Regarding the next keys, Su Yu really didn't want to miss any of them, but the people in front of him kept chatting in front of him, which also gave Su Yu a headache.

"I'll definitely take you there next time."

What he said was the truth, but everyone couldn't hear it. Under Su Yu's attention, they spoke with complicated expressions one by one.

"Will there be a chance next time?

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple!"

"We think you'd better be honest about what you did last night."

While everyone was persuading, there was a bit of indifference in their eyes, but when Su Yu heard such words, he shook his head unmoved.

On the other side, Pan Genye pulled several people and talked about Su Yu. The reason why he was talking about Su Yu behind his back was because he thought that Su Yu had other problems.

While listening to Pan Genye's words, the faces of those few people gradually became ugly, and then turned their heads to look in the direction of Su Yu. Although Su Yu was some distance away from them, for some reason, they began to feel guilty.

"Don't talk nonsense, Su Yu can't do those things you said.""

"Yeah, don't you think these things are a little nonsense?"

While everyone was refuting, Pan Genye also turned pale with anger because of their words, and then said impatiently.

"I really don't understand, how can you think like this?

This question rang in their ears, and everyone could not help clenching their fists.

Originally they wanted to refute, but unexpectedly, Pan Genye's next words caused them to fall into silence.

"I know that you have been with Su Yu for a long time, you understand his personality and personality, and I believe that he will not do those things, but what can be explained by getting along for a long time, some things cannot be seen in a day or two. ""

After saying this, Pan Genye added another sentence.

"He is doing those bad things directly behind our backs, and I'm afraid that in the near future, he will do more bad things, and once we are involved in those interests, perhaps Su Yu will use more means to deal with us.

It is true that such things as interests can always affect people's hearts, and no one can resist in this regard, or even refute all that Pan Genye said.

At this moment, everyone drooped their heads like this, unable to say a word. On the other side, Su Yu was just looking at the pirates beside him. Although they were asking questions, Su Yu assured that they would not involve the ship. people later.

Those pirates finally nodded, because Su Yu had been reluctant to tell them, and at this moment they had no other way, so it was impossible to force Su Yu to say these things.

In the end they gave up.

At this time, Su Yu was just looking at the direction of the sky.

There was thoughtfulness on his face.

With the passage of time, the big ship continued to sail on the sea, and Su Yu also left those islands. Although the rest of the islands have keys on them, the probability of those keys being there is too low, and Su Yu does not want to waste them. time.

Might as well see if there are any sea monsters along the way.

While he was thinking about it, he didn't want to think of the idea of ​​splitting the boat into two halves.

It may be that Su Yu has been ignoring Pan Genye, so that Pan Genye is unwilling. Although he wants to split the ship into two halves, Pan Genye also understands that no one will go with him, so he wants to Shake the military's heart.

When Su Yu noticed it, he was still indifferent, because Pan Genye could not pose any threat.

But after arriving in a sea area, all the people could not join the topic of Pan Genye, because in that sea area, they saw some extremely terrifying things, and they were getting closer.

And those things are also huge sharks that set off the wind and waves, and everyone panicked for a while, because a shark can cover most of the boat, and in this way, they returned to the cabin in panic, it was Su Yu's order .

At this moment, Su Yu was standing on the deck. Although the people behind them were panicked, they couldn't help but speak anxiously when they looked at Su Yu's figure.

"What are you doing there?

"Aren't you afraid?"

Their tone was full of complexity and panic. Faced with such a question, Su Yu did not waver at all. He just stood on the deck and looked at the shark in the distance. He saw the hint of the key on the shark.

It's a pity that there are really too many sharks this time. If he wants to shoot, he must be careful. Looking at the roots behind him, Su Yu simply told him.

"You stay with them in this place first, and when I finish solving the situation over there, I'll come and help you deal with it together."

Listening to Su Yu's words, Pan Genye nodded without any opinion, but he looked at the people behind him, and Pan Genye couldn't help clenching his fists. In his understanding, this matter should be between him and Su Yu. cope together.

But after coming to this world, Su Yu's progress is always faster than him, and Pan Genye seems to be unable to catch up no matter how hard he catches up.

For a time, Pan Genye's heart felt a little more unpleasant.

Those other people didn't know what was in Pan Genye's heart.

At this moment, everyone looked at Su Yu's direction silently.

Their eyes were full of admiration and yearning, and here, Su Yu also took out his weapon, and Heiyuan ran out immediately. He knew that Su Yu was not a shark's opponent, so he simply told Su Yu.

"`~ Don't be crazy, these things are hard to deal with, just wait!""

Once the sharks are past, maybe things will settle down.

But what Heiyuan didn't know was that this time the sharks ( Zhao ) came at them, otherwise how could they be so neat.

After thinking about it, Su Yu simply patted Heiyuan on the shoulder and said solemnly.

"Just wait for me by the side, if I really can't, you can come and help.

Faced with such a proposal, Hei Yuan finally nodded his head, he agreed, and then quietly watched from the side.

And then something unexpected happened. I saw a huge shark rolled in the air like this. After that, the shark spat out a huge mist of water.

Looking at those things, Su Yu couldn't help but be shocked, he hurriedly backed away, everyone saw Su Yu like this, and said anxiously.

"If it doesn't work, come back.

Those people were just worried about Su Yu. Unexpectedly, Su Yu waved his hand and said stubbornly.

"It's impossible to come back."

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