National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 840 Who's Afraid of Who

If this time through the barrier, they can meet.

That Pan Genye would definitely seek Su Yu's help, but he didn't expect that before he could find Su Yu, the game had already started, and in just an instant, everyone went to another world.

In that world, it can be said that everything is reopened.

They only had a small wooden boat in their hands. The wooden boat was about to enter the water and could not withstand the attack of the storm at all.

While surprised, Su Yu glanced at the game panel in front of him. The other gamers could see each other, but they couldn't touch each other.

At this moment, those gamers are still in a tense state, and only Su Yu's calm response in this, and his ease of attitude will always shock those gamers.

At this moment, Su Yu drove the small wooden boat to the sea, because this is one of the game tasks. After they come to the sea, they will encounter corresponding wind and waves, and in those wind and waves , they should also be prepared to deal with it.

Looking at these prompts, Su Yu's face was only calm. As time passed by, unexpected things happened, and Su Yu's boat was suddenly overturned by a huge wave.

Many gamers laughed and laughed.

When Pan Genye heard this, his face couldn't help becoming ugly. He still remembered how he and Su Yu lived and died together before.

The ridicule of these people now also brings anger to Pan Genye. Originally, Pan Genye wanted to quarrel with them, but he never expected that before he could say his words, Su Yu turned over in the next second, He looked very calmly at the waves in front of him.

But because of the laughter of those people, Su Yu couldn't help but glance back at them.

"When you come to me, laugh at me again, a group of stupid birds who can't even fly already know how to laugh at other people, this is really ridiculous. 99

Su Yu said, shaking his head slightly.

When those people heard it, their faces became ugly.

At this time, Su Yu was just looking at the direction of the sky. The sky was changing a little bit. He only had a small paddle in his hand. This thing was definitely not enough, so he had to finish the game panel before those people. task.

While Su Yu was thinking, he didn't want to have a few people come to him. Those people's faces were arrogant and indifferent. When their eyes fell on Su Yu, they also raised their chins without hesitation. said excitedly.

"You don't really take yourself seriously, we don't know how many people like you we have seen before, to put it bluntly, you are the garbage we stepped on under our feet.

What they said was extremely unpleasant, but Su Yu shook his head unmoved when he heard it. After that, he gritted his teeth and waved the oars in front of him. Soon, he came to the first huge wave. before.

Staying at the mouth of this huge wind and waves brings countless oppressions to people.

And at this moment, Su Yu's heart was also unspeakably nervous.

The other people don't know about this, they just think Su Yu is extremely brave, even more than they can, after all they are still struggling here, Su Yu has solved most of the situation, even ahead of them by that much .

While thinking about it, everyone shook their heads and sighed.

But this huge storm in front of me, wanting to get through it easily, is simply wishful thinking.

While everyone was thinking, there was a little more daze in their eyes.

Originally, they wanted to talk to persuade Su Yu, but they didn't expect that before the words were spoken, Su Yu directly crossed the huge wind and waves in the next second, and then had a golden oar.

Looking at the oar, they couldn't help but stunned.

"What's going on, are we dazzled?"

"Why did you suddenly have this thing in your hand?"

The crowd shouted anxiously.

Facing their question, Su Yu also just smiled lightly.

He behaved too coldly. The reason why the oar became like this is because he survived the storm in front of him, and indirectly completed the task of the game panel, so the captain has been upgraded, and the next step should be his feet. the boat.

While thinking about it, Su Yu looked at the waves in the distance. He rushed forward without hesitation, as if the dangers in front of him could not cause him any harm at all. Most of the people were still looking back, they were nostalgic. warmth behind.

0.... ask for flowers........

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Su Yu crossed another huge wind and waves, and it was relying on the crumbling boat.

Obviously everyone got the same boat, but Su Yu was able to lead them by so much. The reason is very simple, he only looks forward and never looks back. Those people don't know it, but they are surprised by Su Yu's ability in their hearts. .

But these shocks have not had time to express.

Unexpected things also happened. I saw that Su Yu now owns a new boat. There is a so-called deck on the boat. opened the gap.

At that moment, everyone felt as if their fate was being held by a big hand, as if everything was doomed, but in fact it wasn't because Su Yu never looked back.


At this moment, he doesn't care about what danger he will face next. In his eyes, except for moving forward, he has no other emotions.

When everyone saw Su Yu so fast, they couldn't help but speak.

"You wait for us first. 99

"Don't be so fast.

As they spoke, they clenched their teeth and chased after them. After the oars in their hands turned golden, all of them reacted. It turned out that if they completed the corresponding tasks, they could get the upgrade of the ship.

At this moment, all the people were confused, looking at Su Yu in front of them, they couldn't help but grit their teeth and decided to try their best to keep up, but no matter how these people followed, they would always have other thoughts in their hearts.

Because at the moment when they looked down at the sea, what everyone saw was the darkness that did not see the light of the sky, and what would appear there, even if one accidentally fell, what they faced What, no one knows at all.

Because there are too many fears in front of them, they can't succeed at all. Su Yu doesn't know these things. When he came to the front of a huge storm, at this moment, Su Yu also found that he had encountered a bottleneck.

The so-called bottleneck is that his current boat and the oars in his hand cannot successfully cross this storm.

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