This way, they can leave the place as if nothing happened.

And no one will doubt them.

Thinking of this, their faces were full of excitement. While they were happy because of this incident, when Kailin saw them like that, Kailin's face also became a little ugly.

Kailin frowned, looking at the crowd and couldn't help but speak.

"Let me tell you, if you hurry to that place and return your things, maybe there is still a way to do this, and it's not as bad as you think.

Kailin's eyes were full of seriousness, but Kailin's words came out, and all he got was a sneer from everyone. Everyone shook their heads and looked at Kailin and said without shyness.

"Forget it, how could we possibly believe it? 99

While they were talking, they put "seven and eighty" of the materials in their hands on Kailin's hands, watching their movements, Kailin's face became extremely ugly, Kailin frowned, not knowing what to do.

Seeing the expression on Kailin's face, everyone stared at Kailin and spoke again.

"Speaking of which. All these things ran into your hands. In the future, I believe that no one will doubt us anymore. If someone does doubt us, then we don't know what to do."

As they spoke, they shook their heads and sighed.

Hearing their words, Kailin frowned, Kailin only felt that something was wrong, as they expected, they put everything on Kailin's body.

Kailin struggled for a while, but he didn't expect the boss to punch him directly. The next second, the boss ran away like this, and Kailin covered his eyes even more, looked at the direction they left, and shouted.

But the boss looked at him and said excitedly.

"Take a good look at who is behind you?"

There was a bit of excitement in his tone. At this time, Kailin looked back and didn't expect his father to come. Kailin froze in place, looking at the other party with complex eyes.

But in addition to his father, those from the yamen also came.

The people in the yamen frowned and looked at the things in front of Kailin, and they said without hesitation.

"Isn't that what we've been looking for? How could it be here?"

While they were talking, they looked at Kaelin and smiled, their words came out, Kaelin's face became a little ugly, Kaelin frowned, looked at them and said carefully.

"I don't know how to explain it to you, anyway, this thing is me.""

He really didn't know, but before Kaelin's words were finished, everyone immediately grabbed Kaelin, and Kaelin's father stared at him and said strangely.

"Why are you doing these things again?"

Hearing these words, Kailin shook his head hurriedly, but Kailin didn't even have a chance to explain, he heard the laughter of the boss's people coming from the alley next door.

That kind of laughter was extremely sarcastic, Kailin frowned, froze in place, unable to say a word, only felt cold all over.

At a moment like this, Kaelin finally understood what their actions meant.

Kailin felt helpless and even had a headache because of this incident.

But his father also raised his hand without hesitation, ready to give him a slap in the face, after all, what Kailin did really disappointed him.

But what people never expected was that Su Yu also came over at the moment, Su Yu stared at the farce in front of him and couldn't help but say.

"Let him go, he's not a thief.

When these words were spoken, the people in the yamen all called Su Yu.

"You came.

Their tone of voice was somewhat relaxed, and the flattery on their faces was not fake. Looking at such a scene, Kaelin's father's eyes were also somewhat complicated.

"How is this going?"

He hurriedly came to Su Yu and looked at Su Yu with a bit of curiosity in his eyes, but more of a anger, he felt that Su Yu and others had wronged his son.

Seeing the look on his face, Su Yu laughed for a while, Su Yu patted his shoulder and said calmly.

"It's nothing, someone wronged him anyway, I don't know exactly who wronged them, anyway, it's not me."

As Su Yu spoke, he raised his chin. When Su Yu spoke, Kailin's father nodded, but Kailin's father still looked at Kailin and said worriedly.

"Where did you meet Hu Peng Gou friends?

There was a bit of impatience in his tone, but he was more nervous. Seeing him like that, Su Yu smiled, Su Yu stared at Kailin, and said 0 without hesitation....

"You should thank your father, just passing by here, otherwise.

Su Yu stopped after speaking, he deliberately lowered his voice, Kailin's father did not hear it, at this moment Su Yu stared at Kailin and his fans and couldn't help but speak.

"Let this guy go, if the people on my surveillance video are still reluctant to come and return them, and they are still going to frame them, then I don't need to leave them a shy paper.

Su Yu's face was full of seriousness, and Su Yu's words came out.

Everyone nodded, and everyone had no opinion on this. At this moment, Kailin looked at Su Yu and cried with gratitude. Seeing Kailin like that, Su Yu smiled, and Su Yu didn't say anything else. .

But when the boss and the others listened to such remarks, their faces became extremely ugly, they frowned and looked at each other, unable to believe that such a thing happened.

They were very shocked by this. At this moment, everyone was in a very uncomfortable mood. They looked at the direction where Su Yu left.

But they didn't have the courage to stand up, Kailin also left with his father, Su Yu looked at this picture, Su Yu couldn't help talking to the people beside him.

"Next time, don't arrest people for 4.4 without any reason, and you must investigate everything before you can be charged, or you will just wrong others just like you."

When he said this, Su Yu looked at the people in front of him and asked without hesitation.

"How do other people live?"

When the words came out, they nodded hurriedly, they had no opinion on what Su Yu said, and looked at Su Yu and said with admiration.

"Then let's go catch those thieves first, thanks to your wit and wisdom, otherwise this time the incident may not be so simple.

There was excitement in their eyes.

When their words came out, Su Yu nodded, Su Yu had no opinion on it, but Su Yu took them away at the same time.

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