National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 858 He Released That Huge Dinosaur

But at this critical moment, they still gave their own ideas, and listening to their criticism, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

"Don't worry, I have a way. 35

After he finished speaking, he ignored the pirates, and then watched the tornado in front of him disappear briefly. Then he leaned against the dinosaur body in front of him and pulled the handle in his hand, causing the whole ship to turn its head.

After that, both the waves and the tornado dissipated little by little at this moment.

They seemed to be scared away by the virtual dinosaurs, but they weren't. Su Yu couldn't understand the reason, but after the dinosaurs disappeared, he also looked at the new route and said.

"This route is not correct. If we want to get the treasure, we have to take the original route."

After saying this, he handed the steering wheel to the pirates beside him. Everyone nodded and changed their course immediately, but they didn't expect that they had just returned to the correct course when the tornado appeared again.

It was still the kind of blowing tornado just now. Looking at this kind of thing, everyone fell into silence. In the end, in order to save the ship, they directly changed the route. Su Yu saw the expressions on their faces, and his face was full of trance. shook his head.

"It seems there is no way out."

But in this matter, he did not pursue too much, but patted the other pirates on the shoulder and said.

"Although it is possible to change the route to another place, those treasures must be obtained. In addition, the more important thing is the purpose of our departure this time, which must not be forgotten."5

Even if this kind of tornado of the blow type is terrifying, Su Yu doesn't think he can be a threat, and now it's a big deal to change his path.

Listening to Su Yu's order, everyone began to plan a new route, and at this moment, Su Yu also looked at the steering wheel in his hand, sighed solemnly, and told him rationally that there was only one way to go.

That is to follow the original path, otherwise getting rid of all this in front of them by other means will only make them more tormented. While he is thinking, those people seem to see what he is thinking.

In the end, the pirates shook their heads and came to Su Yu in twos and threes. After telling the pros and cons of changing the route, Su Yu finally decided to take the original route because it was inevitable.

In the spotlight, he released the huge dinosaur.

Although the huge dinosaur appeared, the tornado did not disappear because of it, but it did not land on the head of the huge dinosaur.

Originally, Su Yu could still figure out the direction and pattern of his falling, but now because of the existence of huge dinosaurs, the pattern seems to have been destroyed. After thinking about it, Su Yu hurriedly released it when the giant dinosaurs disappeared. came out.

His movements were extremely fast, and the people next to him were stunned. Just ten seconds was stretched to ten minutes by Su Yu, waiting for them to get through this tornado.

Everyone was confused, even those gamers. Originally, they wanted to see what methods Su Yu would use to solve the current problems and crises. Unexpectedly, this guy was really rude.

He directly used the props in the backpack.

It seems that without the props, he will not be able to pass this level. Those people started to post barrage while thinking about it. After all, in everyone's perception, Su Yu is an omnipotent god. Logically speaking, this situation He should also solve it.

Now that he is relying on props, this is too unreasonable, isn't it?

While those people were chatting, Su Yu didn't answer, because it was a small blow-type tornado, which was not a threat to him at all, and he didn't want to waste his time on this with props.

If there are no props, he will definitely use other methods, and those methods will definitely shock these people.

It's just that there is no need to do these things now.

While he was thinking about it, those people didn't know about it. As time passed, Su Yu soon came to another route, and the route was surrounded by dense islands.

However, those islands have a lot of goods. There is only one tree and a pile of grass. It looks like they are about to be covered by the sea, but Su Yu knows that there must be a lot of hidden reefs under these islands. After thinking about it, he hurriedly let those Pirates change course.

But this time is too late.

As Su Yu expected, the bottom of the ship hit a reef, and immediately after the water leaked, the whole ship began to tilt.

Looking at the tragedy in front of him, Su Yu just sighed softly, and after that, let them push the boat as far as possible to the next island.

Faced with Su Yu's request, everyone nodded, because the boat had already entered the water and could no longer sail, the pirates jumped off in twos and threes, and then pushed the bottom of the boat to get him as close to the shore as possible.

Fortunately, everyone worked together, and soon the boat in front of them was stuck next to the island. Although the island was not stable, there was still a lot of land beside the island, so these lands could be temporarily Stabilize the balance of the ship.

Those people on the boat did not tilt and collapse because the boat entered the water, but the water continued to pour into it, and everyone was anxious and flustered, and they swept the water out one by one with melancholy faces.

Seeing the chaos in front of him, Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

He patted these people on the shoulders, and then said.

"`~Don't be afraid~".

Hearing these words, those people nodded, as if they had listened, but their faces became extremely solemn.

Under Su Yu's attention, these guys directly repaired the broken bottom of the boat. Although their movements were fast, they couldn't keep up with the speed of the current.

These things caused them to fall into a headache. Even if their will was firm, they couldn't help crying at the moment. In the eyes of everyone, this group of people said helplessly.

"We're definitely going to die next."

"Yeah, no one can save us anymore, Shin."

Everyone was chattering and talking, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily when he heard it, and then looked in the other direction.

There were billowing dark clouds spreading over there, and it looked a little scary, but Su Yu spoke to the people beside him very coldly.

"Look, is that thing scary?

Hearing such a question, the big guy immediately nodded.

How could this not be scary, the billowing dark clouds were obviously coming from their place, and if they wanted to get the treasure, first of all they had to lose their skins.

While everyone was thinking in their hearts, Su Yu only smiled when he heard their words.

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