National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 807 The Battle of Freedom

If it weren't for the breath on Su Yu's body that was familiar enough.

Maybe Heiyuan would also think that he saw the wrong person.

"What are you going to do?"

While he was thinking in his heart, Su Yu just smiled slightly when he listened to his words.

"Don't ask, you just need to keep watch on the boat. Luo

Leaving this sentence, Su Yu jumped directly from the deck, with the boundless sea under his feet, but Heiyuan used his body to extend a smooth road.

In this way, they walked along the road, and when they came to the mountain island, Su Yu still had the same clear look.

Although Pan Genye and Pei Dan followed behind him, they were a little scared, looking at the surrounding environment, they both said a little nervously.

"Is it really okay to do this?"

"Why do you always feel that something is not right?"

"Yeah, are you really reliable?""

The two of them began to speak one word at a time. Faced with such a question, Su Yu did not say a word, but sighed while looking at the direction above his head.

"Just a little bit."

The words were a bit inexplicable, but when Su Yu rolled over and jumped in the next second, Pan Genye and Pei Dan were also taken aback, Su Yu threw the rope out, and the two climbed up along the rope.

But he didn't want to, what appeared in front of him turned out to be another world.

Originally, they thought that what they had witnessed was a strange mountain island. Even if there were pirates here, those pirates would not hide their treasures anywhere.

So those guarantees should be inside the cave.

Thinking of the days to come, the need to shuttle back and forth in the cave, Pan Genye and Pei Dan were a little unhappy.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu discovered their real site.

There was brilliance inside, and singing and dancing were peaceful. Hearing those voices, Su Yu couldn't help laughing happily. At this moment, the faces of him, Pan Genye and Pei Dan changed, and the three of them came to the crowd.

The pirates in the crowd were all very happy. The reason why they were so happy was that they had just robbed a very valuable merchant ship a while ago, and they obtained treasures and money from it.

The Pirate King also specially held this celebration party, just to let these people play happily.

Now, Su Yu and the others are integrated, which is like a few drops of water falling into the sea, quietly and without any problems.

Naturally, those few people didn't notice it, and when Su Yu got along like a duck in the water and knew the location of the Pirate King, Pan Genye and Pei Dan were stunned.

At this moment, Su Yu was just hanging on his shoulders with a few people for a while, and those few people directly told Su Yu everything they knew.

Such behavior is terrifying.

But what Su Yu said was just a few words.

As soon as I heard it, I knew that Su Yu was inquiring, but those people still told everything.

It was a little difficult for the two of them to accept, Su Yu ignored them, but took a careful detour along the rough road to the other side.

There is a wine pond and a meat forest, and there are many people singing and dancing in it.

The Pirate King just sat among these people, his face was full of enjoyment and excitement, and the feeling of hugging left and right brought him joy and beauty.

There are many people feeding him next to him, and the Pirate King at the moment is like a wild boar.

Su Yu glanced at him and picked up the stone on the ground again, he decided to knock out the Pirate King first.

Pan Genye and Pei Dan watched Su Yu's movements, but couldn't help reaching out and pulling him.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Do not impulse.

They both raised their eyebrows as they spoke.

Faced with such persuasion, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

The next second, the stone came out of his hand, and the Pirate King fell down. Pan Genye and Pei Dan never thought that Su Yu would play so accurately.

The people over there were so frightened that they made the sound of ghostly crying and wolf howling.

After that, many people rushed over in a hurry.

At this moment, Su Yu also joined the crowd and became a member of this chaotic army.

"What's the matter? Who attacked our pirate king? 33

While the pirates were asking anxiously, Su Yu also pretended to be anxious, and Pan Genye and Pei Dan were still stunned.

But I didn't want to, the women in front of me suddenly wailed.

"It seems that a rock rolled down the mountain, knocking our king unconscious."

What they saw was indeed true, after all Su Yu was standing on a high mountain and was thrown down.

And the few pirates could not help but slap their thighs and curse when they heard it.

But they were sure that the Pirate King was fine, so they also carried the Pirate King into the room.

Unexpectedly, these people even have a house.

While Su Yu was surprised, Pan Genye and Pei Dan also carefully followed Su Yu to the house after they left.

The Pirate King was still sleeping inside, although there were several beauties by his side.

But Su Yu just whistled at the door.

Those beauties looked left and right involuntarily.

At this moment, Su Yu increased his whistle, and when the sharp whistle sounded, these beauties couldn't help but speed up and walk out.

As Su Yu guessed, they really had an affair with the eldest's younger brother.

After they left, Su Yu also ran in in a hurry, looking at the Pirate King in front of him, he grabbed him without hesitation, and then threw it to Pan Genye and Pei Dan.

"Let the two of you come here at 190, not to help, but to facilitate the transportation of this guy to the boat."

In this way, they have a new hole card.

Listening to Su Yu's words, Pan Genye and Pei Dan nodded.

The few pirates on the boat did not know that they had come to their old nest, thinking that the boat was floating on the sea and it would take several days to get back to the stronghold.

At this moment, Pan Genye and Pei Dan pulled the Pirate King like this and hurriedly returned to the big ship, after the Pirate King was thrown on it by them.

Su Yu also pretended to be sober. He made a sound of beating on the bed, and when the beauties heard it, they all hurried in.

Seeing that the Pirate King woke up, they couldn't help laughing. They surrounded the Pirate King one by one, looking extremely earnest.

But the Pirate King waved his hand gently, and at the same time, pointed to the direction of the door and said.

"Go and call my guys in.

These words were a bit inexplicable, but the beauties immediately did as he said.

And Su Yu just pretended to be the pirate king arrogant and incompetent, and let these people move the boxes to the ship.

Faced with Su Yu's request, everyone felt inexplicable.

But he didn't want to, the pirate king at this moment directly patted his chest and boasted with them.

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