Although they had no opinion on this, but when they came to the middle circle of the storm.

At this moment, Hei Yuan couldn't hold it anymore.

He looked at Su Yu in front of him. Although Heiyuan was pulling all this on the deck, his eyes were still able to meet Su Yu.

"I feel like I can't take it anymore.

When Heiyuan's voice sounded, the pirates turned pale with fright.

Almost everyone understands that the Black Abyss is the only way for everyone to survive.

Everyone at this moment began to encourage Hei Yuan. But Hei Yuan felt amused when he heard their words.

Looking at Su Yu in front of him, Heiyuan reminded him again.

"If I really disappear, I hope you can live with those little monsters, and don't abuse them."

After leaving these words, Heiyuan was about to close his eyes. Unexpectedly, Su Yu suddenly rushed out of the "190", when the cruise ship in front of him was overturned.

Su Yu directly pulled Heiyuan in, his movements were too fast.

The pirates were stunned, and after Heiyuan stood firm in front of him, Su Yu spoke to him.

"Stop saying those stupid things, I don't want to hear them anymore.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Heiyuan could only lightly nod his head.

When the people next to him saw Su Yu like this, they couldn't help but turn their heads and look in the direction behind them.

There are a lot of people in the cab who are controlling the cruise ship in front of them.

Everyone knows that once the ship capsizes, all the people will die in this place, and they almost worked hard to stabilize the cruise ship.

Thankfully the ship was tougher than they thought.

If it is their pirate ship, I am afraid it will only take three quarters of an hour, they will drift with the current, and their lives will disappear into the sea.

While everyone was thinking in their hearts.

Su Yu is also feeling everything around her.

He closed his eyes and listened to the howling wind, and finally he was sure that he was out of danger.

Looking at the pirates beside him, Su Yu suddenly spoke to them.

"Don't worry, we are now out of the crisis."

His words were serious, but those pirates didn't listen.

They all shook their heads desperately, and at the same time said to Su Yu with a terrified expression.

"You are talking nonsense, how can you get out of the crisis?"

"Stop the bullshit.

They kept talking.

Su Yu ignored them.

At this time, Heiyuan just looked in the direction above his head, he closed his eyes, but Su Yu heard another prompt appear.

This time, the main line on the game board is long overdue. He has already completed the task bar of weathering the storm, but there is also a hidden task in the side line, which is to catch the cloud monster in the air.

As long as the monster can be caught, then his sailing will be smooth.

Besides, they won't be stumped by those storms again.

After all, there is that monster, and when they encounter danger next, they will also receive a prompt immediately.

Su Yu was watching this side quest.

Heiyuan has fallen into a deep sleep, he needs to rest, and the high workload has brought him exhaustion and pain.

But Su Yu pushed him awake.

Looking at the black abyss in front of him, Su Yu said without hesitation.

"There is one thing, you have to remember, no matter what kind of request and idea I put forward, you must fulfill it, and do as I say, otherwise our next voyage will be full of crises, because the only life is in my hands."5

Heiyuan didn't have time to think after hearing Su Yu's words.

In the next second, a powerful force swept in.

Immediately afterwards, something unexpected happened. Su Yu actually took him to the deck, and a huge wave hit him. Heiyuan could only use all his strength to fight.

After fighting the wave, Su Yu pointed in the direction of his head again.

"I'm going there."

As soon as Su Yu's words were spoken, Heiyuan's face turned pale with anger.

"I can't fly.

But Su Yu didn't care, he just stubbornly asked Heiyuan to take the words.

The other party had no choice but to nod lightly, and then, under Su Yu's attention, he just floated into the air.

At this moment, Su Yu also came into the cloud, where there were lightning and thunder, and countless strong winds and rains spread, and people stayed inside, unable to open their eyes at all, and the same was true for Heiyuan.

"What's there to stay in here?

Heiyuan said while clenching his fists.

He wondered if Su Yu's actions were being made.

But Su Yu found the cloud monster he wanted, and when he pulled it out, there was still a bit of excitement on his face...

Seeing him so happy, Heiyuan only frowned and sighed with a blank expression.

"I really don't understand you.""

Hei Yuan shook his head as he spoke.

He felt more and more helpless about Su Yu's actions.

But in the next second, the storm in front of him seemed to stop.

It didn't take long for him and Su Yu to return to the ship together, and at this moment, Su Yu was just holding the white mist in his hand.

Heiyuan didn't know what those things were, he just looked at Su Yu next to him and said.

"You're getting weirder.

Heiyuan said, shaking his head and sighing.

Hearing his words, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

There was not much emotional ups and downs on his face.

Since the storm was over, Su Yu also directly upgraded the stability of the ship.

Those pirates haven't had time to clean up yet.

Unexpectedly, the entire ship was completely new, and a golden light flashed past. After they recovered, the ship in front of them was already a different look.

In an instant, those pirates all stayed where they were.

And Su Yu just looked at the white mist in his hand.

"You should be the way you were."

Just as he said his words, the white cloud floated out.

After that, he stared at Su Yu and said unceremoniously.

"Why did you bring me here?

There was some dissatisfaction in Bai Yun's tone of 4.5.

Originally, he should be black, but because his strength has not yet risen, Su Yu glanced at his attribute panel, and it is still level three.

Apart from making waves, there is not much that can be done.

But he can change the course and trajectory of most things, like that storm just now.

What made him change his original course.

Su Yu couldn't understand.

But because this thought popped up in his mind, he simply asked.

Facing Su Yu's question, the white cloud in front of him just smiled coldly.

When he told what happened to him, Su Yu recovered from a trance.

Heiyuan closed his eyes beside him, looking like he was about to fall asleep, but the next second Su Yu roared directly at him.

"You are quite capable, if you hadn't made an assertion, how could we have encountered such a thing this time?

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