For Pan Genye, if he really went to Su Yu's boat, it would definitely bring him risks, not benefits.

Rather than go on an adventure, wait.

In this way, minutes passed by, Pan Genye knocked down a lot of piranhas, and at this moment Su Yu also encountered a new kind of problem, although it was a piranha who jumped up.

But their size has expanded dozens of times. Looking at this piranha like a small boat in front of him, Su Yu is completely at a loss. Pan Genye sees the situation on his side and immediately laughs. stand up.

But he didn't expect that just as his laughter sounded, Su Yu turned to him and said.

"If such a piranha appeared on your boat, I guess you would be sent back to the novice village without even struggling. After all, the piranha could engulf you in one bite."

Su Yu said, looking at Pan Genye and raising his eyebrows.

Hearing this, Pan Genye instantly fell into silence, he didn't say anything else, even mocked Su Yu, probably knowing that once he laughed at Su Yu, he would also encounter misfortune in the future.

In this case, he might as well choose calmly and wait for the mission to come. Fortunately, Su Yu's boat is relatively large, so it will encounter such a problem, and there are only three or two big fish jumping on it. The threat does not exist at all.

Soon, Su Yu solved the first difficulty in front of him, but after this one passed, there was also an extremely strange tentacle that appeared on the edge of each of them's boat.

Looking at this thing, Su Yu couldn't help frowning, and Pan Genye was stunned for a while, and finally said with a complex face.

"How is this going?"

Each of them started chattering.

In fact, those who can survive here are some warriors, but even if they are warriors, they also need the help of the strong. In their perception, Su Yu is a unique candidate.

But Su Yu faced their questions and didn't answer them. Instead, he looked at Pan Genye next to him and said.

"If you guessed correctly, the next difficulty should be changed and adjusted according to the equipment that each person has. You don't have to look for the same in other people. After all, how can some things be exactly the same~"?"

After he finished speaking, he directly picked up the weapon in his hand and prepared to deal with it, but the tentacle did not make any other movement except that it was placed next to their shipboard.

Su Yu was also shocked.

Seeing the look on Su Yu's face, the others couldn't help but speak.

"Can you handle the situation on your side?"

"Why don't we have a few people on the same boat to deal with those troubles. After all, it is still difficult for you to deal with it by yourself.""

"Yeah, let's all come together.

Everyone was chattering and talking, but Su Yu felt amused when he heard such words.

He shook his head, his face full of indifference and calm.

When those people saw Su Yu like this, they couldn't help but tease him.

"You are too selfish, aren't you? We just want to come up, why don't you give us that chance?

"Don't you think you're overdoing it?"

While shouting, they came to Su Yu's side and looked at the unreachable ship in front of them. For some reason, at the moment of approaching, there was an inexplicable comfort in their hearts. It seemed that as long as they were close to Su Yu, those Problems can be solved.

But this is not the case. Even if they encountered a storm, they really needed Su Yu's help, but Su Yu would not take action. After all, in his knowledge, the group of people in front of them were not worth his visit.

At this moment, Su Yu patiently waited for the opportunity to come.

Soon, the tactile hand twitched, and then, he lifted those people high, and was still trying to rub Su Yu's boat.

But they didn't want to, there was a new storm on their boat, even if it was a small boat, the moment the tentacles appeared in front of them, they were caught off guard.

At this moment, everyone was screaming and dodging to the side. They were so panicked that they didn't want a huge octopus head to appear in front of the sea after the stormy waves suddenly turned up.

Looking at the octopus head, everyone fell into a daze, and when their eyes fell on Su Yu, they couldn't help but say to Su Yu.

"Do you know how we can fix it?

It was the same routine and the same language. They were still asking for Su Yu's help, but Su Yu ignored them. Instead, he picked up the weapon in his hand and forcibly beat the octopus in front of him. The action was quick and ruthless.

The people around were stunned.

After the octopus fell, Su Yu laughed, this time he completed the task of the game board.

The other people fell into the sea in twos and threes because the size of the octopus in front of them was too large, but also because the weapons in their hands were not strong enough.

Seeing these people in such pain, Su Yu couldn't help but chuckle, then looked in the direction of Pan Genye, and said thoughtfully.

"`~ You are really capable, with the same equipment as theirs, but you can still hold on until now, that octopus was just beaten away by you."

This is Su Yu's compliment from the bottom of his heart. Although Pan Genye is happy when he hears it, he also understands that the next difficulties must be overcome by himself. The people next to him can't help but look at Pan Genye when they hear Su Yu's words.

But I don't want to, this guy really completed this challenge like Su Yu.

Those people seem to be in safety, but in fact they are still rolling in desperation, just because the octopus was hit so hard, so the guy didn't come out, and their game board still didn't (remarkably) show that the challenge was successful.

Originally, Su Yu had already thought about how to start the next level challenge, but he did not expect that the surviving people next to him would capsize one after another. Those octopuses took them to the deepest seabed and eliminated these gamers directly.

When Su Yu saw the prompt on the game panel, he didn't think it was so unexpected.

Pan Genye was taken aback, and then directly spoke to Su Yu.

"It's terrifying, it's surprising that they were eliminated just like that.

Originally, Pan Genye thought that he couldn't make it through, but he didn't want to endure until now. After making a comparison with those people, Pan Genye's face actually had a little more smile.

During this period of time, he was behind Su Yu, and he always felt that the light on his body was covered up by Su Yu, and even he didn't even have light, he may have always been a waste, no different from those game setting characters.

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