National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 812 Give them a makeover?

While Su Yu was speaking, Heiyuan heard his words, but smiled unmoved.

Those other people still don't understand what's going on.

At this moment, Su Yu has pulled Heiyuan to the side angrily.

Looking at the white cloud beside him, Su Yu said decisively.

"The two of you are shaking hands and making peace now. After all, everyone will live on the same boat in the future."

Just as Su Yu finished speaking, Bai Yun laughed.

Hei Yuan was completely confused.

But he didn't want to, Bai Yun roared at Su Yu directly and aggressively.

"What are you talking about, I won't stay here, if it wasn't forcibly pulled down by the two of you, why would I stay in this place?"

His words were very choking.

Su Yu heard but smiled unmoved.

"What I have decided, you can't help but resist.

This is real.

Bai Yun's face became solemn when he heard that.

Hei Yuan glanced at Bai Yun from the side, then covered his mouth and said with a light smile.

"It's pathetic.""

Heiyuan said while shaking his head 04.

When Bai Yun heard his words, he suddenly didn't know how to answer.

And Su Yu just looked at the two people in front of him from the side.

After a while, he glanced at his game panel again.

The above properties are still the same.

The side quest was not completed. Even if he pulled Baiyun down, there was still a countdown on it. This countdown might have brought him closer to Baiyun.

Thinking of this, Su Yu suddenly brought Baiyun to the kitchen.

Clouds like him, floating on the clouds all the year round, may not have eaten anything delicious.

While Su Yu was thinking in his heart, the pirate inside happened to bring out something.

He is best at cooking, and has little ambition.

So Su Yu left him first.

When he came out with fried chicken.

Su Yu's eyes also lit up. He didn't expect the chef to understand his heart so well, and the other party just looked at Su Yu and smiled lightly.

But he didn't want to, in the next second, a shadow flashed past in front of him.

That shadow was a white cloud, and he directly swept the food clean.

Looking at the chef in front of him, Bai Yun thought for a while, and asked again.

"Is there anything else to eat?

Just as Bai Yun finished speaking, the chef questioned in a frenzy.

"It's for him, how can you eat this stuff?"

He was furious beside him.

But Su Yu didn't get angry when he heard this, but waved his hand and spoke to the chef calmly.

"Small circumstances, don't bother with him.""

Su Yu said this very seriously.

The chef couldn't help laughing when he heard it, he glanced at Baiyun, and finally looked at Su Yu next to him and said.

"Then I'll go prepare another plate now."

While speaking, the chef also turned to leave.

He continued to work, while Bai Yun was at the door, looking forward to it. As Su Yu guessed, he had never eaten anything delicious.

Now, he was deeply attracted by this thing all at once.

"If you want to eat it again, including every day in the future, then cooperate with me."

As Su Yu said, he took out his game board. As long as Baiyun left his own traces on it, the two of them would be completely cooperative.

And this cooperation will continue until the end of Su Yu's voyage.

Facing Su Yu's request, Bai Yun's face became extremely ugly.

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said solemnly.

"Then do as you say."

At the same time as Bai Yun said, he also entrusted his power to Su Yu little by little.

It didn't take long for the cooperation between the two of them to take effect, and Su Yu just looked in the direction of the chef and said.

"After you bring those things out, prepare food for him next, no matter the ingredients or the coal you need, just use it, don't hold back.

He was telling the truth.

The chef was stunned, he took a deep look at the white thing.

It's hard to believe that this is a big living person, but after Su Yu's orders have been issued, the chef has no choice but to bring out the dishes one by one, and Baiyun loves him more and more.

When Su Yu came over, what he saw was also the scene of Baiyun being intimate with the chef.

He shook his head, not complaining about it, just urging the cook to bring it up.

The chef nodded hurriedly, and put the food up with excitement and excitement on his face, and then told Su Yu about the magic of Baiyun, who could actually help adjust the heat.

While listening to Su Yu, there was a little more joy in his eyes, and he patted the chef on the shoulder and said.

"Then let him learn to help out by the side, so that you won't be particularly tired when dealing with meals.

Su Yu is telling the truth.

The accident nodded, without the slightest opinion, but Bai Yun stared at the two of them blankly beside him. After a while, Bai Yun suddenly spoke to Su Yu.

"I feel there is movement at the bottom of the sea. You should be careful when sailing. If you can change your route, it is naturally the best, but that thing seems to be eyeing you."5

I believe that in a short period of time, they should not easily change their routes.

While Bai Yun was thinking in his heart, Su Yu listened to his reminder and nodded lightly.

He glanced at the head chef, waved his hand at last, and turned away from 190 like this.

The head chef just watched Su Yu leave, and then began to cultivate Baiyun's ability to help with his work.

After Su Yu came to the cab, he realized that there was really something on the bottom of the sea, because the radar kept coming from the radar, as if something huge was approaching them.

Su Yu was also looking at the radar feedback in front of him.

It didn't take long for the picture returned by the radar to be stunned.

Su Yu was stunned for a moment, there was nothing he could do, he believed that this was a giant.

He just stayed where he was, and the people next to him stared wide-eyed in fright.

Hei Yuan even took the initiative to come over and said solemnly.

"This thing is more terrifying than me. It is estimated that his goal is to eat these cruise ships. By the way, how did your sailing route reach such a remote place? Is there no map to tell you where to go?"

Heiyuan said while staring at Su Yu with a frown.

In the face of his question, Su Yu did not answer. Originally, he decided to find a time to fish, but he did not expect such a crisis to appear, which directly caused Su Yu to change his original plan.

"Think of a way to get out of this sea first."

Su Yu looked at the radar prompt in front of him and finally decided to rush to the southeast.

People have no opinion on this.

But when they rushed to that place, everyone couldn't help but talk.

"We feel doomed."

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