He went straight back to Novice Village, so the other people couldn't do anything other than watch here.

What's more, they are also worried that they will be sent away, so they can only wait for Su Yu to come.

But now that Su Yu is here, they also know that the problem may not be solved smoothly.

There was a bit of helplessness in their eyes. Seeing them like that, Su Yu frowned and said with a puzzled face.

"I see you like this, how do you look like?"

Before Su Yu's words were finished, they shook their heads, and they looked at Su Yu and said impatiently.

"This is true, you don't have to doubt that the guy just now was really sent back to the novice village, and he is a famous krypton gold boss. 59

Listening to their words, Su Yu just nodded. At this moment, Su Yu looked at the cloud of "seven eight three" in front of him and couldn't help talking to them.

"Then you step back, I'm going to attack him now."

Su Yu's words came out, and everyone nodded. At this moment, Cullo looked at Su Yu and couldn't help but speak.

"Let's observe it again, I feel that there is something wrong with this thing, and it's definitely not good for us to rashly take action now. 35

There was a bit of tension on Cullo's face, but when Cullo spoke, Su Yu shook his head, Su Yu patted Cullo's shoulder and said without hesitation.

"A man can stretch and bend, what are these things?"

Su Yu said while looking at Curo and smiling.

But when Cullo saw Su Yu's unrepentant look, Cullo's face also became a little ugly, Cullo frowned, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, Cullo's mood also became a little complicated.

Su Yu saw Cullo like that, and said to Cullo with a smile for a while.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if I have a problem in this place.

Although Su Yu's words were like this, when Cullo listened, Cullo's heart was still a little uncomfortable, and Cullo looked at the dark cloud in front of him.

Cullo frowned, and while thinking, Su Yu attacked him without hesitation, seeing Su Yu move so quickly.

Cullo's eyes widened even more, unable to say a word, Cullo didn't know how to respond, Su Yu saw Cullo's dumbfounded look.

Su Yu suddenly smiled and said to Clow.

"Why do you look a little dumb?"

After Su Yu's question came out, Cullo shook his head. At this moment, Cullo could also feel something violent coming from his head.

Cullo hurriedly took out his shield to block it. At this time, Su Yu also found the dark cloud, and sure enough, gave him a counterattack.

If it wasn't for Cullo's timely response, perhaps they would have been hit hard by now, Su Yu frowned, his eyes full of complexity.

When Cullo's shield collided with the attack of a dark cloud, it made a deafening sound, everyone's faces became extremely ugly, and everyone's eyes widened, not believing what they heard at all.

Seeing the panic on their faces, Su Yu waved to them for a while and told them to leave immediately.

But these people will not leave easily, because they are very curious, and besides this, they are also a little concerned about Su Yu, so they want to know how Su Yu will solve this matter.

In addition to this, they were also worried that Su Yu would encounter an accident, but they were standing there and couldn't do anything else at all, Su Yu looked at the dark cloud in front of him, thought about it, and couldn't help talking to Cullo of.

"Take the shield in your hand again, let me try it, and see what happens to him with a small tool?

But just after Su Yu's words were finished, Cullo shook his head hurriedly. Cullo took Su Yu's hand, pointed to his shield, and looked at Su Yu and said with a terrified face.

"You don't want to try again."

When Clow's words came out, Su Yu frowned. At this moment, Su Yu looked at Clow's shield. At this time, Su Yu realized that Clow's shield had long been blasted out of shape.

Looking at such a scene, Su Yu's face became a little ugly, and Cullo looked at Su Yu and said helplessly.

"I'm guessing that this time I'm afraid I've really encountered an iron plate, let's go back and think about other ways first.

It's not that Cullo can't bear the blows and setbacks, he just feels that in terms of his ability, this shield can't tolerate a second heavy blow, so he doesn't want to go back to the novice village with Su Yu.

Seeing the expression on Cullo's face, Su Yu laughed, Su Yu patted Cullo's shoulder and said calmly.

"Don't worry, what's wrong with me in this place? You can just put your heart on me. 39

Even though he said it like this, Chloe's face was still very ugly.

"Look at me, this one is broken."

There was a bit of sadness and melancholy in Cullo's tone, Su Yu saw Cullo like that, and immediately reacted, he sighed softly. Looking at Cullo, he said helplessly.

"Then I really don't know what to do?"

Hearing Su Yu's words, Cullo's face became a little ugly, Cullo frowned, looked at Su Yu and said with a melancholy face.

"Then let's retreat now."

There was a bit of tension in Cullo's tone, he knew that Su Yu would not listen to him, but at this moment, he could only try his best to persuade him.

Su Yu shook his head just as Cullo said his words. As Cullo expected, Su Yu did not agree at all. At this moment, Su Yu looked at Cullo and said without hesitation.

"I still have a weapon here. You take this weapon. If something like that happens in a while, you can block those attacks."

Hearing Su Yu's words, Cullo nodded, but Cullo's face was full of bitterness, Cullo knew that such behavior was very dangerous, and at this moment, Cullo sighed deeply.

4.4 Cullo didn't know what to do, Su Yu saw Cullo like that, and couldn't help but talk to Cullo.

"To be honest, this kind of thing really doesn't count.

Su Yu's words came out, although Cullo nodded, but Cullo's eyes were also a bit complicated.

Cullo couldn't help sighing softly, looked at Su Yu and said with a melancholy face.


Before Cullo's words were finished, Su Yu made a quiet gesture. At this moment, Su Yu stared at Cullo and said calmly.

"Take it easy.

Even though he said that, there was still a bit of melancholy on Chloe's face.

At this moment, Clow also saw Su Yu attack without hesitation, although this time the attack was very slim.

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