National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 802 Let's do the problem together

Seeing that the three monsters left, but Su Yu knew that this was an endless cycle, and no monster could leave his palm, and everything would develop according to his plan.

Su Yu was thinking in his heart at the same time.

Seeing the expression on Su Yu's face, those monsters also seemed to have guessed something bad, and before they had time to ask Su Yu, they repeated the same rule again, and these monsters suddenly laughed out loud.

If it weren't for Su Yu's temperament being too difficult to mess with.

They may not really be polite to Su Yu, and now, Su Yu has made such excessive remarks so wildly, so don't blame them for killing them all. These monsters thought about it and started to attack Su Yu.

In Su Yu's attention, the moves these monsters used were extremely vicious.

But Su Yu didn't care, but slightly dodged to the side. Although he dodged, the monsters also tasted the sweetness, probably seeing that Su Yu was not his opponent.

Their faces became a little more excited, and then they joined forces with 04 to hunt down Su Yu. Unfortunately, at this moment, Su Yu has not used his true abilities. After he started to use it, all those monsters fell on the ground. on the ground.

Hearing their wailing, Su Yu's face became a little more excited, he raised his legs and walked over step by step, while gently kicking their shoulders.

"Give me some sobriety. 99

Listening to Su Yu's words, those monsters closed their eyes, and would rather play dead than face the cruel reality in front of them.

But Su Yu didn't give them a chance to escape, and directly grabbed one of the monsters' shoulders and said.

"If you still don't wake up, then I'll just cut your neck."

What he said was extremely cruel.

When the monster heard it, his face couldn't help but turn ugly. He shuddered and was speechless for a long time.

And at this moment Su Yu just looked at them and sighed.

"If you continue to play stupid, then really don't blame me for being ruthless.

The movements in his hands suddenly increased, and the monsters opened their eyes instantly.

Under the terrified gazes of these monsters, Su Yu said without hesitation.

"Catch the other monsters. The more you catch, the more you let go."

Naturally, his attitude was good, but what he said was also disgusting from these people.

Those monsters had always worked together, how could they be willing to obey Su Yu now? Under Su Yu's attention, those monsters shook their heads and said to him seriously.

"Don't look at us so easy to bully, it seems that you can control it, but in fact, there is still a boss waiting on us.

"When the boss knows about this, or we haven't gone back for a long time."

"Then he will come out to arrest him in person, and at that time, let alone you, even a few of us can't help you.

While they were talking, they looked at Su Yu and raised their eyebrows, and the arrogant gesture also made Su Yu laugh.

"Then invite him over."

I just took this opportunity to see who is behind this group of people, and there are three quest completions in the main quest.

That is, these monsters are the first section, the second section will be the others, and the third section may be the final monster.

While Su Yu speculated in his heart, those people saw that Su Yu was not afraid of death, and after a moment of hesitation, they spoke to him again.

"It's your choice, don't blame us for our bad attitude."

"Yeah, our boss has always been notoriously bad-tempered.

"Also, even if you have some ability, in front of the boss, these are all in vain."

These monsters became more and more arrogant because Su Yu didn't kill them all. Now, even if Su Yu just listened to them quietly, he couldn't help laughing.

But now, looking at the monsters in front of him, he mocked without hesitation.

"You people are quite talkative, you have the ability to invite people over, but you have no ability, you can only shout.

The last sentence touched the nerves of these monsters, and under Su Yu's attention, they roared even more dissatisfied.

"It's your fault."

"Stinky boy, don't say that we are not showing mercy to you. 35

While they were talking, they also ran out one by one. Their movements were too fast. After Su Yu reacted, there was a black shadow in front of him, and the guy directly stuck to Su Yu's face.

The death and despair of suffocation are nothing more than the double torture of physical and psychological, but Su Yu is a well-informed person, even if he is targeted by this guy, he is not particularly afraid.

I thought that those guys would use tricks to confuse people, but I didn't expect that their moves were nothing more than that.

While Su Yu felt helpless in his heart, the monster sticking to his face suddenly showed its teeth and claws. Then, he opened his huge mouth. In the black mouth, Su Yu saw sharp teeth and a stench that was blowing towards his face. .

But he was not afraid.

On the contrary, he put his fist into the monster's mouth. The flipping action made the monster frown. The next second, Su Yu directly attacked the monster's mouth, and a huge front tooth was hit by Su Yu. down.

The monster finally realized that something was wrong, and at this moment, he stepped aside in a panic, even if he fled quickly, Su Yu had already broken his teeth.

That is to say, in terms of momentum, Su Yu won the monster, and the other party realized that something was wrong, and immediately looked at his younger brothers and yelled angrily, and listening to the monster's voice, his younger brothers rushed over.

But even if they ran over, they were not Su Yu's opponents. Now, looking at the boss in front of them, they could only spread their hands and sigh helplessly.

"We can't deal with him."

"He bullied us, boss, why did you get beaten like this by him?"

"Are your teeth okay?

As they talked, they approached, and Su Yu felt caring for these people.

But when the boss heard their words, his face turned pale with anger, and he threw them away. After that, he stared at Su Yu next to him and questioned him without hesitation.

"Wild boy, who asked you to provoke us."

The boss's face was full of anger and impatience, and in the face of his questioning, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

Unexpectedly, none of his younger brothers were vegetarians. Under Su Yu's attention, they rushed forward, probably because the boss fell behind and they were not reconciled.

And Su Yu swept them to the ground with the same moves when they rushed over, and these were the moves that the game rewarded him.

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