National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 819 Can it still work?

In the end, Pan Genye also closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep with peace of mind. Anyway, there is such a powerful existence as Su Yu, even if he didn't make a move, these things are nothing.

Pan Genye was thinking in his heart, but after Su Yu left Pan Genye's room, the pirates also came to him one after another. Those pirates did not continue to joke, but said solemnly.

"We've already investigated, what exactly is that?"

"Based on our years of sailing experience, and the books and notebooks we carry with us. This thing is an enormous monster.

"He can eat a boat in one bite."

"In the ocean, although his existence is inconspicuous, once this kind of thing appears, it is often accompanied by tornadoes. In these two appearances, he did not cause tornadoes, and he may not want to really eat us."

But Su Yu used a tough method to get him away just now, and it is estimated that he will reappear soon, and it must be that tough method.

At that time, waiting for everyone will be doomed.

While they were reporting, Su Yu was also listening quietly, and after a while, he nodded and said.

"Okay I already know.""

All I can say now is this sentence.

After leaving these, Su Yu stopped paying attention to the people in front of him. Seeing him behave so indifferently, everyone couldn't help clenching their fists and saying.

"Why are you like this? Don't you have the slightest touch?

When this kind of thing happened, logically, Su Yu should have made a certain response.

But he was so indifferent.

People really couldn't bear it.

Su Yu just glanced at them and walked in the other direction.

He wanted to go to Heiyuan to discuss a solution.

Since that thing has been eyeing them, then he and Heiyuan should find a way to join forces to hunt and kill.

Instead of letting him be a hunted monster in the dark.

Su Yu pondered in her heart.

Heiyuan learned that Su Yu came here for these reasons, his face became ugly, and then he lightly patted Su Yu's shoulder to remind him.

"Don't think about it, it's not as simple as we thought. 35

After saying these words, Heiyuan ignored Su Yu and looked at the books in his hands. The books were all taken from the pirates. The record on the page above is also about this. monster.

He read it with relish, originally in his cognition, this kind of monster will only appear in the magical books, and those (aeef) rumors passed on from person to person.

But now the monster really exists, and once he takes action, even if he is Heiyuan, in fact, he is also a dead end.

While he was watching, Su Yu spoke beside him.

"Do you really have no clue?"

Facing Su Yu's question, Heiyuan just smiled lightly, then put down the book in his hand, and explained to him the current situation, that the monster is not the two of them, and now they can try to solve it.

There are too many unknown factors lurking in ambush, and with their current capabilities, it is completely impossible to solve.

After talking for a long time, Heiyuan also spread out his hands and no longer struggled with Su Yu.

"Of course, in terms of your personality, you won't listen to it. When you encounter danger, you always have to touch it. In the end, there is no choice, and you will stop.

Speaking of which, Heiyuan did not persuade Su Yu, but turned his head to look in other directions. Anyway, Su Yu was going to die, and that was Su Yu's business, and he would not follow him.

Hei Yuan's position is very clear.

He has his own thoughts and thinking and will not follow Su Yu.

Even if it's a monster, even on Su Yu's boat, he knows where to go.

Seeing that Heiyuan looked like this, Su Yu gradually accepted his fate and stopped forcing that guy to follow him on an adventure.

But this time the monster incident, they have to find a way to solve it.

Otherwise, what awaits them will definitely be doomed.

Originally, Su Yu was still having a headache because of the monster, but as a result, Heiyuan found him again, looking at Su Yu in front of him, Heiyuan said seriously.

"This time, I am willing to follow you, but you have to make sure that nothing else happens on the way."

If something messed up, it doesn't matter if it's Heiyuan or Su Yu, even if the two of them break their heads, they won't be able to solve it.

The so-called messy things are naturally uncertain factors like the twisted leaves.

The main reason is that the influence of Pangenye on them was so profound that Heiyuan couldn't forget it until now. Su Yu nodded while listening to him.

When the two decided to set off, it was already in the evening, when dozens of pirates slept.

As Su Yu walked down the hallway, only one or two pirates noticed him, and the two pirate waves Su Yu nodded lightly.

But seeing that Su Yu was about to leave, their faces could not help but become complicated, and then they reached out and pulled Su Yu and said.

"Would it be too irresponsible for you to just walk away like this?"

"The place is so dangerous, even if you two set off together, it may be difficult to solve the problem, so don't be impulsive and calm down..."

There was some helplessness and melancholy in their tone.

Hearing those words, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

How could it possibly change what had been decided? Finally, Su Yu waved his hand and left Heiyuan with him, leaving the two pirates staring in astonishment.

The two of them jumped into the sea.

When the two pirates realized that something was wrong, they called their comrades up and told Su Yu about Su Yu, but their comrades didn't listen at all.

Looking at the sea in front of them, they said very calmly.

"Stop saying these stupid things, nothing happened.

"We are not fools, don't try to deceive us."

"Yeah, doesn't the situation seem calm? Why are you all so panicked?"

The crowd chattered.

The two pirates heard that their faces darkened, and then pointed to Su Yu's room and said.

"Su Yu and that monster went down, and they probably won't come back for a long time.""

This sentence was also ridiculed by the crowd.

Of course those people didn't believe it, so they came to Su Yu's room in twos and threes, but when they pushed open the door and walked in, they were also stunned with fright. There was no one in it, except for a letter.

Looking at the letter, everyone was stunned, they opened it at the first time, and everything Su Yu explained to them was written on it.

And the people at this time, because of the content inside, fell into confusion and weirdness.

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