National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 924 Has the same character appeared?

Now, looking at the beard in front of him, Su Yu couldn't help but sneer.

"A beast like you is also worthy of being my opponent?"

As soon as these words were said, the people on the second floor walked down. Unexpectedly, the beard was dead. For a time, everyone's faces became extremely complicated, and Su Yu thought they were going to do something.

Unexpectedly, the group of people actually walked in front of him in twos and threes, clasping their fists in response, and one by one, they thanked Su Yu earnestly, and the reason why they wanted to thank Su Yu was because Su Yu killed their enemy.

Beards killed several of them, and in order to take revenge, they could only hide their names and change their faces, rooted in Beards' side.

Doing things like this, those things they don't want to do, just to be able to succeed more smoothly one day, after they said those words, Su Yu suddenly remembered that the beard was indeed on credit at that time.

However, a few people suddenly disappeared, and they went up with Beard and the others, but they couldn't find anyone later. This matter has always been a doubt in Su Yu's heart.

Beards and the others also said at the time that the 277 people went back first, but Su Yu didn't believe it, because the window was very high, and if someone jumped down, he would have sensed it.

But unfortunately, those few people gave such words at the time, and then they had to beat Su Yu. If it weren't for Su Yu's two shop assistants, they would have been loyal enough to block Su Yu's bearded attack. .

Maybe Su Yu was really beaten to death by that stinky boy.

Recalling everything he posted in the copy, Su Yu could not help clenching his teeth in hatred, and now looking at everyone in front of him, he hurriedly clasped his fists to face each other, and then let these people leave first.

After all, this place is not very peaceful, and the great hatred in their hearts has already been passed, so it is natural that they should go to the place of their freedom and yearning, and they must not stay here too much.

After all, the death of Beard would definitely attract other people's attention. Listening to Su Yu's words, those people nodded, indicating that there was no problem, so they left in twos and threes, not long after they left.

Su Yu's shop assistants also came back one after another, only to find that Su Yu was holding a dog bat and waving it in the yard.

Looking at Su Yu in front of them, the shop assistants couldn't help sighing.

They walked up and talked to Su Yu seriously.

"Actually, you don't have to work so hard now.

"Yeah, even if this dog stick is useful, some things are not as simple as we think.

"The catastrophe of this arena is too great, you should not be easily involved in it."

Those shop assistants kept exhorting, Su Yu had heard this before, but he didn't take it seriously, because he had his own aspirations in his heart.

But now, looking at the shop assistants in front of him, he couldn't help but put away the dog-beating stick in his hand. It was only about the beard that had come to an end.

Then he should really become stronger again, not just stick to the moment, as these shop assistants said.

With this thought in mind, Su Yu waved his hand and rejected the shop assistants, but took out another sum of money and asked them to open a second restaurant.

Hearing this, the shop assistants all stayed where they were. Although they said there was no problem, they were still a little complicated with so much money in their hands. They didn't expect Su Yu to trust them so much.

Apart from these, Su Yu also patted them on the shoulder and encouraged them earnestly, expressing his belief that they can open the branch well.

Once it is opened, then these shop assistants will also receive corresponding dividends.

Maybe they fight to be the shopkeeper.

Those shop assistants were both happy and excited.

They didn't (aeef) speak for a long time, and Su Yu just looked at them and smiled softly.

Over time, this event appears to be in the past.

However, the disappearance of Beard has also attracted the attention of many people. After all, Beard is quite famous among the rivers and lakes. Qin Mingtian knew what was going on, but he was worried that if he rashly complained, he would be met by those people and Su Yu's revenge.

After all, during this period of time, Su Yu made a lot of friends through his brewing skills. If he really offended Su Yu, I'm afraid that group of people will not let him go.

Qin Mingtian thought absentmindedly, while looking at the wine in front of him, he sighed dryly.

At this moment, he really should be making wine, because he has learned some new recipes, but when he thinks about Su Yu, he feels flustered again, but finally he picked up the winemaking tool again.

As time went on, the wines introduced by Qin Mingtian were also very popular, and he made a lot of friends. They were all heroes in the arena, and one became more famous. Qin Mingtian was also very proud of this incident. .

But Su Yu doesn't bother to compare with Qin Mingtian at all. He has everything he yearns for in his heart, and naturally he won't be on a par with other people.

Qin Mingtian didn't know about this, but he was complimenting himself and vanity himself every day in the praise of those passing by.

But it didn't take long for a man with a similar beard to appear.

It's just that his appearance is more ferocious than the bearded beard. When Su Yu saw him, he felt a little uneasy, but he didn't say anything, but watched him walk into Qin Mingtian's store.

I saw that guy smashed the big knife in his hand heavily on the table, and shouted to Qin Mingtian in the distance.

"Come here, I heard that your wine is very good, quickly bring the best drink and let me taste it. If it doesn't work, then you will wait for my head to be chopped off by me."

The other party's words were very serious, but Qin Mingtian didn't take it seriously, but the shop assistants were all frightened, because they were all game characters, and all the settings were loyal.

Now looking at Qin Mingtian in front of them, they hurriedly stretched out their hands, pulled Qin Mingtian and said.

"Wait a second, let's do this.

"Yeah, this guy knows it's not easy to mess with, if you entertain him casually, he might kill you by means.

Listening to the words of the shop assistants, Qin Mingtian nodded.

In this way, he stood there, but unexpectedly, Su Yu actually walked to the place at the door, watching Su Yu and Qin Ming grit his teeth, thinking that this guy must be watching a good show.

At this moment, Qin Ming was about to say something, but Su Yu blinked at him unexpectedly.

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