National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 839 Incredible Voyage

He was too indifferent, and those people had no choice but to watch silently beside him. As time passed, and soon, Su Yu overturned the shark in front of him.

That action was really fast.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they didn't even see how Su Yu made a move.

At this time, the shark has become a mass of flesh and blood.

In fact, Su Yu's shot was not too fast, but those people's attention was all on the shark, so that when Su Yu went out, they were still immersed in their own world, and they didn't react until the shark was solved. come over.

At this moment, Su Yu looked in the direction of the shark like this, his face was full of indifference and randomness, that shark was not his opponent at all.

Although the rest of the sharks wanted to rush over, because Su Yu's ability was too strong, at this moment, they had to stop.

Seeing them lingering and whining, Su Yu just smiled coldly, the long knife in his hand still clenched tightly, but he didn't attack as recklessly as before.

Heiyuan and Pan Genye watched from the side, their eyes widened, and after a while, they both spoke to Su Yu.

"When did your strength become so strong?"

"You're starting to hide something important again?

As the two spoke, they patted Su Yu on the shoulder, facing their problems, Su Yu was not flustered.

When the shark jumped up again, Su Yu jumped over with the knife in his hand.

On this turbulent sea, Su Yu was not afraid at all, he only held a skateboard, and then, surfed on the sea like this, and at the same time, he swung the long knife in his hand.

He was too calm, no one could have imagined that Su Yu would have such skills.

At this moment, Pan Genye and Hei Yuan just stayed where they were.

While the two of them were shocked, Su Yu just looked at the direction of the sky, where countless dark clouds gathered.

Xiao Baiyun seemed to know what Su Yu was thinking, so he appeared beside Su Yu for the first time, pointed in the direction above his head, and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I will solve the above situation.

Xiao Baiyun swore to Su Yu that Su Yu just smiled casually after hearing such words.

The sharks in front of them were still waiting for Su Yu to do it.

But they never expected that Su Yu at this moment did not give them a fatal blow, and he waited patiently here.

As time passed by every minute.

Those sharks (aeef) rushed over again one after another, they thought Su Yu was afraid to do it.

The reason why only one shark jumped just now was because they were testing Su Yu's bottom line. If Su Yu's bottom line was only a little bit, then they didn't have to be too afraid.

But these sharks did not expect, when they jumped one after another.

Su Yu was able to cut them in half with a knife in hand, and at that moment, all the sharks let out their own screams, but all the sharks that were still alive left in an instant like a ghost.

Although there are still waves on the sea in front of me, compared to just now, it all seems to be over.

All the people were stunned, looking at Su Yu in front of them, they couldn't help but sigh.

"My God, this is really surprising.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this to happen. 35

Everyone said while shaking their heads slightly.

Listening to their words, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily, and then said with the big knife in his hand.

"This is a very good knife, if you have a fancy, then you can give me a certain amount of money to buy him. 35

What he said was true, and when everyone heard it, they immediately laughed, and they all shook their heads and refused, because they couldn't use this knife.

And most importantly, even if it is a peerless sword, they do not have the ability to master it.

Everyone was thinking in their hearts.

At this time, Su Yu was just looking at the direction of the sky.

There was thoughtfulness and sophistication on his face.

This time, although he got a certain number of key fragments, those things didn't seem to be of any use, because when they were fused together, they were not a complete key.

"The next time these situations occur, you must let me take action immediately, and never face all this by yourself.

Listening to Su Yu's words, everyone nodded and patted their chests to indicate that there was no problem.

And at this moment, Su Yu just walked in the other direction.

He walked so fast, the people next to him could only stare in stunned eyes.

After three days passed, many people described and described the scene of Su Yu cutting the shark. They wrote it on the letter just to announce what Su Yu had done to the whole world at the moment of landing.

Su Yu doesn't know yet, he only knows that his current ranking is relatively high.

Although there are still a few people ahead of him who are better than him, but those people are biting his score, which means that there are already other people in this game world who understand how to play these games.

Even so, Su Yu was not in a hurry.

In his cognition, if someone can really use a big chunk of him, that's not a bad thing.

It's a pity that after this evening, all the people on the game world channel fell into a dead silence, because before this evening came, many people questioned Su Yu because someone ranked alongside Su Yu.

Of course, those who questioned Su Yu never took it seriously.

Night came quickly, after which all gamers received a prompt.

That is to say, there will be a corresponding evaluation tonight, that is, an all-night pass through the pass. In this pass, if they can survive to the end, they will also receive generous rewards.

But if they didn't hold out until the end, but quit halfway, it wouldn't be a good thing to wait for them next, after all, they didn't make it through.

Maybe the corresponding ranking fell, but it is also possible to get some substantial punishment, for example, the account was blocked or returned to the novice village.

No matter what it is, it is not what these gamers want to see, but there are also some gamers who are angry and blame this mechanism.

When Su Yu saw the news, he was extremely calm, not nervous because of these things.

He is not like most people.

He never panics in the face of things, which is also a style of his life.

When the level started, everyone was in a panic, even with Pan Genye, but Su Yu was the only one who didn't panic. Originally, Pan Genye wanted to talk to Su Yu before the level started. talk.

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