The moment he was knocked to the ground, those younger brothers also remembered that Su Yu was not a vegetarian.

It was because they couldn't beat Su Yu that they invited the boss over.

It turned out that the boss was not Su Yu's opponent, and they recklessly stepped forward and received a beating.

These little brothers have indescribable feelings in their hearts.

But Su Yu doesn't care about their emotions.

"Call out the black hand behind your scenes."

He only made this request, because as long as these three missions are cleared, he will get a mysterious reward.

What that mysterious reward is, although Su Yu doesn't know, it can make the pattern of fireworks constantly appear on the game board.

That must be a good thing.

Su Yu thought to himself.

His calculations were good, but the little brothers in front of him shook their heads in a trance.

Even the boss looked at Su Yu and sighed deeply.

"How could you do such a thing?"

After speaking, the boss stared at Su Yu and looked at it carefully. This is a living person. In the eyes of these monsters, it is fat food, but they don't want this food to directly beat them to the ground. at every turn.

The boss couldn't accept it, and scolded him directly.

"This is deviant, you are really tired of living."

But Su Yu didn't care, he just stepped forward with the weapon in his hand, his real move was not these so-called weapons, but a quick punch.

These few people didn't know, but when they saw the weapon in Su Yu's hand, they couldn't help but be afraid. At this moment, these monsters were all shocked by Su Yu.

Under Su Yu's attention, the boss suddenly said solemnly.

"I can call Heiyuan out, but you have to think clearly, once he comes, things will get out of hand."

Hearing such an admonition, Su Yu waved his hand, and the indifferent and casual look on his face showed his confidence.

The boss had never seen someone like Su Yu, and although he was angry, he still told his younger brother.

"Follow me now~". 39

Listening to the boss's words, the younger brothers nodded, but they didn't want to hear Su Yu's words just after walking on the front foot.

"If you dare to run away, then I will dare to take you back, tear you apart, and let you experience the torture of life rather than death.

The words he said were vicious, and the boss's face became solemn when he heard this.

He did have the idea of ​​running away, but so many younger brothers were watching, if he really ran away, his face would not be light.

What's more, Su Yu offered to find Heiyuan, so don't blame him for killing him.

While the boss was thinking about it, the little brothers next to him couldn't help but lower their voices and talk to him.

"Speaking of which, can we really solve that guy this time?"

"Big Brother Heiyuan took action, it should be easy to deal with that kid, right?"

"Yeah, even if Brother Heiyuan is angry and wants to care about it, he's just blaming that wild boy for the problem, not staring at us.

The crowd chattered.

But the boss heard their words, but he was not as lively and enthusiastic as they were.

He shook his head and walked through the darkness with a dignified expression. He didn't think things would be as simple as these younger brothers said. From Su Yu's extremely confident suggestion that when he wanted to see Heiyuan, the boss already felt something was wrong.

After all, the momentum on Su Yu's body is not something ordinary people have, and he just beat himself and his younger brother to the point of defeat.

That incident, until now, the boss still remembers clearly.

After thinking about it, the boss directly clenched his fists, just hoping that Heiyuan would be able to solve Su Yu with one blow.

It didn't take long for Hei Yuan to be invited out by him. The other side's eyelids had dark circles under his eyes all the year round. The younger brothers next to him were used to it, but at this moment, they lowered their heads, and no one dared to take the initiative to look up and look at Hei Yuan. .

Looking at Heiyuan has only two consequences, one is death, and the other is being trampled to death by him.

Except for the boss who dared to look carefully at Heiyuan, the other little brothers all pretended to be dead without exception.

How could the boss not know their thoughts.

But it is to escape all the problems and let the boss face it all.

But the boss at the moment did not show panic, but described Su Yu as extremely unbearable. Heiyuan listened for a long time, and finally raised his hand to interrupt what he said.

"I'm going to meet him myself, you guys are waiting here."

While Heiyuan was speaking, he also drifted forward.

In the darkness, Heiyuan was like ink that could not be melted. He passed through the bodies of those people, but no one could find him. When he came to Su Yu, he had not fully appeared. At this moment, Su Yu Yu just looked up at him.

Seems to know where he is.

Those eyes pinpointed his position precisely.

Looking at Su Yu in front of him, Heiyuan suddenly said.

"`~ You can find me again.

He didn't show his body, but hid to the other side, he avoided Su Yu's eyes, but Su Yu's head also turned around.

"Don't try to hide, I can see where you are.

Su Yu said this very seriously.

Heiyuan heard this, his face darkened instantly, looking at Su Yu in front of him, Heiyuan couldn't help clenching his fists. He originally wanted to curse, but for some reason, those emotions got stuck in his throat because of Su Yu's eyes.

At this moment, Heiyuan didn't dare to act rashly. After all, it was the first time he saw someone like Su Yu who dared to challenge himself. Maybe he was really a person. In this case, he had to be more careful, otherwise he would offend him. No good results.

While he was planning, Su Yu also glanced at his quest prompt. The three nodes displayed on the game panel were all lit up, which meant that he had completed the quest this time.

But shouldn't the monsters in front of them be killed?

When he was thinking about the same (getting Qian Zhao), Hei Yuan also wanted to do something?

It's a pity, even if Su Yu didn't say anything or do anything, he just sat quietly on the floor, but when the aura spread over him, he was like a king, making Heiyuan not dare to move at all. .

That feeling happened a long time ago.

At that time, an emperor came to take a cruise ship, and Heiyuan just wanted to scare him, but unexpectedly, the monarch's aura on the other side directly scared Heiyuan into hiding for half a year.

Hei Yuan still remembers this matter clearly.

But now, he looked at Su Yu in front of him, his eyes were not only tired, but also full of helplessness.

"What on earth do you want to do? Let's say it directly, if you want to kill or cut it, you will have a good time.

Don't use the aura of those monarchs to suppress him, Hei Yuan really can't bear it.

Hearing Heiyuan's words, Su Yu smiled.

He opened the reward and was not in a hurry to answer Gong.

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