"Take your important things with you. We are going to solve this matter now. If we don't do anything, I'm afraid things will really get serious."

Listening to Su Yu's words, Cullo nodded without any opinion, but when Cullo took this thing, Cullo's eyes were also full of complexity, because Cullo didn't want to help those people in the past.

And Cullo also saw their comments on himself and the remarks they made. Those things were so disgusting that Cullo didn't even dare to face it, even though Cullo had closed all messages and mailboxes.

But those people were still able to open another post to scold Clow.

For these things, Cullo felt unbelievable. While Cullo didn't know how to accept it, Su Yu also showed a bit of helplessness on his face when he saw Cullo like that.

Su Yu shook his head, patted Chloe's shoulder, and said without hesitation.

"I'm telling you these things are really nothing.

As Su Yu spoke, he looked at Cullo and smiled. Su Yu's words came out. Although Cullo nodded, Cullo still had some caution in his eyes. While he looked around, he couldn't help talking to Su Yu.

"Why don't you just go this time. I don't want to go out, and I don't want to help those people."

Listening to Cullo's words, Su Yu nodded without any opinion, but Su Yu knew that Cullo would definitely come back soon after he left.

As Su Yu expected, he left the place not long after.

Kuro was already chasing after him.

Cullo's face was full of helplessness, he sighed softly, looked at Su Yu and said with a tired face.

"I always feel that such things are particularly difficult to solve, so I hope to come to help you, and I believe that in terms of my ability, it should be possible to solve these troubles."

When Cullo's words came out, Su Yu didn't know how to answer. Seeing Su Yu's silence, Cullo's face was filled with helplessness.

"Okay, let's go, I already guessed these things~~.

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Cullo nodded without any opinion. At this moment, Cullo looked at the person beside him and couldn't help but talk to him.

"You hurry up now, don't stay in this place, the orcs are here, why are you running here?

But Cullo's persuasion sounded in his ears, but what he got was the strangeness of the other party. The other party frowned and looked at Cullo and said with a puzzled face.

"There is first-hand news here, and of course I have to come here to report."

There was a bit of excitement in his tone, and when he said the words, Cullo frowned, Cullo didn't know how to respond, Su Yu saw Cullo like that, and said to Cullo with a smile for a while.

"I told you a long time ago that you are still quite dangerous now, if you accidentally expose yourself in front of these people, you might be next.

Before Su Yu's words were finished, Chloe's face became extremely ugly.

Because the person in front of him was already pointing at Cullo's nose, his face was full of impatience, he felt that Cullo didn't tell him the news immediately, even though Su Yu was by Cullo's side.

But in fact, his scolding was still overwhelming. Besides him, the people around him reacted and hurriedly criticized Cullo.

They scolded Cullo critically, even though Su Yu was standing next to him, their faces were still a little firm.

Seeing them like that, Su Yu wanted to help Cullo, but Su Yu understood the sin in his heart, and he had to let Cullo endure it by himself.

If Cullo can't accept all this, then Su Yu doesn't know what to do.

Most importantly, Su Yu knew in his heart.

Over the years, Cullo's biggest problem has been soft-hearted, so in moments like this, Su Yu also hopes Cullo can feel all this closely.

Probably when Cullo really wakes up, and when Cullo really understands, maybe he won't do those things arbitrarily in the future.

Su Yu was thinking at the same time in her heart.

Cullo looked at these people in front of him, Cullo thought for a while, and finally ran away in a hurry. He didn't continue to stand in place, listening to their nonsense.

For Clow after all.

If he continued to stand, it would be equivalent to destroying everything he had.

In such a moment, Clow couldn't accept it at all.

Cullo fled like this, and the others saw Cullo run away, and their faces were full of complexity, but they were also recording everything in real time.

Seeing them like that, Su Yu shook his head with a smile. At this moment, Su Yu looked at the people in front of him and said very calmly.

"I should be a mythical existence to you."

Su Yu suddenly spoke to them, when everyone heard it, everyone nodded immediately, everyone looked at Su Yu and said excitedly.

"`~ Of course it is.

There was a bit of excitement in their tone. After listening to their words, Su Yu nodded. Su Yu could feel their admiration for him, including their pursuit. At such a moment, Su Yu looked at them also Say without hesitation.

"So according to what you said, I can be regarded as your myth, but Cullo has already been pulled from the altar by you, right? 99

Su Yu's tone was full of curiosity, he said calmly, everyone didn't realize what was wrong, they looked at Su Yu and said very seriously.

"We didn't pull Cullo off the altar, it's just that Cullo was only a little bit short of being able to tell us these news, it was just his momentary negligence that he didn't tell us, which caused us to have such a thing.

Their faces were full of impatience, their words were spoken, Su Yu frowned, Su Yu looked at them and said helplessly.

"Then I understand, how is this (Qian's Zhao) bet.

Su Yu said while watching them smile.

Su Yu's words came out, everyone's faces became a little ugly, everyone frowned, looking at Su Yu and said with a complex face.

"Are you still standing on Clow's side now?"

Their tone was full of curiosity, their questions rang in their ears, Su Yu didn't answer, Su Yu just stared at them and said casually.

"Don't ask me these questions, because I don't know what to tell you either, and.

After Su Yu's words, he stopped. Seeing Su Yu's appearance, everyone's eyes showed a bit of helplessness.

Everyone sighed softly, not knowing what to do. At the same time, Su Yu looked at them and couldn't help but sigh.

"This time it's not Clow's problem, and Clow doesn't know these things happened, so you don't have to put all the blame on Clow."

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