"What are you doing?"

When Su Yu came over, there was still some excitement in his eyes. Hearing his words, Pei Shan looked up, and then looked at the other people and said.

"It's cleaning. 99

As he spoke, he opened the table next to the waterfall. In Su Yu's attention, there was really a small machine working there.

That machine is cleaning.

And Su Yu just glanced at it and nodded lightly, no longer bothered about it, as if to let it go, but Su Yu knew that it was definitely not a machine inside, Pei Dan's actions just now were too big, obviously hitting someone.

So this guy has something to hide from himself.

Thinking of these things, Su Yu clenched his fists involuntarily.

Without waiting for Pei Dan to react, he simply said directly.

"I need you to give a reliable answer."

At the same time as his fists were clenched, Su Yu's temperament also decreased a little bit, and it didn't take long for Pei Dan's face to turn pale, and those other people left here one after another, probably sensing something was wrong.

After they left, Su Yu grabbed Pei Dan's collar directly, and he pointed to the location of the surveillance camera.

"I saw all the things you did just now."

Listen to Su Yu.

Pei Dan also had indescribable helplessness and bitterness in his heart. Even if he wanted to explain to Su Yu, he couldn't say those nice words. He could only point to the direction under the table and said nervously.

"I did bump into a ghost just now, but I'm not sure it was a monster, and he kept grabbing my clothes, so I kicked him several times. I didn't expect you to see him right."

As soon as Pei Dan finished speaking, Su Yu froze in place, and then asked with a puzzled face.

"So you don't even know what's inside, so you just do it."

Hearing this, Pei Dan nodded. He really didn't know what was inside, but the other party kept pulling his clothes, which made Pei Dan very disgusted. He simply started to let the guy know his temper.

But now, when Su Yu saw Pei Shan nod, his face became extremely ugly.

But Bi Qiling came over and looked at Su Yu in front of him, Bi Qiling said slightly.

"What kind of wind brought you here~"?"

Logically speaking, Su Yu at the moment should be looking for something else. Why is he looking for trouble with Pei Dan?

Bi Qiling couldn't understand, but thinking of the recent events, he couldn't help but leaned forward and said cautiously.

"You did this ship off shore, didn't it? Is it because something was going to happen? You give me some inside information, the two of us work together in private, and I can make sure you don't get caught by anyone else. "5

This is true, including taking all the charges, Bi Qiling can do it, after all, he admires and believes Su Yu so much.

While Bi Qiling was thinking in his heart.

Su Yu heard his words, but shook his head.

"I don't need you to do these things, this time it's really a last resort, but it's okay for you to confess me. 35

Anyway, he can make sure that everything is safe in the end.

Hearing Su Yu's words, and looking at the confidence on his face, Bi Qiling immediately patted her thigh, feeling that she had made the right bet this time, and Su Yu would definitely not let herself down.

But he didn't show it, but nodded lightly and said to Su Yu with a serious face.

"Okay, then do as you said, I'll go check the problem on the cruise first.

After saying this, Bi Qiling turned around and left, while Su Yu was still staring at Pei Dan in front of him. His eyes were cold and he was a fool. Walking past Su Yu, he could feel the difference between Su Yu and Pei Dan. The atmosphere is not right.

But those fools didn't stop, they all left in a panic.

Su Yu and Pei Dan are left to stay in this hall.

Pei Dan also understood that he was doomed, so he squatted down and lifted the tablecloth next to him.

His movements were fast enough, but after the tablecloth was opened first, there were no them in it at all, the machine that he saw at the beginning, and even the black shadow that Pei Dan saw was gone.

Pei Dan had an indescribable fear in his heart. He was so frightened that he sat on the ground. The floor was smooth marble. When he sat down, his whole body softened. After all, the marble was icy cold.

Seeing Pei Dan so embarrassed, Su Yu couldn't bear it, stretched out his hand and pulled him, then pointed to the bottom of the table and said.

"The people inside are probably already running away.

After saying these words, Su Yu also let go of his hand, Pei Dan held the table and stood firm, looking at Su Yu in front of him, Pei Dan said with guilt.

"I could have stopped this, but I really didn't think about that much at the time."

Pei Dan said and sighed, he did have the ability to stop all this, but for some reason, he just didn't do it at the time. Although regretting it is useless now, Pei Dan still hopes that Su Yu can forgive himself.

Su Yu ignored him, but walked around the living room in front of him, and finally returned to the monitoring room. Pan Genye saw that Su Yu was back, and hurriedly told him.

"`~ I've been staring at that guy, he left with a person, the back of that person is somewhat familiar, I can't recognize it for the time being."

Pan Genye said while pointing at the surveillance video in front of him.

Listening to his words, Su Yu hurriedly turned on another computer, and after fishing out those videos, he discovered that the so-called familiar figure was Bi Qiling.

When Pei Dan saw it, he was so frightened that his eyes widened, and he covered his mouth at the same time, and said to Su Yu with a terrified face.

"Bi Qiling has always been stubborn. If he knows that we suspect him, then he will definitely not let it go, and this matter will definitely be caused by him."

Pei Dan is telling the truth.

Su Yu heard but shook his head unmoved (good money), he felt that things weren't that bad.

Seeing Su Yu so calm, Pan Genye asked him again.

"I think you should have a good way to solve it? Why don't you share it."

Pan Genye's face was cautious and nervous.

But Su Yu shook his head when he heard it, and remained calm from beginning to end, in order not to let the two of them go into chaos.

"I didn't expect it for the time being, but I'm not afraid, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge."

This is the philosophy of his life.

Hear this.

Pan Genye and Pei Dan couldn't help laughing.

The two nodded in agreement with what Su Yu said.

But when night fell, gusts of cold wind appeared out of nowhere, passed through the corridor and the door of the house, came directly to the side of everyone, and circled around each of them a few times.

Those people shivered from the cold, and after that, they returned to the room one after another.

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