While these people were talking, the captain quickly gave an answer. He took out Bi Qiling's key, because the cruise ship was already entering the normal driving area.

Even without this key, it would not have much impact on the ship in front of him, and now, the captain only needs a small action, and everyone can instantly understand.

They nodded slightly, and didn't bother too much about this matter.

Seeing the expressions on their faces, the captain couldn't help but lower his voice and said.

"Anyway, the people in this place were gathered by Bi Qiling, including this ship, which was also prepared by Bi Qiling. He didn't contact us about his thoughts and plans, and we couldn't understand..."

In this case, there is no need for them to announce this matter. After all, those are Bi Qiling's friends. Not only will they not blame Bi Qiling, but they will also express their understanding. In this case, why are they looking for trouble for themselves.

While everyone was thinking in their hearts, facing the doubts of those tourists, they also informed this matter, after all, it was caused by Bi Qiling's key 04.

But in fact, the captain has already seen that this matter was not done by Bi Qiling, but the ship has been out for so long, if such news is given, it will not only be detrimental to himself, but also bring a negative impact to Bi Qiling.

Seeing this, it is better to let those people think that this is what Bi Qiling did. If there is really a problem, Bi Qiling is the one to blame.

It doesn't affect his captain's reputation at all.

His wishful thinking was good, but Bi Qiling was in a daze, and when he woke up, he also felt the whistling movement around him. He hurriedly looked up and found that the waves in front of him were rushing towards him.

Even though there is glass on the window of his room, the feeling that sea water brings to him has lasted for many years, and the soul's familiarity with this area makes Bi Qiling terrified.

He didn't know how to face it, he could only hold his head and said with a complex face.

"Didn't you say, leave in a while? Why did things turn out like this?"

While Bi Qiling was muttering to herself, there was also a knock at the door, and when she heard the sound, Bi Qiling hurriedly let people in, the captain walked in, and the other party's face was full of complexity.

He took a deep look at Bi Qiling, and finally put the key in front of him, then pointed to his room and said.

"I saw a few messy footprints at the door, although I'm not sure who it is, but you look so dazed, I think this may have been done by someone else, but tourists outside have already begun to ask .

After saying these words, the captain tapped the key again and said with a tired expression.

"I have no choice but to tell them."

When the words were spoken, Bi Qiling felt helpless, but in the end he nodded lightly and waved directly.

"If you don't go, you're gone. Now you can only work hard, check every device, instrument, and wiring to make sure that there won't be any problems. Also, work carefully now, and you don't need to probe everything in the past. 35

If you guessed correctly, it must be Su Yu and Pan Genye who can do such a thing, but once the two of them are shaken out, those people on the boat will definitely be shocked, and what they think of Su Yu will also be different.

This is not what Bi Qiling wants to see.

Listening to Bi Qiling's words, the person in front of him nodded lightly and had no opinion on this.

Seeing that he agreed, Bi Qiling didn't care, but looked at the surrounding environment and said indifferently.

"Now start sorting out the ships we get on and off.

His attitude was correct, and the captain in front of him nodded hurriedly.

At this time, Su Yu was still identifying people with Pan Genye, and they wrote all the names of those people in the notebooks in their hands.

This book can be copied into several copies. Su Yu knows that it is necessary to lure those monsters to appear in order to maximize the protection of these people's lives. No way.

What's more, these monsters should generally appear in groups, so he only needs to find a way to follow the clues and control them when these monsters appear, then the next problem can also be solved.

Su Yu's idea was simple, but after he told Bi Qiling about these things, the other party couldn't help but sigh deeply. Originally, he wanted to blame Su Yu for being a bit reckless, but for some reason he couldn't say anything at the moment. sentence.

As Su Yu said, if all this prevents him from happening, then he will happen in another form, and at that time, they will not even survive.

While Bi Qiling sighed, his face was also full of strangeness and melancholy.

At this moment, Su Yu just patted his shoulder lightly and said coldly.

"Just do as I say.""

Most things won't let them down. Hearing Su Yu's words, Bi Qiling could only nod lightly.

He began to carry out investigations, and every time a personnel check was carried out. Whenever there were unfamiliar faces, they had to notify the report as soon as possible. However, before reporting, they had to make sure that their lives could not be affected.

Su Yu also stayed in the monitoring room with Pan Genye.

The two of them just watched the people coming and going inside, and they were able to match every face, and the 183-time Pei Dan also appeared in the surveillance.

Looking at Pei Dan in front of him, Su Yu couldn't help frowning, and Pan Genye said bluntly.

"What is he doing?

Pan Genye does not understand.

In the face of Pangenye's question, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily and patiently saw the bottom line. Pei Dan seemed to be sneaky, but the next behavior of Pei Dan also made Su Yu stunned.

This guy actually ate all the food next to him.

In addition, he reached out his hand to the bottom of the table, and then grabbed a handful of hair.

This behavior is both bizarre and astonishing.

The people next to him didn't see it at all, but because he was Su Yu's friend, those people chatted and laughed with Pei Dan, and they didn't have too much prejudice against him because he was a sailor.

Seeing them like this, Pei Dan just smiled lightly.

At this time, Su Yu also saw Pei Dan raise his leg and kick the guy under the table hard.

Su Yu couldn't sit still and spoke directly to Pan Genye next to him.

"I'll go check the situation.

After speaking, Su Yu ran to Pei Dan's side, because the distance was not far, it only took him less than a minute.

At this time, Pei Dan has already let go of his hand,

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