And it doesn't hurt or itches, and it doesn't seem to matter, but Cullo has made all the preparations, and Cullo's face is full of tension, he is afraid of such an accident.

But what Culow never expected was that the attack did not come, and Culow's face was full of complexity.

The people watching this scene also laughed, they couldn't help cheering, but Su Yu saw them celebrating there, but Su Yu shook his head and looked at them and said very seriously.

"Now is not the time to be happy.

Su Yu's words came out, and everyone nodded, but at this moment, everyone also heard a rumbling sound in their ears, and Cullo held the shield in his hand.

Cullo's face became extremely ugly, the shield was instantly destroyed, Cullo's face also became extremely pale, and his whole body was shaking, Su Yu sighed for a while when he saw Cullo's appearance.

At this moment, Su Yu can be considered to understand how scared Cullo is of these things. Now, Su Yu looks at Cullo and can't help but speak.

04 "Why don't you do it like this, you should leave this matter to me to deal with, you can go back and rest first, I feel.

It's actually not a good thing to be tough on Cullo.

But when Su Yu's words came out, Cullo's face became a little ugly, Cullo frowned, not knowing what to do.

After all, for Cullo, he wanted to stay in Su Yu, and he also wanted to help Su Yu, but most things were not as simple as he thought.

What's more, these things are too dangerous, and Cullo doesn't know what to do, but escaping is not his character. Cullo sighed deeply while hesitating and struggling.

Su Yu laughed when he saw Chloe like that.

Su Yu patted Chloe's shoulder and said with a melancholy face.

"Okay, just listen to my advice."

When Su Yu spoke, although Cullo nodded, there was still a bit of helplessness in Cullo's eyes.

Cullo couldn't help sighing softly, looked at Su Yu and said with a melancholy face.

"I understand all the things you said, but."

Before Cullo could say anything, Su Yu made a quiet gesture. At this moment, Su Yu stared at Cullo and said without hesitation.

"You can rest assured, I can solve these troubles by myself."

Hearing Su Yu's words, although Cullo nodded, there was a bit of complexity in Cullo's eyes.

Cullo left in the end. After all, for Cullo, these things were really horrible, and Cullo didn't want to suffer. Su Yu laughed when he saw Cullo leave like this.

But the other people looked at such a picture, their faces became a little ugly, they frowned, opened their mouths, and wanted to blame Cullo.

But they also knew that they were not qualified, so they decided to be quiet. At this moment, Cullo was standing next to him, looking at Su Yu, Cullo's eyes were full of worry.

Su Yu looked at the dark clouds in front of him with a calm face, and then started to launch large and small attacks.

But at this time, Su Yu also received various counterattacks from the dark clouds.

Looking at such a scene, Su Yu's face became a little ugly, Su Yu frowned, not knowing what to do, at the same time, he looked at the dark clouds in front of him.

Suddenly, his mind flashed, he thought of a bold idea, he looked back at Cullo, and then he waved to Cullo.

Saw Su Yu like that.

Cullo hurried over, but what Cullo didn't expect was that before he came to Su Yu's side, Su Yu had already jumped into the dark cloud.

Cullo froze in place, not knowing what to do, but when the other people watched such a scene, they couldn't help but talk to Cullo.

"Why don't you stay here, don't go over, I feel Su Yu just told you to stand there and don't come over.

There was a bit of caution and nervousness in their eyes. They were afraid of this guy, Cullo, who would do those impulsive stupid things if they were not careful, but after their words were spoken.

Cullo's face also became extremely ugly, Cullo frowned, looked at them and said impatiently.

"How can I just sit back and watch?

There was anger in Cullo's tone, and when Cullo's words came out, everyone frowned, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, everyone sighed, looked at Cullo, and said with a melancholy face.

"But that place is too dangerous. If you really go in, you will definitely be unable to deal with the danger. Moreover, if Su Yu can solve it by going in alone, we will just wait."

There was a bit of tension in their tone, and when their words came out, Cullo's face became extremely ugly, Cullo frowned, stared at them and said impatiently.

"Don't you bullshit me here.

Cullo said while raising his chin, what Cullo said was only the helplessness of everyone.

Everyone frowned and felt very headache at this moment. When Cullo saw them like that, Cullo's face became a little complicated, and he jumped in without hesitation.

He knew that he didn't have many chances, and if he still hesitated, it was really too late, but the moment Clow jumped in again.

787 Something that Kulow never expected also happened. Kulo actually saw a new space. Kulo was stunned and his eyes widened, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

He still remembered that he just entered the interior of a dark cloud, but he didn't expect to see a vast world here.

Cullo froze in place, unable to say a word, Su Yu saw Cullo like that, and said to him with a smile for a while.

"I've already guessed that the reason why this thing will give us so many hits is probably because there is a world hidden in it, I didn't expect these things to be exactly the same as what I guessed.

There was a bit of excitement in Su Yu's tone, Su Yu's words came out, Cullo frowned, Cullo didn't know how to respond, after all, what Su Yu said was still a bit absurd to Cullo.

At this moment, Cullo sighed softly, looked at Su Yu and said helplessly.

"To be honest, I think what you did just now was too risky, and you really can't do this next time. 35

Cullo's eyes were full of melancholy. As Cullo said it, Su Yu nodded, but at this moment, Su Yu looked at Cullo and said calmly.

"What are these things, anyway, the things that will come sooner or later, no matter what you do, you can't escape!

There was only indifference in Su Yu's tone.

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