National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 279 It's Too Difficult

Su Yu reasoned with them now not because he was thinking about Cullo, but just hoped that these people could remember this matter, but when Su Yu said the words, everyone shook their heads.

Everyone looked at Su Yu and said.

"But Cullo has already told us before, whether or not the thin pig will come? He will tell us as soon as possible, but now that the orcs are here, he didn't tell us. 39

When they said this, those people gritted their teeth in anger again, they looked at Su Yu and said impatiently.

"It's just such a small signal, is it really that difficult for him?"

Their questions rang in their ears, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily, at such a moment, Su Yu looked at them and said casually.

"So you didn't take any precautions yourself, just because of such a small signal from Cullo, you were all messed up like this."

Su Yu said, watching them smile, Su Yu's words came out, everyone frowned, not knowing how to respond, they also nodded, these things are undeniable.

Seeing them like that, Su Yu nodded immediately. In such a moment, Su Yu looked at them and said seriously.

"Well, then I have other things to do."

While talking, Su Yu turned around and was about to leave. Everyone saw that Su Yu was walking in a hurry, and they hurriedly pulled Su Yu, and they said impatiently.

"Aren't you going to deal with this? What's the point of you just walking away?"

There was a bit of impatience in their tone, and their questioning rang in their ears.

All they got was Su Yu's calmness, Su Yu looked at them and said very casually.

"This has nothing to do with you, not to mention that these things are not my main responsibility. Am I obliged to deal with these things?"

Su Yu's tone was full of curiosity, Su Yu said the question, everyone's face became a little ugly, everyone frowned, not knowing how to respond.

Seeing how silent they were, Su Yu couldn't help laughing and talking to them.

"Of course, you (aeee) will definitely find it difficult to accept these things, but isn't it all for you to solve? I am a mythical existence to you, but sooner or later you will also will pull me off the altar.

When it came to this, Su Yu seemed to be ready to fight, Su Yu looked at the people in front of him and their ugly faces, Su Yu said without hesitation.

"In that case, you might as well pull it down now."

He doesn't mind pushing himself to the top, because for Su Yu it's nothing to do, and he doesn't worry about those people scolding him because he has a huge fan base.

Those fans are all on his side, but if anyone dares to say no to him, they will chase after him like a mad dog, so Su Yu has no fear.

Seeing Su Yu like that, everyone's faces became a little ugly, and everyone frowned, not knowing what to do. At the same time, Su Yu looked at them and couldn't help but smile and sigh.

"Speaking of which, you must have some opinions on what I said? But this time the orcs appeared, why didn't we give you a signal? Why don't you investigate the root cause? Could it be someone else deliberately released it? ?

As Su Yu spoke, he looked at the people in front of him and smiled. When Su Yu said the words, everyone's faces were full of complexity, and everyone's eyes widened, and then they nodded hurriedly.

Because Su Yu is a mythical existence to them, no matter what Su Yu says now, they will believe it, and now they are going around to investigate this matter.

Seeing them like that, Su Yu laughed for a while, Su Yu shook his head, he just said it casually, who knows that these people really went to investigate the root cause.

Apart from this, they are not afraid at all when they walk in such a place.

Even if the orcs are domineering, they are still able to escape, and they look really fearless.

Looking at such a scene, Su Yu's eyes showed a bit of complexity, Cullo came to Su Yu's side, Cullo couldn't help but said while looking at Su Yu.

"There is absolutely no need for you to stand by my side and speak for me, you know these things are not as simple as you think. 33

Cullo's tone was full of melancholy. When Cullo said the words, there was only helplessness in Su Yu's eyes. Su Yu sighed softly and looked at Cullo's melancholy expression.

"I don't know how to explain it to you, anyway, I just want them to run around for a while, after all, they seem so idle, otherwise how could they do such excessive things?

Su Yu covered his mouth with a smile, listening to Su Yu's words, although Cullo nodded, Cullo's eyes also had a bit of melancholy.

Cullo sighed softly, watching those people running around, he and Su Yu joined the team against the orcs without hesitation. Because of the addition of Su Yu and Cullo, the difficulty was reduced.

Cullo looked at the orcs in front of him. Cullo's face was full of complexity. He couldn't understand why these orcs appeared in this place for no reason.

While Cullo was thinking, the young man looked at the farce in front of him. The young man's eyes were full of excitement. He could not wait for the fire to burn more and more, but he didn't expect it to be solved by Su Yu and Cullo.

The young man's face showed a bit of complexity, the young man sighed, not knowing what to do, at such a moment, his mood also became a little melancholy.

However, young people don't care about these things, after all, a brief failure can't explain anything.

While thinking so in his mind, he looked in Su Yu's direction.

I couldn't help but talk to Su Yu.

"Come here and save me."

The youth's tone was full of panic, his words rang in his ears, and Su Yu just smiled calmly and shook his head.

"There are more people than you need help, why should I help you?

Su Yu's tone was full of curiosity, and when Su Yu's words came out, everyone's attention was attracted, they looked in the direction of the youth, and their eyes were full of contempt and contempt.

At times like these, young people also hear them pointing to themselves.

Their comments rang in his ears, and the youth's eyes were full of complexity, he never thought that such violence would fall on him.

This verbal violence leaves the youth feeling exhausted.

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