The faces of those people became extremely complicated, and then they covered their mouths and looked at Qin Mingtian in disbelief.

"You're kidding me, how could this happen."

"It's true, it's just right not to close the door tonight anyway.

The reason why he secretly said this is because Qin Mingtian doesn't want to give Su Yu a chance. At this moment, Qin Mingtian has already seen that this guy Su Yu wants to take away what belongs to him. In this case, it is even more impossible for him to give Su Yu a chance. .

Even the experience points, Su Yu has to come to share, I am afraid that once Su Yu knows what happened tonight, it will be even more impossible to be polite to him.

Qin Mingtian thought about it while clenching his teeth, self-righteously thinking that he was very smart, looking at the guys next to him, Qin Mingtian thought about it, and simply patted their shoulders and said.

"Now that you already know what to do with "277", then follow my instructions. I believe you can handle it well."5

Qin Mingtian's words came out, the guys nodded hurriedly, and then they started busy in twos and threes.

The night was coming soon, Qin Mingtian looked at the night in the distance, and then looked at the street in front of him. There were people coming and going, and there was a lot of noise.

Because this street is a well-known snack street, even at night, there is no curfew here. Here, Qin Mingtian can feel the so-called crowd and the so-called human fireworks.

However, Qin Mingtian didn't have the heart to appreciate those things.

He just waited for the group of people to appear. Once those escorts came, then he could directly take down the group of people.

Qin Mingtian was thinking while waiting for it to come, but unexpectedly, Su Yu came to him staggeringly with a fan again, looking at Su Yu, Qin Mingtian's face instantly became extremely ugly, I saw, He said without a good face.

"What are you doing here? Don't you need to rest? Even if this game world can make us feel everything in the so-called real world, we must have our own schedule and health!"

Qin Mingtian suddenly thought and considered for Su Yu from the perspective of a friend, but what he didn't know was that these words were so false that Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I'm your good friend, more than you think, how could I not take care of my own health? It's because I'm too concerned, so I want to come over to remind you of something.

Su Yu's face was complicated, Qin Mingtian faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't show it, but looked at Su Yu sideways, and said with a puzzled face.

"What's the matter?"

At this moment, Qin Mingtian was still willing to listen, but Su Yu didn't tell him, but came to his restaurant mysteriously, looked at the doors and windows, and said helplessly.

"This door and window must be closed, otherwise those people will take the opportunity to escape when they come in, and you will lose even more."

These words made Qin Mingtian sweat continuously on his forehead. In a trance, Su Yu seemed to have seen through his own plan. Qin Mingtian thought so in his heart, and his face gradually became complicated. At the same time, he couldn't help talking to Su Yu. .

"I don't quite understand what you mean.

Qin Mingtian thought that he could use this to hide people's eyes and ears, but he didn't expect that the more he pretended to be stupid, the more funny Su Yu felt. After that, he patted Qin Mingtian on the shoulder and dropped a sentence that made him stunned.

"I am your senior, and I can be regarded as your past person. I have experienced everything you have experienced. I have experienced the same game characters and the same game mainline. Do you think you can escape these things?"

As soon as Su Yu's words were finished, Qin Mingtian's face became extremely ugly. After that, he clenched his fists and questioned Su Yu unwillingly.

"So you're here now to divide up everything that belongs to me?

Hearing such words, Su Yu shook his head as if he had heard a joke, and the attitude he showed was arrogant and indifferent.

"Have you thought too much? Divide everything that belongs to you, I'm just here to remind you how to avoid detours? You don't really think that I covet your experience points.

"Otherwise, what are you doing here at noon? Don't think I don't understand your thoughts. We have been together for so long, so don't pretend to be in front of me. 99

But what Su Yu didn't expect was that what he said was also the yin and yang of Apple.

The other party raised his chin, with arrogance and indifference on his face, as if he could understand people's hearts at a glance, but in fact these are all false, his own unilateral conjectures and speculations, these are unrealistic 0... .

Su Yu shook his head, disdain to continue the theory with Qin Mingtian, turned around and left directly.

At this time, Qin Mingtian also heard movement behind him.

The shop assistants looked at Qin Mingtian, and their expressions gradually became solemn.

Vaguely felt that the air pressure between Su Yu and Qin Mingtian was not right, and the current atmosphere had become extremely strange. If it weren't for the troubles being too difficult, they would not have been able to commit crimes against the wind at such a moment.

"Should this door and window be closed as he said?"

As soon as this question was said, Qin Mingtian's face became extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

"Can what he said be taken seriously? Who is the owner of the restaurant? Who should you listen to, do you have no idea?"

Qin Mingtian's words had just been said, and the shop assistants shook their heads.

With some honesty and complexity on their faces, they said solemnly one by one.

"Of course we know who to listen to, but what Su Yu said makes sense. If you really open the doors and windows, in case those bad guys do break in, they can't beat us and just run away, then it will be the end. .

"Yeah, the purpose of our trip is to catch them."

The shop assistants reminded them very seriously, but Qin Mingtian was still the same.

"No, just follow the 4.5 I said and you'll be fine. This is my restaurant, and I don't need to listen to other people's arrangements and orders. Even if I fall a big somersault, I can grit my teeth and swallow it. The blood rose again.

What Qin Mingtian said was a bit exaggerated.

The shop assistants glanced at him, and finally shook their heads and said nothing. Even if Qin Mingtian had a holiday with Su Yu, he couldn't make fun of the restaurant!

After all, Qin Mingtian's birth place was a restaurant, so once the restaurant was destroyed, Qin Mingtian would also fall into the mechanism of restarting.

At that time, Qin Mingtian will have nothing, and he has very little money now, but the experience points can be exchanged for a sum of money.

This shocked Qin Mingtian, it turned out that Su Yu really came to help him.

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