will come in a while, and we will be even more miserable."

There was a bit of complexity in the boss's eyes. After listening to the boss's words, everyone nodded their heads for a while. They looked at the boss and said melancholy.

"You are right, we must leave now."

Their eyes were full of helplessness. Listening to their words, the boss laughed. At this moment, when the boss looked at Kailin, he couldn't help but say.

"Like you, you are always afraid of your feet, and you get a high imitation thing, and you feel that you are really satisfied in life.

The boss rolled his eyes as he spoke. The boss's tone was somewhat arrogant. When he said the words, Kaylin's face became extremely ugly. Kaylin frowned, not knowing how to answer.

But at this moment, Kailin's mood also became a little uncomfortable.

Kailin frowned, not knowing what to do.

Seeing Kailin like that, Su Yu laughed for a while, Su Yu knew that Kailin had a very warm feeling for Donghai Dragon Ball, but Kailin was always tangled and hesitant.

After all, Kailin is still a normal person, and he is not as mad as a boss. He also knows what to do and what not to do.

So in this moment. Kaelin was also tangled and hesitant.

Seeing Kailin like that, Su Yu laughed for a while, he deliberately threw a stone in, and the sound made everyone's faces a little ugly.

At this time, the boss saw that a material was about to fall, and the boss hurriedly reached out to pick it up, but Kaelin looked at the boss's movements, and he said anxiously.

"You can't touch him or the alarm will be set off.

But Kailin was a step too late after all, the boss's hand touched this material, Kailin was ready to escape, everyone's faces turned pale, they frowned, looking at the boss's eyes full of anger.

Obviously, they felt that all the faults were on the boss. The boss frowned when he saw them like that, and didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing such a scene, Su Yu laughed for a while.

If the guess is not wrong, these guys will definitely fight infighting.

But they haven't started fighting infighting yet, so Su Yu is also ready to see them fighting infighting, other than that.

Su Yu also kept the surveillance and all kinds of information, at the very least, so that he could catch these guys and get things back.

Kailin stood beside him, watching such a scene.

Kailin's face became a little ugly, he looked at the crowd and said with a strange expression.

"It's so strange, why didn't the alarm go off?"

Hearing Kaelin's words, the boss immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The boss took this material in his hand, and there was a bit of excitement in his eyes. He directly stuffed it into his pocket. You're welcome.

When everyone saw the boss like that, everyone frowned, thought about it, and spoke to Kailin without hesitation.

"Could it be that they short-circuited here?"

When their words came out, Kailin shook his head, Kailin didn't know how to answer, but seeing the expression on Kailin's face, everyone couldn't help but talk to Kailin.

"Then let's make a bold attempt now, it's impossible to stay in place all the time.

While they were talking, they stared at Kailin and smiled. When their words came out, Kailin nodded, but when Kailin looked at the boss, he couldn't help but talk to the boss.

"I think.""

Before Kailin's words were finished, the boss's face had become extremely ugly. The boss frowned, staring at Kailin and said with a strange expression on his face.

"Is there anything wrong with me doing this?

The boss's question rang in his ears, Kailin shook his head, Kailin actually wanted the boss to return this thing, Su Yu saw them like that, Su Yu thought about it, and suddenly dressed like them.

Su Yu wanted to mix in and startle them, thinking of this, Su Yu's eyes were full of excitement, maybe they would be startled when they saw themselves.

When thinking of these things, Su Yu also turned into the wall without hesitation. Those people didn't even know that Su Yu came in, and their faces were a little nervous and confused.

They don't know if they should take the materials on this. After all, for them, Kaylin said just now that there is an alarm here, if the boss just didn't trigger the alarm because of luck.

If they accidentally trigger the alarm, the next thing waiting for them will be doomed. The boss saw them like that, and the boss also smiled and said to them.

"Look at your flustered appearance, if I were you, I would have taken it down long ago.

The boss said while encouraging them, Su Yu stood at the door, looking at them like that, Su Yu's face also became a little funny.

The boss frowned, seeing that these people in front of him were still unwilling, and the boss's face became a little ugly. The boss held the materials in his hand and looked at them and said seriously.

"This material can be said to be high-level. If you don't cherish the good opportunity, you may miss this next thing.

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