National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 859 It seems to be the ultimate treasure area

"Don't worry, these are all small situations. If there is really a wind and rain, then they must be here now, and we should deal with it calmly."

After saying this, he directly upgraded the ship in front of him, and then took out the virtual dinosaur. In the eyes of everyone, Wu Yun was really scared away. These things seem to have their own Same idea.

Su Yu was also lost in thought because of their actions. If they don't have their own thoughts, why are they running now?

Unable to understand, he could only look at the people beside him and said with a wry smile.

"Isn't that fun too?"

As he spoke, he spread his hands.

The people next to him only smiled perfunctoryly, and then looked in the other direction with a melancholy expression.

"Although that's what I said, it doesn't seem right to rely on this dinosaur all the time!

"Yeah, is it possible that this dinosaur can really let us pass the level? This is unrealistic anyway, right?"

Everyone was chatting, and hearing these questions, Su Yu just smiled lightly, and then patted their shoulders and said.

"Although I say so, it's not a solution for us to be nervous, trust me to calm down the mentality of 220, I can help you deal with all the troubles here.

He directly patted his chest and praised Haikou. Although everyone was happy when they heard it, for some reason, they always felt that Su Yu was a little unreliable.

But even so, they didn't spend any extra thought on this matter.

As Su Yu said, they can solve it by calming down.

soon. They patched up the boat, and Su Yu continued to set off with them, but since there were too many reefs underneath, he decided to let these people push the boat to the other side first, at least to avoid them.

However, in the process of avoiding the reef, another accidentally touched it, all the people fell into helplessness, and then let the big ship in front of them dock.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Yu couldn't help laughing. Everyone was busy working in a hurry. Only Su Yu was very calm, as if he had guessed all this, and he didn't panic at all.

"Don't be afraid, this is bound to happen, what is there to wish for? Now this route is estimated to be temporarily impossible to escape, so let's leave carefully (aeef) along this route.

"But the bottom of the ship has already suffered so many times, and if it has to suffer a few more times, I'm worried that he won't be able to withstand it, so he might as well think of other ways to leave.

"Yeah, our current approach is always bad."

The crowd chattered.

Hearing this, although Su Yu nodded in agreement, he touched his backpack, but he couldn't find anything useful in it, and finally he fell into silence.

We can only let these people go ahead to explore the road first, make sure there are no reefs there, and let them push the boat over.

This kind of behavior is unheard of and unseen.

Although Pan Genye is also watching Su Yu's live broadcast, he is also in the troubles he encounters, growing up again and again, those storms almost knocked him down, but, as Su Yu said, life is full of ups and downs, It won't always be what one wants.

Now, after Pan Genye calmed down, he also found that the troubles in front of him were actually not that complicated.

At least, in terms of his current ability, he can still solve it.

After thinking about it, Pan Genye smiled happily again.

On the other side, Su Yu led the way, and the ship left the reefs.

But before leaving, he also glanced at the island behind him.

"Don't you think this island looks familiar?"

As soon as Su Yu's words were spoken, the pirates shook their heads. They had been tired all day, and now they still had the mind to answer Su Yu's question, but they just wanted to know what the magic of these islands was, and that could attract Su Yu's attention.

"How come you look familiar?"

Facing their question, Su Yu just smiled lightly, and then said in a low voice.

"The familiar thing about this island is that, like the one on the treasure map, he seems to be the ultimate treasure trove. 99

While he was talking, he took out the treasure map in his hand, and the pirates cheered up when they heard it, and immediately came to Su Yu's side.

But after the pirates read Su Yu's treasure map, they all burst into laughter, and then they all said to Su Yu with a helpless face.

"Although that is said, but if you take a closer look, we are still a long way from our final destination, and this is just a relatively similar graph. 35

The pirates had just finished speaking when Su Yu shoved the treasure map to them. Immediately after everyone was watching, he looked at the sea behind him, and then jumped down. The movement was extremely fast, not giving anyone anything. chance of a person's response.

The crowd gathered around the deck, looking at Su Yu's direction, and couldn't help but say loudly.

"Why did you jump off?"

"Crazy? What's in it for you?"

"If there's a reef underneath, it's over.

Everyone was chatting because they were worried about Su Yu, and it was actually a very difficult thing to see emotions in these game characters, but Su Yu didn't care.

Under the gazes of these pirates, Su Yu waved his hand and said indifferently.

"I'm going to that small island to see if there is any treasure that belongs to me?"

Listening to his words, although everyone nodded in a trance and seemed to understand, but in fact there was an indescribable feeling in their hearts, as if Su Yu and them were in two different worlds, and it was all about to end. .

While those pirates were thinking in their hearts, Su Yu also walked on that small island for a long time.

Walking back and forth, although he found nothing, he also found some strange things, that is, when he walked through a unique island, what he could feel was that the soil under his feet was no longer soft, but a bit hard. .

Finally Su Yu took out his shovel.

Under the watchful eyes of those pirates, Su Yu directly started digging, and after that, dug out the treasure inside.

This is not left by the group of one-piece kings, but by other nameless one-piece kings.

Looking at the above prompt, Su Yu's face couldn't help but turn ugly, although he took these things back to the boat and smiled at the live camera, in fact, he was very sad in his heart.

"I thought I found the treasure of One Piece, but now it seems that I just found a bunch of useless things."

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