But after the boat appeared, Su Yu also saw his mission, and a fishing rod appeared beside him and Pan Genye, but there was no bait on it.

On the game panel, there are only some corresponding reminders, and they now need to catch the following species.

Looking at those species tips, Su Yu picked up his fishing rod, his face full of complexity and weirdness, and after a while, he threw his fishing rod into the sea, although it was Jiang Taigong fishing, whoever would take the bait .

But this time, the difficulties they encountered seemed to be even more difficult than the thrilling ones before.

While he was thinking about it, Pan Genye couldn't help but put forward his ideas with Su Yu. He felt that instead of using this method to fish, it would be better to jump down and catch the fish. Properly −.

But when Su Yu heard it, he burst out laughing. Pan Genye just said it casually, without serious intention. Su Yu understood his character and did not comment much for a while, and could only wait patiently for the fishing rod to shake.

The waves in front of me were still as big as ever, but when the line was long enough, something unexpected happened.

Only when the fishing rod in front of me really shook like this, Su Yu pulled it up without hesitation, as did Pan Gen Ye, but while the two were pulling, they vaguely felt something was wrong, as if they had fallen into a big fish, and then , dragged for a long time.

Su Yu and Pan Genye also saw the two knotted lines. In an instant, their faces darkened. Su Yu changed direction without hesitation and went in another direction.

Pan Genye had no other thoughts about this, so he threw the thread in his hand once again, and the two took the initiative to avoid suspicion, but there was no estrangement between them.

As time passed by, Su Yu soon saw his fishing rod shake, he glanced in the direction of Pan Genye, the guy was still full of sadness as always.

And Su Yu also pulled up his fishing rod, and in just a short time, he saw a strange fish hanging on the rod.

Even though Su Yu didn't know if it was the kind he needed, he still collected it for the first time.

At the same time as he collected it, he also saw that there was a reminder on his task panel. Immediately, Su Yu laughed. Hearing Su Yu's voice, Pan Genye's face became a little weird, and then he was full of laughter. Said with a solemn face.

"Have you been successful?"

Pan Genye said, shaking his head slightly, looking at the motionless fishing rod in front of him, he was really speechless.

Growing up, he hated fishing the most.

In Pan Genye's cognition, fishing can't be caught, he can only waste his time to spend those long and difficult times, every minute and every second is torture for him.

At this age, although Pan Genye can endure loneliness, he still can't bear the torment of the passage of time.

Looking in Su Yu's direction, Pan Genye spoke to him again.

"Is there any secret? Why don't you tell me."5

Find the other person's mood is so low.

After thinking about it, Su Yu simply said to Pan Genye.

"I haven't made it yet, I caught the wrong fish this time."

Hearing these words, Pan Genye nodded and no longer struggled.

In the end, Su Yu threw the fishing rod down again, and as time passed, his fishing rod moved again, and Pan Genye just quietly guarded his fishing rod without looking back at Su Yu's direction.

Soon, Su Yu pulled a bigger fish like this, looking at the big fish, Su Yu's face couldn't help but get a little more excited, but the big fish just fell to the side.

Unexpected things happened.

The big fish struggled twice, and then disappeared. Su Yu also saw that his mission this time was half completed.

What does this mean? Is there really a so-called Jiang Taigong fishing volunteer who has taken the bait?

Or is it just luck?

He couldn't understand, but Pan Genye happened to look over.

"Did I just get dazzled?"

He clearly saw a big fish on Su Yu's boat, but when he looked over now, he didn't see anything.

Facing the question of Pan Genye, Su Yu suddenly smiled, and then said with a strange expression.

"You are dazzled, I have no fish here, you can see that my fishing rod doesn't move at all.

Hearing these words, Pan Genye also nodded, as if he believed it, but his face was a little weirder.

0.... ask for flowers.........

He always felt that there was something wrong with Su Yu, but now it's hard to tear his face, who made him unable to catch fish by himself.

Helpless, Pan Genye could only close his eyes beside him and slowly fell into sleep.

The fish in front of him moved twice, but Pan Genye didn't notice it, but Su Yu noticed and hurriedly reminded.

When the other party opened his eyes, he also saw that the dried fish was not moving, and his face turned pale with anger. After that, he kept pulling up, and when he pulled it up, it was still a small fish.

Originally, Pan Genye was going to throw him down, but he didn't want the fish to disappear directly. Then, the game panel also indicated that he had successfully passed the level this time. Although he passed the level successfully, there was also a small line of narration next to him.


Because Pan Genye was not serious enough this time, he could get a reward as long as he completed a small task, but the content of the reward was naturally not proportional to Su Yu's, and was greatly discounted.

When Pan Genye found out, his face also became ugly, and finally fell into a long silence.

Seeing that Pan Genye had completed the task, Su Yu couldn't help but smiled excitedly at him.

"My God, you're too patient.""

He gave a thumbs up and praised directly, Pan Genye looked at Su Yu's direction, hesitated several times, and finally said that he was not serious enough this time, which led to the reduction of the reward.

Hearing these words, Su Yu's face also became extremely ugly, and then he looked nervously at the fishing rod in front of him, and he didn't dare to relax like before.

As time passed by, although Su Yu caught some small fish, the game panel prompt remained silent. Su Yu had no choice but to endure the torment in his heart.

Soon, Su Yu saw a strange picture appear in that place on the horizon.

Countless dark clouds gathered together, but soon dispersed, and then the sky darkened, which may be the reason why the game special effects were not done well, Su Yu thought, and smiled softly.

But even if the night came, he did not complete the task this time. On the contrary, he had to stay beside the fishing rod. Seeing Su Yu's situation like this, Pan Genye couldn't help talking to him.

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