"Why don't I help you, so that you can go back and rest.

What Pan Genye said was the truth, but Su Yu didn't listen, but looked at the fishing rod in his hand and said with a strange expression.

"I have to wait here.

If he doesn't wait, he will surely miss the loss he will never forget.

Seeing that he was so stubborn, Pan Genye could only nod his head lightly, and then waited patiently beside him. Like Su Yu, he actually yearned for the reward of this game.

It's just that time passed quickly. After waiting this night, Su Yu achieved almost nothing. From anxious to calm, he switched between these two states several times. Although Pan Genye went back to rest, when it was dark, He is back again.

At this time, Su Yu has returned to calm, not as anxious as before. At this moment, he has calmed down a lot. While waiting patiently for "two-one-three", Su Yu also discovered the problem in front of him, but that's it.

Even if he has never been able to catch fish, who has shown that as long as he throws the line of the fishing rod out, he will definitely be able to let those fish come up. He doesn't even have a bait and wants to catch those fish, isn't it? Delusional?

The luck of the previous few times could not explain the symbol of strength. After thinking about it, Su Yu fell into peace again. Seeing Pan Genye coming up, Su Yu waved to him again.

Although Pan Genye got his own reward, he did not open it, because once it is opened, the next level will come, and he still has to wait for Su Yu to complete this level, and they will open the treasure chest together.

As a result, Su Yu didn't rest all night, and what he got was such a thing, Pan Genye was stunned by the side.

While he was shocked in his heart, Su Yu's fishing rod finally swayed, but Su Yu was not in a hurry. When the shaking became bigger, he pulled the fish up little by little. Soon, he caught a very Big fish, when the fish was caught, it took his boss's efforts.

Now, looking at the big fish in front of him, he couldn't help but laugh, as if all the hard work and waiting were worth it, when his eyes fell on Pan Genye, Su Yu waved to him again.

Seeing Su Yu like this, Pan Genye was a little dumbfounded.

Soon, Su Yu completed this challenge, although it only took one night, but no one knows what Su Yu spent in this one night.

Seeing the reward this time, Su Yu also took a deep breath, and then said to Pan Genye.

"When I'm rested, I'll come back and drive. Can you see what your reward is?"

After finishing speaking, Su Yu went offline and did not give Pan Genye any chance to speak.

Seeing Su Yu walking in such a hurry, Pan Genye's face couldn't help becoming ugly. Su Yu had already left at this moment, and he had no intention to challenge these troubles in front of him.

After all, in Pan Genye's cognition, in terms of his current ability, it is actually difficult to solve all this.

In the end, Pan Genye also decided to leave the game world temporarily, just like Su Yu, and when Su Yu came back, he would open the treasure chest with Su Yu.

It didn't take long for Su Yu to fall into a drowsy sleep, and when he woke up, he also saw the news of Pan Genye.

After thinking about it, he sent a text message immediately, and when Pan Genye saw it, he immediately came to the game world, looking at the waves in front of him, a smile on Pan Genye's face, and he was able to get to this point. All are warriors.

But even so, these things are not what the two of them are after, and there are farther mountains waiting for them to climb.

he thought to himself.

Seeing Su Yu coming, Pan Genye also hurried over and chatted a lot. Listening to his words, Su Yu made a quiet gesture and then took out his treasure chest.

The moment the treasure chest was opened, Pan Genye also froze in place, as did Su Yu, he turned his head to look in the direction of Pan Genye, and finally sighed in disbelief.

"How could such a thing happen,"

The reward he got was the same as what Pan Genye got, and there was almost no difference in the shape in front of him or the materials used on it. Su Yu just stared at it in a stunned manner at the moment.

After a while, he finally reacted, and then said to Pan Genye with a dazzling expression on his face.

"What are you saying about this?

Facing Su Yu's question, Pan Genye did not respond, but looked at the fishing rod in Su Yu's hand, and then said with a strange expression.

"I think, this may be a psychological challenge for us. Maybe we are strong enough, and these things will be upgraded by 0..."

This kind of nonsense can only be said by Pan Genye, Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head when he heard it, then lowered his head and said nothing, as if he was in pain.

Pan Genye was also a little helpless, and before he could speak to comfort, Su Yu put away the fishing rod, looked in the direction ahead and said.

"A new task has come, continue to challenge.

After saying this, Pan Genye nodded, looked in the direction ahead with Su Yu, and immediately swung the fishing rod out of his hand.

The two of them wanted to catch the huge big fish before each other.

Although that big fish won't eat this unbaited line.

But who knows if he will accidentally swallow the fishing line when he opens his mouth?

Pan Genye is also a little worried that Su Yu works harder than himself. Although he got the same reward, it is also possible that Su Yu's fishing rod contains hidden attributes. If this is the case, then what should he do.

Pan Genye thought and sighed.

Although the fishing rod in front of him was thrown out at the same time, his confidence was unstable, and he probably guessed that he might not be Su Yu's opponent.

And at this moment, Su Yu just waited quietly, not long after, the fishing rod shook a little, and the one with the roots was too, the two looked at each other, thinking that what happened just now is not going to happen, right?

If so, how should they be good?

While the two were thinking in their hearts, Su Yu also gritted his teeth and pulled the fishing rod up hard.

4.5 No matter what the ending looks like, they have to face it now, with the passage of time.

It didn't take long for Su Yu to pull up the fishing rod and look at the big fish he caught, he couldn't help laughing excitedly, but Pan Genye said with a shocked face.

"I caught this fish too, so who wins now?"

This question was too critical, Su Yu heard it, and immediately froze in place. After a while, he shook his head slightly and looked at the prompt on the game panel. He also immediately received the reward for completing this mission.

After receiving it, there was a little more smile on his face, and at this moment, Pan Genye couldn't help shouting at Su Yu.

"You seem to have been gifted by the game.

Even though this matter had little connection with Pan Genye, he couldn't help but be happy.

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