National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 242 What are you afraid of?

"Aren't you really going to be a good person? Do you think being a good person will make a difference?"

Kailin didn't know how to answer their words, but what was unexpected was that at this moment, Su Yu also deliberately turned on the siren behind them.

It didn't take long for the alarm to sound, and the sound of the alarm in the sky made Kailin's face extremely ugly, and the boss ran away with the first-class smoke.

They just disappeared into the street like this, and Kailin held the East China Sea Dragon Ball in his hand. Until now, Kailin didn't think it was real, and Kailin knew in his heart that this thing did not belong to him.

Even if he really got it, he would feel very uncomfortable in his heart. He shook his head, thought about it, and finally decided to return it, but not with his true identity.

And here Su Yu saw the look on Kailin's face, Su Yu also laughed, and many people came to contact Su Yu, saying that Su Yu's things were stolen, but Su Yu's connection with them, Su Yu But very calm.

After all, to Su Yu, these things are nothing but that.

Even if they really came over to contact him, in fact, Su Yu would not be worried or even afraid because of these things.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's eyes were filled with excitement.

Su Yu was happy because of this-thing.

Those people found that Su Yu became more and more calm, and they worshiped Su Yu a little more for a while. After all, things were stolen, and they could stay calm like Su Yu.

Only Su Yu can do it.

When Kaelin learned about this, Kaelin's face was full of complexity, he frowned and hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to accept this thing with his conscience.

After all, for Kailin, the temptation this thing brings to him is really great.

Even if Kailin knew in his heart that this kind of thing didn't belong to him, what Kailin never expected was that a video was suddenly exiled, that is, the pictures of them crawling in one by one.

Su Yu didn't wait until they returned the things, and didn't wait for Kairin to come back with the Donghai Dragon Ball, so Su Yu didn't want to talk nonsense with them anymore.

I don't want to waste any more time.

Su Yu casually sent a video out.

When this video was sent out, everyone's faces became extremely ugly, and they frowned, not knowing what to do.

While they were thinking about it, Kailin thought about it, put away his East China Sea Dragon Ball without hesitation, then took the box again and hurriedly went out, after all, for Kailin.

Su Yu has already caught a few of them, and if he continues to do such obsessive things, there will be no good results.

When the boss and others learned what Kaylin had done, they all scolded Kaylin for being stupid, but in fact, why didn't they envy Kaylin in their hearts?

After all, what Kaelin did was really what they wanted to do.

But in fact, they don't have that face, and they don't have that confidence. Most importantly, they don't have the bottom line like Kaylin.

At this moment.

When Su Yu was about to release all the videos, what Su Yu never expected was.

At this moment, he also saw a familiar figure appearing in the surveillance, this person is Kailin.

Kailin held this thing in his hand, and there was a bit of complexity in his eyes, and he did not hesitate to place the East China Sea Dragon Ball on the original position.

Su Yu frowned and looked at Kailin with a bit of complexity in his eyes.

He didn't know how to express his feelings, but what Kailin did also surprised Su Yu very much.

Su Yu frowned, and when he was thinking about this matter, Kailin also turned around and left without hesitation. For Kailin, this is all he can do, after all, he can't take out more.

What's more, he just took such a thing at that time, if Su Yu wants to wrong him, he can only offer those accomplices of his own.

While Kailin was thinking in his heart, Su Yu saw Kailin like that and laughed for a while, Su Yu was waiting for the others to come over.

But what Su Yu never expected was that he had not waited until this time for the others, and Su Yu had accidentally released last night's video.

But Su Yu was able to erase Kaelin's figure, as well as Kaelin's posture.

And here, Su Yu also added without hesitation.

"One person came back and returned things, and then I'm still waiting for other people to come back. If others don't want to come back, then I can only publish their information and everything."

0.... ask for flowers...

There was only peace in Su Yu's eyes.

Those fans were excited because of this, and they thought this hilarity was very interesting, but what Kaelin didn't expect was that.

When Kaelin was going to fight monsters.

He was actually blocked by the boss and a few people, Kailin frowned, with a bit of complexity in his eyes, looking at these guys, Kailin couldn't help but say.

"Everyone is usually a good brother, if you do this, it's really meaningless. 99

Kaelin said while sighing softly, he walked back, he was a little scared, after all these people don't seem to be so easy to mess with.


But Kailin's words came out, and all they got was a sneer from everyone, everyone shook their heads, stared at Kailin, and said without hesitation.

"Don't say such things, we don't want to hear about good brothers and bad brothers, it's just a word.

There was a bit of arrogance in their tone. After listening to their words, Kailin's face became a little ugly. Kailin frowned and looked at them and said carefully.

"Then what do you want now?"

Kaelin's question rang in their ears, everyone laughed, everyone stared at Kaelin, and said without hesitation.

"We don't want too many things, anyway, we just hope that you can take out those few things! 35

There was a bit of excitement in their tone, and when their words came out, Kailin frowned, Kailin only felt very strange, at this moment, the boss patted Kailin on the shoulder and said without hesitation.

"I have never seen someone as capable as you in my life."

After he went to return the things by himself, he didn't expect Su Yu to publish the video, and Kailin was also erased.

If their identities and information are really known to Su Yu, what awaits them will be absolutely doomed, not to mention that they don't have the courage to return these things like Kailin.

So at this moment, everyone blocked Kailin directly in this place, and they were going to put the things in their hands on Kailin's body.

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