Seeing the waves lapped one after another, like a demon's hand clapping on his boat, he panicked and staggered, but Su Yu still gritted his teeth, controlled the direction of the boat with indifference, and turned over directly. these waves.

Over time, what other people can feel is Su Yu's ability.

Looking at the people in front of them, they exclaimed involuntarily.

And Su Yu listened to their voices and only smiled lightly. He really easily turned over this wave, but I am afraid that only he himself knows how much effort and effort he put into it.

The people next to him only knew how to exclaim there, and even with Pan Genye, they couldn't help but admire Su Yu. At this moment, when Su Yu saw his ship transformed, he couldn't help but smile a little more on his face.

Saying that you are not happy is absolutely false, but it is more helpless than these, perhaps the white bugs rolling in the waves. The number of those bugs is extremely large, although the size is not large. .

But the moment it was densely covered, everyone was frightened.

Even Su Yu was no exception, and when everyone saw Su Yu like this, they couldn't help laughing.

Probably thought it was funny.

After all, Su Yu's ability seems to be only so little.

While they were thinking, Su Yu just looked in the direction of the sky.

There was thoughtfulness and sophistication on his face.

As time passed by, and soon, Su Yu noticed something was wrong.

A strange force seemed to be secretly controlling all of this. Although the white bugs in front of him were smashed by his golden oars, what was more frightening than these white bugs were the ones hidden in the wind and waves. those dangerous.

One after another, the waves came over, and then, the dark clouds became thicker and thicker, and the whole sky and the sea seemed to form a line. After that, the dark clouds kept rolling, and the sea kept beating the waves.

Seeing, the downpour is about to fall.

But something unexpected happened. The heavy rain did not come. On the contrary, something more gratifying happened.

I saw a dragon swirling in the sky in the distance, and everyone looked at it involuntarily, but Su Yu knew that this so-called dragon was only caused by the changes in the clouds.

Afterwards, even more terrifying things happened. Countless winds came blowing. Originally, there were still some people struggling at the starting point, but they didn't want those winds and waves.

Their small boat was not stable enough, and the wind and waves directly blew their boat into pieces, making a creaking sound, and the sea water also infiltrated a little bit.

The people over there let out shrill screams, but Su Yu was particularly cold in the crowd, probably understanding that the dangers in front of him were nothing.

But as time passed, more unexpected things happened.

I saw a huge tornado, which connected the sky and the sea in a line, and the waves in front of me became a huge whirlpool.

Everyone watching was stunned, Su Yu gritted his teeth and made up his mind to cross this storm.

But he didn't expect that this storm had just crossed over, and next, he harvested a strange wooden board, and the wooden board was still hanging on his body. At this moment, Su Yu had fallen into numbness.

This game is much more complicated than he thought.

Su Yu thought in his heart, and when the other people saw Su Yu's situation like this, they couldn't help but let out a laugh.

Hearing their laughter, Su Yu shook his head unmoved, and then, in the eyes of everyone, he jumped to another direction.

He left his boat, and although the golden oar took it, it didn't seem to be of much use.

Because he was too heavy, at this moment Su Yu was about to be thrown into the sea. In desperation, he could only abandon the golden boat.

But he did not expect that he had just abandoned this so-called golden oar, and the next second, something unexpected happened. In the sky, those dragons that were connected in a line absorbed water and covered them like this.

Neither Su Yu's boat nor other people's boats were spared, but in the blink of an eye, their boat disappeared like this, and those few people were ups and downs in the sea holding wooden boards.

Only Su Yu was extremely indifferent in this.

The easy-going gesture also made everyone's eyes widen.

"How could such a thing happen...  

"That's not reasonable."

They shook their heads while talking and took a deep breath, but Su Yu calmly waved to them when he heard those words.

"This is called a reward for every effort. If you don't have that ability, you can only blame yourself for not being able to, rather than blame others."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the wind and waves in front of him. Although the dragon was still absorbing water, because the wooden board on his body was made of special materials, Su Yu was not affected at this moment.

Although the other people were ups and downs on the sea holding the plank, but for some reason, they felt that their whole body was about to be sucked up, and when the dragon sucked water was getting closer and closer to them, everyone suddenly swam to the side in a panic. .

Even if they move fast enough.

But what happened next caught everyone's eyes.

I saw that several people were taken up by the dragon suction water, and after that, their whereabouts appeared on the public screen.

The people who were taken away were not strong enough, and their ranks returned to their original positions, while the remaining few were in the sea, ups and downs like Su Yu.

But such a reminder has long frightened them.

The experience of their companions seems to let them see their future.

Under Su Yu's attention, they looked terrified.

"You tell me what should we do next?"

"Does this mean there is no way out?"

"If it's 4.5 like this, then we're really done."

"Yeah yeah, what are we going to do?"9

There was melancholy and complexity in their tone.

But in the face of such a question, Su Yu smiled perfunctorily, and he did not answer these people, because it was their own business and had no contact with Su Yu.

Although Pan Genye was not taken away by the dragon, his boat could no longer go on. He could only hold a pile of broken wooden boards while carrying a golden oar, and said with a complex face.

“Will this storm really pass? And where do we go from here.35

Listening to Pan Genye's question, Su Yu pretended not to know, and turned his head to stop looking at him.

Seeing Su Yu like this, Pan Genye's expression turned ugly.

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