National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 804 The first ship that belongs to me

After the reward was opened, Su Yu's face also became extremely ugly.

There were also footsteps outside, and he and Heiyuan looked over at the same time.

Not those monsters, but Pan Genye, besides Pan Genye, there is also Pei Dan. The two of them walked one after the other, seeming to be in a hurry to find Su Yu, with a sad look on their face, Su Yu glanced at him just see.

After thinking about it, Su Yu hurriedly waved, reminding the two of them that they were here.

The two of them heard it and hurriedly walked over, Pan Genye was the most worried, but found that Su Yu was safe and sound, Pan Genye also laughed.

But Su Yu also gave him a hint.

Pan Genye hurriedly opened the game panel, but did not see the so-called game reward, but only saw that he had completed this level of clearance and gained a certain amount of experience points.

When he told Su Yu what he had found, Pan Genye was still a little down.

Hearing that, Su Yu's face gradually became solemn. He got a two-story cruise ship. The cruise ship was pink, but he could also change it to other colors. In addition, because the rank has not been raised.

The cruise ship in front of me looked a bit shabby.

It's just that Su Yu187 didn't take him out, so he parked in the game page.

Su Yu watched it several times and determined that he was real, and at this moment, he also discovered a hidden main thread, that is, this game world, everything has something to do with navigation.

When they sail more and more, and the ups and downs they have spent increase, it will bring about an improvement in the level. At that time, their cruise ships will also bring them an increase in benefits.

Su Yu's face was full of complexity while looking at the prompts.

Heiyuan next to him was still waiting for Su Yu's reply, but because Su Yu had not spoken, Heiyuan couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to leave here first. After all, staying by Su Yu's side was a bit boring.

Hei Yuan was thinking in his heart at the same time.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu just glanced at him and said while looking at the cruise ship in front of him.

"It's not right for you to stay here, why don't you go to another place with me.

Just as Su Yu finished speaking, Pan Genye and Pei Dan were startled.

The two looked at each other, and then asked nervously.

"Who are you talking to?"

After all, Su Yu was talking to the air, and at a glance, she knew that she was not asking questions to the two of them.

But Su Yu ignored the two of them.

Heiyuan heard Su Yu's words, and it took a while before he reacted.

This is to drive him away, but Su Yu said again, to take him to another place, is it not afraid that he will cause trouble there?

"Why do you trust me so much?

Hei Yuan asked carefully.

For most people, once a character like him is discovered on the cruise ship, then those people will definitely be relentless in their revenge and pursuit of Heiyuan.

But Su Yu did not do such a thing.

On the contrary, Su Yu treated Heiyuan extremely tolerantly, and was willing to accept him. If he had no other thoughts, Heiyuan would never believe it.

While he was calculating.

Su Yu also just looked at the cruise ship in front of him and sighed.

"This place is not mine, and I don't want any other problems here, so you have to follow me."

He said this very firmly, and finally Heiyuan agreed, and together with his younger brothers, they were packed and taken away by Su Yu.

The cruise ship will soon dock.

What this cruise incident brought to everyone is the afterlife and endless aftertastes.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for them to meet this kind of thrilling adventure once in their lifetime, and it is a blessing in the world to be able to meet them now.

While they were excited, Su Yu just looked at the black abyss in front of them.

Bi Qiling ran over without hesitation, looking at Su Yu in front of him, he couldn't help saying loudly.

"I'm really happy.

Bi Qiling said while holding Su Yu.

(aeef) Listening to what he said, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

"This time I can come back alive, thanks to you, next time you encounter problems and troubles, report my name directly, or find me, and I will help you settle it.

He is also a leader in this sea area.

Hearing Bi Qiling's promise, Su Yu nodded and didn't refuse, just like that, he took out his own boat, and then, in the eyes of everyone, the boat began to drift slowly.

Su Yu didn't dock the boat, and didn't take the initiative to board, but watched quietly.

Knowing that Su Yu was still a little rusty, Bi Qiling told him anxiously.

"You have to take the rope and let the boat dock, or the wind and waves will come, and the boat will go with the flow. 95

As soon as Bi Qiling finished speaking, Su Yu waved his hand, there were those monsters guarding it, and he believed that those things would not happen.

"Don't worry, let's have a drink and celebrate."

Listening to Su Yu's words, Bi Qiling could only nod lightly.

He also wanted to go for a drink with Su Yu.

The two sat beside the dining table, and the boat had indeed been docked on the shore, neither hitting the shore nor drifting far away, as if an invisible rope was pulling it.

This is what Bi Qiling saw when he sent Su Yu back to the boat.

Looking at Su Yu in front of her, Bi Qiling couldn't help exclaiming.

"That's amazing, isn't it?

A wooden board was lifted and lowered slowly. Obviously Su Yu didn't do anything. In this way, he stepped on the wooden board and walked to the top of the boat smoothly. The bottom of the sea was obviously turbulent, but the boat was not affected in any way.

It seems that there are really two invisible ropes, which are firmly tied to both sides of the boat to stabilize Su Yu's path.

Bi Qiling was amazed at the same time.

Pei Dan and Pan Genye also walked to Su Yu's side.

There was excitement and excitement on their faces.

But Su Yu was not as happy as the two of them, but waved gently at Bi Qiling.

The next voyage is about to begin.

At this moment, Bi Qiling just watched Su Yu leave with tears in her eyes.

Having a good friend like Su Yu is an unforgettable memory for Bi Qiling.

The people next to her saw Bi Qiling weeping, and they stepped forward and said in a low voice.

"Okay, don't cry, Deputy Mayor, cry again, everyone can see it.

"At that time, they will laugh at you."

Listening to these people's words, Bi Qiling waved his hand indifferently.

"What are these, just remember, no matter where you see the three of them in the future, as long as it is the three of them, I will cover all their food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and you come to me for reimbursement."

After saying the big words, Bi Qiling left directly.

And those people were just dumbfounded.

After a while, they swallowed their unwilling envy and envy.

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