National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 842 People are more popular than dead people

It was another huge storm. When everyone saw it, their faces became extremely ugly. Although it was in the game world, the feeling of suffocation was real, otherwise this game would not be so popular.

Although Su Yu was a little scared, he only took a few steps back.

At this moment, he held his breath like this, and then followed the waves to melt together. After that, the dragon beard water gradually disappeared.

All the people have quieted down. Although there are still some people at the starting point, they all know how to seize the opportunity. The group of people who were taken away directly returned to the novice village. To put it bluntly, it is also a kind of extremely shameful ending.

When Su Yu found out, his face became a little more complicated, and then he looked at Pan Genye next to him and said.

"Can you hold on now?"

Faced with Su Yu's question, Pan Genye nodded. He didn't want to go back so quickly or back to the Novice Village, so he gritted his teeth and used all his strength to roll in the waves in front of Mian 04.

Even if he knew he couldn't make it through, but he really gave up, he was not reconciled.

Seeing that Pan Genye looked like this, Su Yu just nodded lightly, and then flew in the direction ahead.

His speed was so fast that Pan Genye could only stare blankly behind Su Yu.

After a while, he spoke to Su Yu.

"You don't seem to be able to do this.

"The wooden board on my body has been upgraded, and I can take you with me, but after taking you, you still have to deal with the other storms by yourself."

While speaking, Su Yu had already stretched out his hand and pulled Pan Genye over, and at the same time he flew over in an instant, he also came back in an instant.

The other people were so frightened that their eyes widened, and they looked at them in a stunned manner, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing them like this, Su Yu couldn't help laughing, and then crossed one storm after another with a twisted leaf.

When those storms were easily resolved by Su Yu.

Pan Genye's heart could not be calm for a long time, he knew where all this came from, if it wasn't for Su Yu to help him, to put it bluntly, in terms of his current ability, maybe he was still floating like those people.

At the last moment, Su Yu let go of his hand, but Pan Genye didn't care, he gritted his teeth and followed the waves in front of him to rise and fall. Then, he watched the equipment on his body upgrade little by little. That piece of wood has turned into a big ship.

That boat could hold dozens of people, and everyone was jealous. When they were still floating on the waves, Su Yu already owned such a big boat.

They really yearned for it in their hearts, but Su Yu didn't look back at them. In desperation, they could only withdraw their eyes and stopped looking at Su Yu's back. Sometimes they kept staring at Su Yu's back. It's not a good thing either.

This can make them forget their direction and the way forward.

Before long, Su Yu saw a strange fish jumping onto the deck.

The bouncing force of the fish seemed to be very high, Su Yu walked over and was about to catch him, but he didn't expect the fish to bite him directly on the arm.

Su Yu also frowned in pain, and then forcibly threw him into the sea.

But as soon as he threw it off, Su Yu realized that something was wrong.

This fish turned out to be a famous piranha. Although his flesh was not bitten off just now, if he doesn't have a big boat now, but keeps floating up and down in the sea, then he has encountered this piranha. It will definitely be sent directly back to the novice village.

While he was rejoicing in his heart, his eyes also fell on Pan Genye. Fortunately, that guy could endure more hardships than him. At this moment, he already had a small wooden boat, the wooden boat and the wooden boat obtained by others. Different.

His one is more stable.

While watching, Su Yu had a little more smile on his face, then looked in the direction of Pan Genye, and said unceremoniously.

"This time, we should be able to spend it together, the first game board mission. 35

Faced with such words, Pan Genye was at a loss, but as more and more people owned boats, Pan Genye couldn't help turning back, and then he talked to Su Yu with a worried face.

"It's over, they're going to be a threat to us."

Pan Genye's face had indescribable tension and fear, but Su Yu felt amused when he heard such words, and simply shook his head in denial.

"No, if they can really become a threat, it's not like this now."

This was true, and Pan Genye fell into silence soon after hearing it.

Then, Pan Genye also saw those piranhas jumping onto his boat. At first, Pan Genye was a little excited. After all, this kind of fish looks very unique and looks good. Originally, he wanted to catch it and study it. some time.

As a result, those fish directly bit his arm, and immediately turned Pan Genye pale with pain. After that, fish like this kept jumping on his boat.

Su Yu saw the tragedy on Pan Genye's side, and was the first to remind him. After hearing Su Yu's words, Pan Genye came back to his senses. Although he could get rid of these piranhas, he also had to take time to Hold the wooden board in your hand and shoot down those piranhas.

Although those piranhas were photographed, Pan Genye's face was not good-looking, and there were tooth marks one after another on his body. No one could accept this situation.

But Pan Genye just looked in Su Yu's direction, and then nodded lightly at him to express his gratitude, and then stopped looking in Su Yu's direction.

Because these things in front of him actually pose little threat to Pan Genye. He believes that he has the ability to leapfrog, because compared to those behind him, he is relatively lucky.

If you really want to ask for Su Yu's help, there's no point for him to come to this place to pass the level.

But not long after this idea came up, Pan Genye was instantly slapped in the face, because more and more fish jumped on the board next.

They were all piranhas, and Pan Genye couldn't beat the wooden board in his hand at all, and when a fish jumped up, it bit directly on his thigh, and Pan Genye's face turned pale in an instant, and then The whole person kept crying.

Hearing his screams, Su Yu also laughed lightly, and then said to Pan Genye.

"You better come over here! 35

After all, the two of them are good brothers, and it is impossible for Su Yu to choose to stand by in the time of Pan Genye's adversity. Listening to Su Yu's words, Pan Genye was moved, but in the end he shook his head and chose to refuse.

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