"Long before this celebration party started, I received a gift from a friend. The ship was specially prepared for me by him. Now hurry up and move things up."

After saying this, Su Yu added again, now acting as the pirate king, he just found it extremely enjoyable, no matter what he said, the people in front of him seemed to believe it.

"When we get on the ship, everyone will receive another surprise, you must know that these surprises are specially prepared by me.

While Su Yu was bragging, everyone in front of him just frowned, they thought for a while, and finally nodded lightly, and decided to do as Su Yu said.

Under the watchful eyes of Su Yu, they began to carry all kinds of things, and all the food and treasures were sent to the boat by them.

While Su Yu was just watching, those beauties wanted to follow.

But Su Yu pushed them away with disgust on his face, thinking, he is not the pirate king, why should he accept these guys?

While he was thinking, he also came directly to the boat. Although the other people were standing on the boat like Su Yu, they felt uncomfortable.

Looking at the surrounding environment, they said nervously.

"Are you sure this place really has a connection with us?"

"It looks like someone else's ship, did you go out and rob one day? Didn't tell us. 99

"Yeah, it looks like this is the case.

Everyone kept talking, but after hearing such words, Su Yu couldn't help but get angry, and simply mocked the group of people getting angry.

"What are you talking about? These stupid words, you also say them, are they still from people? Do you think I am no longer worthy of being the boss?"

His attitude is bad.

Those people couldn't help shaking their heads when they heard it, and Su Yu also glanced in the direction of Heiyuan. Although the other party turned into a long wooden board and let these pirates go up, he was also reluctant, and Su Yu guessed the reason.

At this moment, Su Yu was not in a hurry, and simply said to the guys next to him.

"You guys are here to familiarize yourself with the environment first, and I'll prepare a surprise for you in a while~". 35

While speaking, he also glanced at the direction of the island, there was nothing left, and the rest might be the real pirate king and his beauties.

Now, Su Yu didn't want to be wordy, and just threw those people on the island. After all, they were not good things. The remaining crooked melons and cracked dates were also packed and thrown by Su Yu.

The other people seemed fairly upright, and Su Yu took a look at their attribute panel and decided it was useful, so he stayed.

After finishing these things, Su Yu spoke to Heiyuan in front of him.

"Okay, you can take yourself back, and you don't have to do the plank extension anymore."

Heiyuan nodded, and he didn't need to pretend to put on two ropes to make these people feel that the ship in front of them was the real ship.

Although it is a real ship, it is not simple.

Hei Yuan was thinking in his heart at the same time.

The others happened to walk past Su Yu.

Looking at the Pirate King in front of them, they were very puzzled.

"Boss, why are you talking to yourself alone?"

"What are you talking about, why can't we understand?

These people just finished speaking, Su Yu pretended to point to the sky and said.

"I am communicating with the sky, this is a dialogue between God and me, if you understand it, there will be ghosts.

His actions made everyone laugh with satisfaction, and one by one, the group began to praise Su Yu's ability.

But Su Yu listened to them and shook his head casually.

He didn't think there was anything in these things.

Seeing that Su Yu was so capable, Heiyuan couldn't help but take a breath. These guys shivered instantly, and the wig and clothes on Su Yu's body fell to the ground in an instant.

At this moment, Su Yu felt that Heiyuan did all this.

But he was not angry, but looked at these people in front of him.

Those people discovered that the Pirate King was disguised by another person, and their expressions instantly became extremely ugly.

"The boss was actually transferred.

"It's over, we're on someone else's pirate ship.

"Help, what should we do next?"

But they had just finished speaking.

Su Yu froze in place, then asked with a puzzled frown.

"My God, you are a group of pirates, how can you be more timid than pirates?"

His attitude wasn't bad, but those few people shouted in disbelief when they heard it. Under Su Yu's attention, they hugged their heads and rolled all over the floor.

"We're going back, you put us back. 99

The attitude of these people is too strange.

And Su Yu was just stunned in place.

Before long, they took out their hidden weapons.

I thought Su Yu was approaching them, but Su Yu was still watching.

At this moment, everyone embarrassedly withdrew the hidden weapon in their hands.

But Su Yu has seen it.

"`~ Forget it, just stay here, someone will come to train you."

After speaking, he left immediately.

Seeing Su Yu walking in such a hurry, Heiyuan couldn't help staring at the people in front of him. He knew what Su Yu meant. Obviously, they were his toys.

While Heiyuan was happy, he also whistled.

An inexplicable voice sounded, and everyone just felt strange.

There were more than 80 pirates on board.

After more than 80 people were tortured in one night, there were only about 30 left.

Because the 50 really couldn't take it anymore, they just chose to jump into the sea. Even if they died, they didn't want to stay here.

After all, they were game characters, and Su Yu didn't take them seriously.

Just the attribute panel of the 30 people in front of him made Su Yu stunned.

They all have different abilities, some are divination, some are Hercules, some are lucky gods.

The so-called god of luck can turn the situation around at a critical moment.

That doesn't mean that there is trouble at a critical moment, and that guy can choose to turn it around.

While Su Yu was thinking, Heiyuan suddenly floated in front of Su Yu.

Although the 30 people were in a deep sleep, they vaguely sensed that a bad breath was approaching.

After Heibuchi informed Su Yu about the situation in the sky, he disappeared again.

He never thought of taking on these things with Su Yu.

Even if these violent storms will ruin the cruise ship in front of him, it has nothing to do with him. After all, these monsters are the home of the world, and they are never afraid of nowhere to stay.

As long as a boat passes in front of them, they can go up and settle down there.

While Heiyuan was watching the show, Pan Genye also came to Su Yu.

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