It wasn't that he was overconfident, but that some things weren't as dangerous as they thought.

While thinking about it, Su Yu also thought of the upgrade he had made some time ago. That upgrade could prevent his ship from being destroyed by those dark clouds, as long as it wasn't a dark cloud with a strange aura.

Even if the other dark clouds came, they would not have any effect on him, at most they would be tossing and turning on the sea.

But such a situation should be adapted to every crew member, and Su Yu has long been used to it.

At this moment, Su Yu just stared at Xiao Baiyun like this.

After Xiao Baiyun finished reporting the situation over there, Su Yu waved his hand.

Although the pirates next to him were a little worried, this situation had often been encountered before, and they were not particularly afraid.

And now, when Su Yu looked up at the horizon, he also spoke directly to these pirates.

"Continue to do your work, your own, if there is a situation, I will definitely tell you, but you have to believe that there is no problem now.

He was telling the truth, those pirates nodded hurriedly when they heard it, and then just left in twos and threes.

Seeing them go 190, Su Yu looked at the little white cloud beside him again.

"Except for the weird and problematic ones, other dark clouds really don't need to be actively reported.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Baiyun nodded.

After all, it was the duty of those pirates to watch the clouds and storms.

If they don't know how to report, then Su Yu will throw them down next.

Heiyuan looked at Su Yu next to him and couldn't help but sigh.

"You are so handsome, why don't you give up this position and let me do it for a day!"5

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows while watching Su Yu.

But at this moment, Su Yu shook his head and didn't take Heiyuan seriously.

With the passage of time, there are countless dark clouds condensing little by little in that place on the horizon.

Looking at those dark clouds, Su Yu couldn't help frowning, looking at the direction under his feet.

Saw that behemoth.

That guy was getting closer and closer to their ship, and he was about to jump on their ship. Su Yu also took out his weapon, which was rewarded to him by the system. Although he could only attack three times, each time The attacks are very powerful.

Looking at the weapon in Su Yu's hand, Heiyuan couldn't help but leaned forward and said.

"What are you trying to do? Are you going to attack him?"

Heiyuan said while looking at Su Yu and laughing.

In the face of his question, Su Yu just nodded lightly, and immediately, aimed at the head of the behemoth, just like this, Su Yu launched his first attack.

The behemoth disappeared without a trace in that explosion.

Seeing the guy escape, Su Yu was also relieved.

The other people didn't expect things to be so simple, and they cheered involuntarily for a while, listening to their voices, Su Yu just waved his hand and said calmly.

"Small situations don't have to be too happy."

He raised his chin while speaking, and seemed to be extremely proud, but he knew in his heart that some things were not that simple.

The big fish certainly won't let them go easily.

Especially when the behemoth is approaching, a prompt appears on the main quest.

In the game panel, Su Yu saw various main lines and branch lines. Although those things have not been opened, they are still blank, but Su Yu knows that there is such a large space, which means that this voyage will be becomes very interesting.

While he was thinking.

The other people were also savoring the present life, with excitement and excitement on their faces, because the behemoth was taken down by Su Yu, and those people couldn't help but relax.

At this moment, Su Yu just walked to the cab. Although Pan Genye was still busy there, but because the behemoth was gone, Pan Genye was also happy to talk to Pei Dan next to him.

While the two of them were chatting, (aeef) Su Yu also stepped forward and said solemnly.

"There will be other things to come.

Just as Su Yu finished speaking, Pan Genye's face became extremely ugly.

He really couldn't stand this situation.

This kind of differential treatment makes Pan Genye want to destroy the game world in front of him.

But because of Su Yu's calmness and the relationship between the two.

Pan Genye finally endured the fire in his stomach and spoke directly to Su Yu.

"But there are no hints on my game panel. 35

Listening to Pan Genye's words, Su Yu just waved his hand and said casually.

"It's normal to have no prompts, because some commands are triggered by actions. If you also imagine that there are a lot of side quests and main quests like me, just go ahead and trigger them.

After saying this, Su Yu pointed to the deck outside again.

"Like going fishing."

When he saw the dazed look on Pan Genye's face, he simply gave him a clear path.

Listening to Su Yu's words, Pan Genye nodded.

At this moment, Pan Genye was no longer vague, and directly gave Pei Dan the piston in his hand.

Although the other party had no opinion, Pei Dan couldn't help but sigh with a smile while looking at the command button in front of him.

"This stuff is amazing.

Pei Dan said while looking at Su Yu and laughing.

But Su Yu didn't trust him with these things, so he let the other people come over.

When the pirates heard Su Yu's words, they naturally had no opinion. While they were busy, they were constantly monitoring the display on the radar.

Pei Dan watched Pan Genye fishing, and when he was hesitant, he also came to Pan Genye's side.

The two of them caught fish beside them, Su Yu thought about it, and also imitated their appearance and fished beside them.

But he didn't put any bait on the line and just threw it down.

When the hook was thrown down, many people laughed, and the pirates directly covered their mouths and mocked Su Yu.

"You think it's too beautiful, don't you? Those fish are not fools, how could they come up with this hook?"

As soon as these people finished speaking, Su Yu laughed, he shook his head slightly, and responded with an inscrutable expression.

"It's because they don't do it that way, that's why I play it.

Hearing these words, those people couldn't help but spread their hands and looked like they couldn't help Su Yu.

At this moment, Su Yu ignored them and continued to look at the fishing rod in his hand.

As time goes by every minute and every second.

He also caught more and more fish.

No one thought he could pull up so many fish without a hook.

Those pirates were already stunned, as was Pang Genye, but Su Yu didn't have any side quests, which meant that things were small.

While Pan Genye was thinking about it, he also felt relieved.

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