National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 837 No More Capable Than Him

He nodded, and just watched the few gamers leave.

Not long after they left, Pan Genye walked up to Su Yu again, his face thoughtful and complicated.

"Don't you think the problems with those guys are a bit serious?

Pan Genye's face was cautious and nervous.

Faced with such a prompt, Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Even if there is something wrong with them, what can it be, this thing can't stumped him and Pan Genye, can it?

Seeing Su Yu's indifferent look, Pan Genye clenched his fists again and said in a low voice.

"Look at you, how can you be like this? If they come back after a false shot, then our big ship and the people on it will probably be killed by them. These people have the most means.

As he spoke, he patted Su Yu on the shoulder, trying to make Su Yu face it all.

But Su Yu didn't care.

"Heiyuan also has many means.""

In the end, Su Yu dropped such a sentence, nothing counted as a sigh.

Looking at the island in front of him, Su Yu simply spoke to everyone.

"It should be dangerous here tonight, I hope you all spend this 04 night on the boat, and you can move on it during the day, but be careful."

Hearing Su Yu's warning, everyone nodded.

As time passed by, and soon night fell, although the big guy didn't know what those gamers had gone through, they were aware of Su Yu's ability.

If it weren't for Su Yu, maybe they would have encountered some bad things now.

While thinking about it, everyone shook their heads lightly.

Su Yu didn't know what was in their hearts, looking at the surrounding environment, his eyes were only cold and calm.

Soon, the voices of those snakes were heard beside Su Yu.

Listening to the movements of those snakes, Su Yu didn't care either, but patiently listened to their positions.

He closed his eyes, but didn't open them to see, because the pattern of these snakes was indicated on the game panel, which can make people's eyes instantly confused.

That also means that if he stares at the patterns of those snakes, what he will encounter next will definitely be doomed. At this moment, Su Yu just closes his eyes.

While listening to the snake's movements, he also knew that if he really kept his eyes tightly closed, then, if he didn't pay attention, the snakes would bite him directly.

In the next second, he will be sent back to the Novice Village, and everyone will see this prompt. After all, he is a celebrity, and everyone who is sent back to the Novice Village will be played in turn by the big game screen.

But now Su Yu is just waiting patiently for the time to come, and the snakes seem to be playing around beside him, not attacking him.

At this moment, Su Yu was also relieved. After determining where the snakes were, he gritted his teeth again, thinking that this time, two snakes appeared together.

So doesn't this mean that it is more difficult for him to grasp?

After thinking about it, Su Yu decided to wait again.

But the play of two snakes soon turned into three snakes, and the three snakes gradually turned into four snakes.

Hearing these voices, Su Yu's head was going numb, and they were getting closer and closer, obviously these snakes were also cooperating with his game panel tasks.

In desperation, Su Yu could only open his eyes and take a careful look. After taking a look, he simply ran over and started directly at one of the snakes.

Because it is certain that the snake's limb ability is not as good as other snakes, and the speed of his movement just now was relatively slow.

Now, Su Yu grabbed him directly, and fled quickly in the other direction.

The other snakes had been taken aback.

Now that they saw Su Yu running away, they naturally didn't follow him, but Su Yu's arm was tightly wrapped by the snake's tail, and in addition to his arms, his neck was also swept away by the snake's tail.

At this moment, Su Yu knew that things were not easy.

But he still didn't open his eyes, instead he gritted his teeth, took out the knife, and stuffed it directly into the snake's mouth. After doing this, he waited patiently, and soon, the snake was like this It was solved by him, and a prompt appeared on the game panel.

But Su Yu still didn't look at the shape of the snake.

It's just that, after running around this night, an excellent hunter can often catch his prey by surprise.

Now, those preys are taken by Su Yu like this.

Seeing that this time the game board was over, he also completed the task, and at this moment, Su Yu was standing next to the stone.

He couldn't help wanting to see what the snakes were like.

But Su Yu never expected to lift the stone away.

What he saw was indeed some dazzling patterns, but in addition to the patterns, even more incredible things happened. At this moment, his eyes were instantly dark.

The next second Su Yu couldn't see anything.

The other people didn't know about it. The next day, they came to look for Su Yu, only to find that Su Yu had been sitting on the big rock. Everyone was so frightened that they thought that Su Yu had suffered. Accident.

They hurried to Su Yu's side, only to find that Su Yu was blind at this time, and everyone burst into tears.

Pan Genye was also extremely sad, he clutched his chest and couldn't help but said to Su Yu.

"How could such a thing happen?"

After 207 finished speaking, Pan Genye added another sentence.

"What exactly did you experience last night? If these eyes can't see, do you still need to set off on your voyage?

His eyes were full of helplessness and sadness, and now he was desperate to know what Su Yu went through last night.

But Su Yu didn't answer.

In this way, he sat quietly on the stone, and the people beside him supported Su Yu. At this moment, Su Yu followed them to the boat. Although he was invisible, his brain was more flexible than ordinary people.

Relying on his hearing and the distribution of his memory, he quickly returned to the position he usually sat in.

Seeing that Su Yu's movements were so smooth, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Seriously, we may never meet a few people like him in our lifetime. 35

"Yeah, no one knows what he did last night. 39

"Anyway, he doesn't regret it himself.

"Now he is getting more and more indifferent, and he doesn't like to share with us when he encounters things."

Hei Yuan suddenly said such words, his eyes were full of helplessness and sadness.

He doesn't like Su Yu and ignores himself, but these tasks can't involve them, otherwise Su Yu will definitely pull them up.

Su Yu was thinking in his heart.

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