"It can't be you rotten fish and rotten shrimp, right?"

Su Yu answered casually.

When these pirates heard this, their expressions instantly became extremely ugly, and their fists clenched involuntarily.

If they weren't tied up by the five flowers, how could they be swallowed up.

While these pirates were thinking in their hearts, Su Yu saw that they were in this posture, and suddenly patted his head and said.

"I remembered, it was Heiyuan who tied you up, right?"9

His words were somewhat inexplicable.

These pirates haven't reacted yet.

The next second Su Yu clapped his palms.

Unknowingly, an icy wind blew over, and after that, a strange man stood in front of them.

The man looked a little strange, and while they were watching, his face became serious.

It is about recalling the appearance of the man "One Eight Seven", which is too strange.

Looking at Su Yu in front of him, these pirates realized that something was wrong.

At this moment, they hurriedly covered their heads, all shrunk into a ball, and squeezed towards the corner one by one.

"Stop doing it to us, we are innocent. 35

"Yeah, it's unreasonable for you to do such a thing.

"Why do you want to kill us? We are so innocent."

While these pirates were explaining, Heiyuan heard their words, his face instantly became extremely ugly, and then he told them what they had done.

When he shook these things out, everyone's faces were still a little ugly, and then they lowered their heads again, unable to say a word, obviously they were able to speak just now.

Seeing this group of people in this attitude, Su Yu's eyes were a little more contemptuous.

"Don't talk nonsense, just throw it down and feed the fish!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Heiyuan listened to what Su Yu said. After that, he lifted the collars of these people. In an instant, he came to the deck. The people looked at the rolling waves under their feet, and instantly made a standard tenor. .

Fortunately, Su Yu came in time and stopped Heiyuan.

"What on earth are you trying to do? Do you really want us to die? 35

The few pirates wept bitterly and questioned each and every one of them looking extremely innocent.

Faced with such a question, Su Yu was also a little unbearable. After thinking about it, he simply said to these pirates.

"I don't mean that, so don't think too much about it."

His face was heavy and complex.

If it wasn't for the game panel popping up, perhaps, the lives of these pirates would have been tumbled by the sea and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The prompt on the mission is clearly written, as long as Su Yu can keep their wealth for himself, then he will be able to upgrade his cruise ship to another level.

In addition to these wealth, Su Yu can also gain a certain amount of fame after eliminating the pirates. The more fame points he accumulates, the faster his rank will rise. It is precisely because of this that Su Yu came out to stop this. everything.

"Why don't you tell me your old nest!

His words were somewhat inexplicable.

The pirates stayed for a while, and Heiyuan suddenly shook his hands when he saw their reluctance.

"Would you like to say it?"

As soon as Heiyuan's words came out, the pirates all nodded.

Like chickens pecking at rice, after they were thrown onto the deck by Heiyuan, they kept telling Su Yu to please.

"We must know everything and talk about everything."

"Don't worry. 35

Under these people's desperate assurances, Su Yu also found their pirate's den, including a place to hide their money.

After asking these two questions, Su Yu turned around and prepared to leave. Unexpectedly, the pirates stared at Su Yu's back and muttered to himself.

"It's all your fault for stealing chickens this time."

"You should run when things go wrong, why are you still here? 35

"It's over, the boss knows that this has something to do with us and will definitely not spare us. 35

"But this is also an order from the boss. 99

"Why don't you think of a way to get rid of that kid, I think he is the boss of these strange things..."

"Yeah, this method is a hundred times better."

They thought what they said, Su Yu couldn't hear.

In fact, Heiyuan could hear it clearly and passed it on to Su Yu without reservation. Even the voices of those people, he imitated exactly the same.

Su Yu listened to it for a long time, and her face gradually became solemn.

"You go and imitate me and let them do their bidding. 35

As soon as these words came out, Heiyuan nodded, and immediately transformed himself into another Su Yu. He swaggered and walked in front of these monsters.  …

"Are you talking ill of me?"

After Heiyuan became Su Yu, his IQ seemed to drop several degrees.

When the few pirates discovered this, they couldn't help laughing happily, and they began to fool around in different ways.

Heiyuan nodded lightly while listening, as if he had listened to what these guys said, but in fact, only Heiyuan himself understood how stupid these people were.

When these guys stopped talking, Heiyuan looked at Su Yu's direction and sighed again, not knowing what the guy wanted to do, what was the use of fooling these guys?

It's impossible for them to sneak up this time.

However, he and his younger brothers could only stay on the boat and could not leave easily. Thinking of this rule, Hei Yuan laughed again.

It has nothing to do with him anyway.

After thinking about it, Hei Yuan was no longer entangled.

"Wake me up."

He patted Pan Genye and Pei Dan on the shoulders, and the two opened their eyes and looked at Su Yu in front of them, still a little dazed.

But not wanting, Su Yu directly revealed his plan.

His plan was very simple, from three people into a pirate group, returning to the headquarters with those pirates, and then, transporting their things bit by bit.

Such an idea is indeed simple, but also somewhat naive.

Pan Genye and Pei Dan listened, and their faces couldn't help but look awkward.

After the most 4.5, Pan Genye shook his head gently, and said to Su Yu without hesitation.

"Don't do such a thing, that group of people are not vegetarians, how could they allow us to steal their things?

Pan Genye's face was filled with helplessness and melancholy.

After getting the ship, Su Yu seems to be getting more and more demented.

When this idea came up, before Pan Genye had time to kill it, Su Yu said another plan, and Pan Genye was convinced in an instant.

"Who said we have to do it ourselves? Become their boss directly and let them move things up, so that we won't achieve our goal.

As soon as these words came out, Pei Dan also gave a thumbs up.

Both of them agreed with Su Yu's remarks. In this way, the three of them packed up and came to Heiyuan's side. Seeing Su Yu appearing in front of him in a different way, Heiyuan was startled by him.

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