"If we guessed correctly, we should be able to be kings now.

"Anyway, they are all gone, and we should be in charge of this place.

The pirates were chattering.

But the rest of the pirates shook their heads with disapproval and confusion on their faces, this is Su Yu's territory, even if Su Yu goes to the ends of the earth, as long as he is alive, he will come back one day sooner or later.

These pirates were able to occupy Su Yu's territory.

That was only temporary.

Su Yu is back, and what awaits them is absolutely doomed.

These pirates are still smart, and those who are not sober are also caught by those who are sober.

"Don't say I didn't remind you of those thoughts, you'd better get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise Su Yu will come back to know, and we will all be dragged down.~"

"We don't want to be killed by you - stupid bastards."

"Yeah, you all give me some sobriety.

The pirates were chattering.

Su Yu didn't know about this, he just looked at the sea in front of him and said with a complex face.

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this."

As he said, he sighed deeply, even if he and the monsters in this sea area did not encounter too much situation, but the feeling of going with the flow also brought a certain fear to Su Yu.

Especially now that there is a prompt on the game panel, the monster will definitely touch them.

But this place was pitch black, and they couldn't see where they were at all, they only knew that they were in the cold sea water.

They didn't know where the monsters would come from.

Now, Su Yu can only stare blankly at the surroundings.

There was confusion and confusion on his face.

Hei Yuan, who was beside him, saw him like this, and spoke to him again.

"If you're worried, we can go back to that ship first, and wait patiently on it, maybe the monster will come soon.

What Heiyuan said was the truth, Su Yu heard it but ignored it, just looked at the sea in front of him. After a while, a wave came over. At this moment, Su Yu finally realized that something was wrong.

I guess something is coming.

While he was thinking, he also hurriedly made a gesture with Heiyuan. The other party understood what Su Yu meant and hid in the sea for the first time. After he dived in, Su Yu also looked at the sea in front of him and said.

"Are you there?

Hearing Su Yu's voice, the monster suddenly chirped excitedly. Hearing this sound, Su Yu couldn't help frowning. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, the monster didn't attack them twice.

Perhaps this monster is not as vicious as imagined.

After thinking about it, Su Yu asked him again.

"Why do you keep chasing us?"

Su Yu's tone was full of helplessness and melancholy.

The monster heard Su Yu's voice and suddenly burst out laughing.

His laughter was very sharp. The next second, a huge black cloth covered it like this. Su Yu knew something was wrong and immediately ducked to the side, but the speed was still a second slower.

At this moment, Su Yu was melted by that black thing, seeing that he had no connection with this world, but a special magic weapon appeared again.

That is the magic weapon that can make time go back two seconds ago.

Su Yu used it decisively, and the time returned to two seconds ago.

At this time, Su Yu hadn't asked that question, and the monster didn't laugh, so Su Yu thought about it and asked that question.

As soon as the question was uttered, the monster let out a sharp laugh. Su Yu ducked to the side, and as expected, this guy was no match for him.

While thinking about it, Su Yu hurriedly spoke to Heiyuan.

"You have to be careful, his ability is above the two of us."

If there is a slight deviation, what awaits them is absolutely doomed.

Hearing this, Heiyuan nodded.

And under Su Yu's attention, the black thing came over again. His speed was extremely fast, even merging with the waves. In this way, they kept chasing me.

Although Su Yu's speed was fast, that thing kept following him.

It didn't take long for Su Yu to stop and look at the direction behind him, he couldn't help saying loudly.

"How are you?"

Heiyuan went to pull the monster, and he gave Su Yu more chances to escape, because he knew that it was difficult to solve the monster in front of him this time, and Heiyuan could only let Su Yu run first.


Now, Su Yu's turn back also makes Heiyuan feel helpless.

Before the other party could speak, Su Yu jumped over directly, and then punched and kicked. At this time, Heiyuan realized that what Su Yu was going to do was to deliberately use his body to pull the monster in front of him.

Although the monster bit his arm, it could not help but let out a painful howl while being punched and kicked by Su Yu.

Hearing that wailing sound, Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

"You really are an idiot.

After saying this, Su Yu took out another huge magic weapon, and he put the monster in it.

Although the action is fast enough, the monster is also struggling in the magic weapon. Although it is a huge bag, after Su Yu tightened the opening, the bag also became smaller a little, and finally became the size of a slap.

At this moment, Su Yu also glanced at the game panel, and the task prompt above showed that he completed this challenge.

Although Su Yu was happy, he couldn't help sighing when he looked at the weak Hei Yuan beside him.

"It's really embarrassing for you this time.

He stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder lightly, but he didn't expect the guy to say with a melancholy face.

"It's not too difficult, after all, I didn't think you would come back to save me, I thought I was going to die here. 99

In his cognition, he is the same type as this monster, and the reason why Su Yu is willing to let him stay on the boat is just to prevent him from causing trouble.

And at this moment, even if he died, I'm afraid Su Yu wouldn't blink an eye, I didn't expect Su Yu to come back to save him.

There was indescribable joy in Hei Yuan's heart.

Seeing him like this, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily and said nothing.

After he left with Heiyuan.

The two of them also returned to the big ship in the early morning.

Although the pirates inside were messing around, Pan Genye soon heard the movement. He opened his eyes and looked at the door in front of him. There were messy footsteps and chattering discussions outside.

"Now is a good opportunity, we must seize the time to leave. 35

"Even if they don't occupy this place for us, but there are so many things, we only need to take away part of it, and from now on, we will be famous pirates.

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