National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 922 Stop the crisis of the year

Just a moment's effort.

Those gamers have already posted one post after another on the forum. The reason why they post so much content is just to complain about the helplessness in their hearts.

They are really about to be bored, even if they don't worry about food and drink, among such royal nobles, they can feel the so-called treatment of people, and all game characters treat them like gods.

But the pain and suffering they will endure is also unimaginable for ordinary people.

These things tormented them a lot, and they all looked haggard, and some people even avoided playing games to escape all this, trying to return to reality instead of sinking in such pain.

Su Yu didn't know these things, but day after day, she re-mastered everything she knew.

However, Su Yu did not expect that Qin Mingtian would actually cancel the account he entered this time.

That also means that he has to rejoin such a world in another identity, but the money given in it is also a lot, but Su Yu didn't expect Qin Mingtian's cancellation to become 04's own opponent.

Looking at Qin Mingtian in front of him, Su Yu hesitated for a long time, and finally said to him with a smile.

"Then your ambitions are quite big."

Like him, he came here to be a restaurant owner.

The reason why Su Yu chose the restaurant owner was because of the dungeon branch at the beginning, in that place, Su Yu did not know that he had entered a game world, he thought everything was real.

And the identity at that time was also randomly selected. If it was a royal child, Su Yu would not be that condescending, or even give up like other gamers.

He will be as serious as he is now, or even more conscientious than he is now, these things are definitely not owned by ordinary people, and now looking at Qin Mingtian in the same clothes as himself, Su Yu just can't help laughing.

"You don't have to do that at all."

Su Yu was telling the truth, but Qin Mingtian couldn't listen.

Under Su Yu's attention, the guy raised his chin and said a little arrogantly.

"What I have decided, no one can change.

"If you are afraid that I will become your competitor, then you can directly say, the big deal is that I will give you a few points.

Qin Mingtian looked at Su Yu and laughed while talking, hearing such words, Su Yu was like hearing a big joke.

He raised his hand and waved it gently, pointing directly to the restaurant behind Qin Mingtian, and said calmly.

"Don't tell me this, go back to run your own restaurant first, and keep up with my progress as much as possible, because I'm about to reach the achievement of the largest restaurant in the entire martial arts.

Su Yu's words were very serious.

Qin Mingtian heard that, although he was angry in his heart, he had no choice but to clench his fists and turned away.

After Qin Mingtian left, Su Yu also glanced at the direction of the horizon, and finally shook his head lightly and sighed, it backfired, it was the norm in itself, for someone like Qin Mingtian, he should have been a royal son.

But because Qin Mingtian couldn't stand it, the attitude of those people towards him and the study plans they made for him were really unbearable, so Qin Mingtian decided to take a look at what Su Yu did every day.

It turned out that the days were very unrestrained, and he decided to start from the restaurant owner.

But he completely ignored the difficulty of this matter.

Su Yu's ability to drive from a small restaurant to that big is enough to show that he is extremely powerful.

Apart from these, Su Yu's restaurant is about to become famous in the game world.

Not only because Su Yu accumulated experience in the first dungeon, but more because this time Su Yu was more attentive. At first, he just dealt with it like a fool, and he didn't know it was the game world at the time.

Even the real world, but Su Yu did not take it to heart.

But now, looking at Qin Mingtian's back in front of him, Su Yu's face was only complicated.

In this game world, there is a new regulation that leads to a large number of gamers who choose to join the nobles, rather than the commoners.

Because they all know that this rule restricts most people.

Most of those people choose royal family members because of this rule.

And this rule is exactly that, you can't rely on charging money to exchange the currency in the game.

Currency needs to be earned with one's own hands, either through the bounty shop, through the family behind him, or through everything that he has now.

Either way, it must be excellent.

It is also what a small number of gamers yearn for, because those gamers know in their hearts that the same starting line, to a certain extent, these real fairness is extremely important to them.

Even if they devote themselves to the noble children, but they do not have enough strength, they will be brushed down, and even rely on the protection of civilians.

Of course, what this kind of behavior needs is money, and each of them has limited money, and it is definitely not possible to rely on their identity behind them, so as to keep giving out money after money.

Originally, Su Yu was not short of money. Now that he came to this game world, even if he started from scratch, he was still able to get up again.

Looking at the shop assistants behind him, Su Yu hurried over and began to guide them on 277 questions.

After the guidance, Su Yu also estimated the day and knew that the bearded man was coming to eat the Bawang meal soon, but this time Su Yu would not be as he wished.

Soon, Beard came, but early the next morning.

Looking at the person in front of him, Su Yu couldn't help but smile.

'Come here for a drink?'

"Yeah, they all say you have the best wine here, I want to see if it's really the same as what they said? Get out of the way and don't get in the way here. 99

Beard knew that Su Yu was the shopkeeper, but he relied on himself to come here to drink, so he made a rude remark. When Su Yu heard his words, he just smiled lightly, and then walked to the side, giving him a chance to walk in.

Seeing that Su Yu is so interesting, the bearded man can't help nodding lightly, and after that, he said to Su Yu with a happy face.

"Very good, I just like someone like you, if you keep doing it, you will definitely be able to be a shopkeeper in the future, after all, there are not many shop assistants like you.

At this moment, the bearded man made a rude remark once again.

Su Yu heard it but didn't care, but smiled and watched him walk in.

Not long after Beard walked in, another group of people came over, but this time Su Yu didn't let them in, but looked at them and said seriously.

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