"The grievances and grievances of the rivers and lakes should be resolved by the means of the rivers and lakes. It is better to cut those people down immediately while the young sword is fast. What is your opinion?"

As soon as Su Yu's words came out, those people understood.

After all, the grievances and grievances in the rivers and lakes are not something that these people can intervene in. The so-called personal grievances are among them, and it is not worth mentioning.

In the end, everyone resigned in twos and threes, even if Su Yu didn't say it clearly, but the posture of standing at the door and not letting everyone in, he understood everything.

At this time, they waved to Su Yu with smiles all over their faces, and looked at Su Yu mischievously and said seriously.

"Hope to see you tomorrow."

"After all, without your wine, I would be really sad. 35

Hearing their words, Su Yu couldn't help but chuckle, then waved lightly to let them go.

Just like that, these people left in front of Su Yu.

Not long after they left, Su Yu had a smile on his face. Looking at the restaurant behind him, he slowly raised his legs and walked in, then instructed the shop assistants next to them to pack up. , first go to the teahouse in the distance to stay.

Come back after two hours, now there is no need for people here, it is enough for him to stay alone.

Because these shop assistants stay here, they are likely to be injured.

Listening to Su Yu's warning, the shop assistants nodded, then patted their chests to indicate that there was no problem, and left in twos and threes.

After those shop assistants left, Su Yu looked in the distance again, sighing complicatedly.

"I don't know if I can be a little merciful this time. I'm worried that one person will not pay attention to killing crazy. If this is the case, the guy will be finished, and he has to calm down."

Su Yu was talking to himself, and no one could understand what he meant.

But Beard came quickly.

The other party's face was a little impatient, looking at the direction of the second floor, he said to Su Yu impatiently.

"What about the people you work here? Why are none of them missing? Logically speaking, shouldn't they prepare drinks and bring them over? Not one is here now, what's going on? Could it be that someone is killing them~"? "

The bearded man shouted and made a rude remark. Even if he was eating the Overlord's meal, there was no trace of panic on his body. Su Yu glanced at him, and then spread his hands and said.

"Take the money out, those people will come out, if you don't have the money, don't waste your time in my place.

Su Yu's words were very serious.

Beard heard this, he couldn't help but stay where he was. After a while, he realized what he heard. He widened his eyes and looked at Su Yu in disbelief. Finally, he held his stomach again and laughed. said.

"My God, you don't think I can't afford it or pay the money, so you drive all your guys away, what's the point of doing this? You're chasing When the guests leave and open the door to do business, you must first trust us guests."

What the bearded man said was very serious.

But Su Yu didn't hear a word, but looked at the beard with cold eyes, and the other party also vaguely knew something was wrong. After thinking about it, he simply took it out of his body.

He didn't find anything, and Su Yu knew that he would definitely make a move.

Sure enough, at the moment Beard beard attacked, Su Yu directly ducked to the side, and then watched the wine bottles burst directly. This was Beard's deliberate revenge. Su Yu knew that there were several old wines, all of them. It was because of him that it was broken.

Those who have a lot of wine are looking forward to it.

Su Yu also left several copies for them, but because of the stupid bearded guy, Su Yu lost his reputation, aroused some people's hatred, and even chased them down. Of course, these are all that happened later.

After Su Yu completed the mission of the dungeon, he directly cleared the level, and the pursuit of those people was naturally unsuccessful.

But looking at the beard in front of him, Su Yu couldn't help clenching his teeth. At that time, he left the world at that time because of the copy.

He didn't leave, but continued to stay in that world. I'm afraid that what awaits him next will definitely be beyond redemption, and it won't be as easy as it is now.

This idea had just emerged, and Beard realized that what he had broken was just an ordinary wine bottle. For a while, his face became a little helpless, even disgusted, and then he looked at Su Yu and said.

"My dear, you actually hid the good wine, don't you really think I can't afford it, I've never seen something as beastly as you, I'll tell you, when I find those things, I'm going to burn your entire shop on fire.

He is not drunk now, and he said these words deliberately, but to better shirk the responsibility on Su Yu. After all, the person who is unwilling to provide services for Beard is also Su Yu, and he is also the one who wants to receive money.

However, drinking and collecting money in this place is justified in itself, but in the perception of some people, as long as their force value is high enough, even if it is a matter of course, it will eventually be twisted because of their strength.

With such thoughts in mind, Beard smashed the wine bottles all the way, and kept throwing the broken wine bottles at Su Yu, the bottles fell on Su Yu, and Beard also saw him in a state of embarrassment.

"`~ Hahaha, you are so funny, look at your embarrassed appearance, I have never seen a poor person like you in my life for decades, why are you still reluctant to bow your head to me? Is it difficult?"

There was curiosity and puzzlement on the bearded face.

Hearing these questions, Su Yu did not answer but closed his eyes,

After a while, he opened his eyes, and when his eyes fell on the bearded body, he became a little more murderous.

Right (to Zhao Zhao) Fang was startled by Su Yu, and felt a little panic in his heart, but he was not afraid, but picked up the big sword in his hand and pointed directly at Su Yu's facade.

"Stinky brat, if you dare to do something secretly and threaten my life, then the whole world will hunt you down, don't forget my reputation in the world.

Beard's words were very serious, but the dog-beating stick in Su Yu's hand had already fallen. It was only a moment's effort, and the beard was smashed to the ground by Su Yu.

That stick really killed Beard, Su Yu wanted to do it, it was never a joke, the moment death came, Beard's eyes were still wide open, obviously it was hard to believe that he died like this.

And Su Yu also saw the prompt on the game panel, because he successfully killed a bully who was reincarnated by a hungry tiger, at this moment, Su Yu got the reward of double money, although not much, but enough for him to open a second restaurant.

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