When the boss's words came out, Su Yu burst into laughter, in such a moment.

Everyone thought worriedly and didn't even notice the sound coming from outside. At this moment, Su Yu covered his mouth and looked at the boss with a bit of complexity in his eyes.

However, Su Yu thought about it and didn't say anything else. At this moment, the boss looked at the people in front of him with a bit of complexity in his eyes.

"If I were you, I would have made a fortune with these things, do you really forget how hard your life is?

After the boss's question was said, everyone's faces became a little ugly. Kailin frowned. He originally wanted to comfort them, but unexpectedly, one of the guys took down the materials again.

His eyes were full of complexity. While he was holding this thing in his hand, he couldn't help but sigh lightly. He looked at the people beside him, and said carefully.

"How? The alarm shouldn't have sounded, right? 39

When his question came out, everyone nodded.

But everyone looked at this guy, and there was a bit of complexity in everyone's eyes. "You are really brave."

Kailin also wiped the sweat off his head. Kailin looked at his companion and said helplessly.

"You guys are really fat, one or two are not afraid of death.

Kailin's tone was full of helplessness. Kailin's words came out, and all he got was everyone's smiles. Seeing the carelessness on their faces, Kailin also frowned.

Kaelin didn't know what to do. At this moment, Kaelin wanted to have a good talk with them. The truth of this, after all, they only need to take one or two things.

But what may have been unexpected is that before his words were spoken, these people frantically took this thing down, Su Yu followed behind them, and Su Yu's eyes were full of excitement.

They didn't find another person at all, after all, they all had black faces, and seeing their greedy appearance, Su Yu also took a material in his hand.

But Su Yu's material looks unremarkable.

So no one was paying attention to Su Yu.

Su Yu held this material with a bit of excitement on his face, and now Su Yu looked at the people beside him.

Kailin was still hesitating, but Kailin had unknowingly come to the East China Sea Dragon Ball. While Kailin was thinking, Su Yu looked at Kailin and said without hesitation.

"Obviously I like it, why not take it?"

Su Yu lowered his voice deliberately, it sounded very hoarse, when Kailin heard this voice, Kailin was startled, but Kailin glanced at the person beside him.

When Kailin found that his appearance and the clothes on his body were almost the same as those of his companions, Kailin thought about it and didn't struggle too much.

But there was still a bit of complexity in Kailin's eyes, Kailin sighed softly, not knowing what to do.

Su Yu laughed when he saw Kailin like that, but the boss had already come to Kailin's side, the boss patted Kailin on the shoulder and said seriously.

"If you don't want this thing, then I'll take it myself, anyway, this thing can't flow to foreigners. 99

As he spoke, he picked up this thing, watching his movements, Kailin's eyes widened, in fact, this bead was only a tiny bit, a little bigger than the eyeball.

But when Kailin looked at this thing, Kailin's eyes were already glowing, and he couldn't control his whole body. Seeing Kailin like that, Su Yu suddenly laughed. At this moment, Kailin looked at the boss and said without hesitation.

"Give me this!"

There was a bit of urgency in Kaelin's tone, Kaelin's words came out, the boss laughed all of a sudden, the boss nodded and looked at Kaelin and said seriously.

"I already knew you were interested in this stuff.

The boss's face was a little excited, but the boss's words rang in his ears, and Kailin frowned. Kailin didn't know how to respond to the boss, but the boss's eyes were also filled with a bit of melancholy.

Although Kaelin took this thing in his hand, Kaelin still felt very uncomfortable. He still remembered the words he had said before and changed his mind.

Including the promises he himself had made before, and all that.

The image kept popping up in his mind.

Kailin frowned, and while holding this thing in his hand, he also thought in his heart that when these people left, he would return this thing.

He will never do bad things again, Kailin thought to himself, Su Yu saw Kailin take down this thing logically, and Su Yu's eyes were full of contempt.

In fact, Kaelin is just like that.

Su Yu thought to himself, but Su Yu didn't show it, he just stared at Kailin and smiled calmly on his face.

Everyone had already taken their belongings, Kailin looked at everyone, and took them away without hesitation.

Although everyone walked outside, there was still a bit of melancholy in everyone's eyes.

They held the things in their hands and looked back at the shop behind them.

Their mood is a bit complicated, because for them, it is not enough to say that they are holding these things in front of them, and their greed 783 cannot be satisfied.

The eyes of several of them fell directly on Kailin. They stared at Kailin and said curiously.

"You should already have the East China Sea Dragon Ball in your hands, right?

Their questions came out, and Kaelin nodded, and Kaelin looked at them and said with a melancholy expression.

"Although I already got it, I feel very uncomfortable, and I always feel that this thing does not belong to me."

As Kailin spoke, he shook his head and sighed. Kailin's words came out, and all he got was a sneer from everyone. Everyone looked at Kailin and said calmly.

"Don't say that.

While they were talking, they shook their heads and sighed. After their words came out, Kailin's face became extremely ugly. Kailin frowned and looked at them and said complicatedly.

"But I think."

While they were talking, they looked at Kaylin with excitement in their eyes, and they patted Kaylin on the shoulder without hesitation.

"If you really don't want it, you can give us a few brothers, we can exchange this for money, it's better than you.

When their words came out, Kaelin frowned, not knowing what to do.

Seeing Kailin's silence, everyone's eyes also showed complexity, everyone sighed softly, stared at Kailin, and said carefully.

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