National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 813 Tracking of the Behemoth

"Stop talking nonsense, things have already happened, if we don't solve it now, do we have other ways?

Just as Su Yu finished speaking, the pirates bowed their heads. One of the pirates had a seven written on him, and Su Yu knew that he was the No. 7 pirate.

But Su Yu didn't expect that this guy was walking around on the deck in a sly manner.

He thought that Su Yu didn't notice him, so he turned over the deck neatly, ready to jump into the sea, seeing this guy's actions like this, Su Yu immediately burst out laughing.

Hearing the laughter coming from behind, Pirate No. 7 shuddered involuntarily, and he looked back at Su Yu, as if afraid.

And Su Yu just waved his hand lightly, and said to Pirate No. 7 casually.

"If you want to leave, just jump down, I won't stop you, it's just feeding the fish anyway, do you think a guy like you can beat that behemoth? 35

Su Yu's face was full of seriousness, and when Pirate No. 7 heard it, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

He stayed for a while, and finally sighed deeply. There were countless thoughts in his heart, and in the end, these things turned into ashes.

Before Su Yu could react, Pirate No. 7 smiled and explained to him.

"I don't really want to run away, I just want to see what's under there, so that I can let you know what the hell is chasing us? 39

There was excitement and excitement on his face.

It seemed that he was helping Su Yu, but the courteous gesture was extremely false and ugly. Su Yu shook his head and ignored him. Looking at the people behind him, Su Yu suddenly lowered his voice and said.

"There's something you need to pay attention to."

Hearing Su Yu's words, those few frowned involuntarily.

Before he had time to ask, in the next second, Su Yu pointed directly at the boat under his feet.

"Since you were brought to this ship by me, your fate has been firmly tied to this ship. Unless you die, you will never escape from all the control of this ship~". 35

His words were somewhat inexplicable, and everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it. Although they were pirates, they had been drifting at sea for a while, and they were also familiar with sailing.

"Don't say such words, we are not traitors, and it is impossible to leave you easily.

"Yeah, you'll look disgusting to us people by doing this."

"When did we betray you?"

Those pirates were a little dissatisfied, they chatted, probably because they felt that Su Yu killed them with a stick because of the pirate number seven, and they were a little disgusted.

But Su Yu felt amused when he heard their words.

He shook his head and re-explained to these pirates without hesitation.

"I don't mean what you said, I just want to tell you that this ship of mine is different from other ships. From the beginning to the present, the problems you have encountered may be more realistic or even rare. ,but

When he said this, Su Yu suddenly stopped and took a deep breath, probably knowing that these people might not believe what he said.

Su Yu was a little helpless at the moment, but while clenching his fists, he still told his own things.

"That is to say, when we stay on this ship next, we will encounter all kinds of strange things, such as that kind of unbelievable unscientific power...

This sentence, Su Yu said very seriously.

The few pirates heard that they all fell into a daze, the air also fell into silence, and the atmosphere froze even more.

Su Yu didn't care about their emotions either, just waited quietly for them to respond to him.

They looked at Su Yu several times to make sure that the guy was serious and that there was no joke on his face.

They were stunned again, unable to say a word for a long time, Heiyuan glanced at Su Yu, and said succinctly.

"What nonsense are you talking to these people, let them see directly, the abilities of us people, and then they believe everything, why bother to accommodate them like this.

Heiyuan said while clenching his fists. During this time, these pirates have improved a lot in his food and place of residence.

If these guys really want to leave, Heiyuan will definitely teach them a lesson.

However, Heiyuan didn't know how to express all of this, and only knew to let Su Yu let these people stay.

But Su Yu didn't do what he said.

At this moment, Su Yu was silently watching the pirates in front of him.

When these pirates responded, Su Yu's face also got a little more smile.

"What can I do now? It's all on your pirate ship. It's impossible to go down, right? No one knows what's under there. We can only hold on and live well."

"`~Yeah, they're already on your boat, so it's impossible to leave, and it's good to eat and drink here, and don't worry about dressing warmly, we don't need to think about other things."5

"As long as you can save our lives, nothing else really matters. 35

"Yeah, you have to try your best to save our lives.

The pirates looked at Su Yu and smiled as they spoke, their gestures pointed with a hint of pleading.

Hearing this, Su Yu just waved his hand and patted his chest to indicate that he would definitely be able to do it.

With his assurances, the pirates also laughed.

At this moment, Su Yu was just looking at the direction of the horizon, where countless dark clouds condensed, and the little white cloud soon appeared in front of Su Yu.

There was a look of care and fear on the other's face.

Even if it's just the game world, Su Yu and Pan Genye are as serious as ever.

Pan Genye has been looking at the radar in the cab, as well as various distribution area maps.

His careful palm (De Nuo's) controls it all.

Although Pei Dan is also working next to him, he is nothing more than pouring water for tea.

Su Yu didn't know these things.

When Xiao Baiyun came to him, there was a bit of worry and helplessness on his face.

"You probably don't know how bad things are over there.

Xiao Baiyun said while sighing deeply.

Hearing his words, Su Yu couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and smile.

"Looking at what you said, is there something big happening over there?

Hearing Su Yu's words, Xiao Baiyun didn't know how to answer.

When the other people saw Su Yu like this, they hurriedly spoke again.

"Don't interrupt Xiao Baiyun, let him finish his words first.

Those people said anxiously, Su Yu was a little too confident.

While they were thinking, Su Yu ignored them, raised his chin, and tasted the things in his hands calmly.

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