National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 927 Misunderstanding people

At this time, Qin Mingtian felt grateful and moved in his heart, but before he had time to think carefully, the door was kicked open by a foot.

Behind him were several people with a similar physique to him. They were extremely burly looking, each with a big axe in their hands. When the shop assistants saw them, they were all very frightened.

This is for drinking, or they are here to make trouble.

Those shop assistants really don't know what to do.

Now, they can only look at Qin Mingtian, hoping that Qin Mingtian can come up with an idea, after all, this is the shopkeeper.

After the man who took the lead sat down, he slapped his axe hard on the table and said loudly in the direction behind him.

"The treasurer, where is it? 35

There was some impatience in his tone, and the rough voice made people think he was not easy to mess with.

Qin Mingtian thought for a while, then walked over neatly, and then said carefully.

"What would you like to drink here?"

Qin Mingtian was a little polite, but the other party laughed out loud when he heard it. He looked at Qin Mingtian with some 04 on his face, and then stretched out his hand, and he put his hand on Qin Mingtian's shoulder, when he squeezed the hand down.

In an instant, Qin Mingtian's face became extremely ugly.

He couldn't move, except staring blankly at each other, Qin Mingtian couldn't do anything at this time.

Seeing Qin Mingtian like this, the man couldn't help laughing again.

"With your skin and flesh, you dare to be a shopkeeper, are you really not afraid of being slaughtered?"

Hearing his words, Qin Mingtian couldn't help shivering. If Su Yu wasn't there at noon today, he might have been killed.

Considering this matter, Qin Mingtian couldn't help but talk to the man in front of him.

"What do you want to do? Let me go now.""

While speaking, Qin Mingtian began to struggle anxiously.

Seeing Qin Mingtian's appearance like this, the man was also a little dissatisfied, so he raised his brows and said impatiently.

"What are you doing? I'm just talking to you, can't we have a good chat? You have to make things worse and piss me off, what good is it for you? 35

With contempt in the man's tone, Qin Mingtian glanced at him, although he didn't say anything, the next second, the man put the axe directly on Qin Mingtian's neck.

At this moment, Qin Mingtian shivered uncontrollably, and kept talking to please.

Seeing Qin Mingtian like this, the man nodded with satisfaction, then he threw Qin Mingtian aside and said.

"Now go and get the best wine from your place, and the appetizers are ready for us, as much as you can, don't hide it for me, or I'll chop off your fingers. drink. 99

The man's words were very serious.

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn't help frowning.

Qin Mingtian nodded vigorously, and then let his buddies work.

At this time, Qin Mingtian just wanted to ask Su Yu to help.

It would be great if Su Yu could make a move.

And Su Yu was standing at the door, hesitating whether to shoot.

If Qin Mingtian does not appreciate it, it will be over.

While thinking about it, Su Yu finally decided to walk in.

Even if he doesn't say anything, he can still do his part.

Never make things worse.

When this idea came up, Su Yu looked at Qin Mingtian quietly.

Seeing the expression on Su Yu's face, the other party winked directly at Su Yu, as if seeing a savior, then walked to Su Yu's side and said in a low voice.

"I can share the experience points with you, I just want you to help me deal with these guys."

But Qin Mingtian didn't expect that just as he said his words, Su Yu shook his head gently. He wanted to tell Qin Mingtian that it was not these people who really wanted to deal with, but the next group of thin men.

But his shaking his head, combined with the words he didn't say, made it seem that he was rejecting Qin Mingtian for a while.

In addition, those people were also urging Qin Mingtian to go over, making it even more difficult for Su Yu to speak, so he could only watch Qin Mingtian walk over in a trance.

This guy probably misunderstood what he meant.

With this thought in mind, Su Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth, Qin Mingtian came to those few people with a respectful expression on his face.

He was extremely ingratiating to these people, and maybe a few people patted the table and shouted impatiently.

"Your appetizers taste very ordinary.

"So are you going to make trouble?"

Qin Mingtian glanced at them, and then looked at Su Yu behind him.

Saying this, but because Su Yu was here, he didn't believe it happened, he grabbed Su Yu's arm, and the guy was able to escape.

Thinking of this matter, Qin Mingtian's face became a little more smug, the men in front of him heard it, frowned immediately, and then shook their heads with complex expressions.

"What are you talking about? How can we make trouble? Just tell you, if you don't listen, then forget it."

"Nothing else is needed, we don't eat it.

While speaking, these people picked up the axe and prepared to leave.

But Su Yu suddenly came over, and after that, he took the hands of these people and chatted with them all over the world with a smile on his face.

Su Yu said with seriousness on his face.

Just a moment of effort, they began to chat and laugh.

277 Just like that, they chatted and laughed.

And Qin Mingtian seemed to be unable to do anything except watching from the side.

But Qin Mingtian's eyes fell on Su Yu, but he felt extremely strange.

How could Su Yu have such an ability? Qin Mingtian fell into a trance, and his whole person was a little absent.

Su Yu didn't know what was in his mind.

While chatting with these big men, Su Yu was also staring in the direction of the door.

Not long after, a few men as thin as monkeys walked in. Their faces were complicated and weird. Although their faces were yellow and thin, they didn't have any weapons in their hands, and they laughed when they saw people. For a while, Qin Mingtian Be polite to them too.

At this moment, Qin Mingtian felt that they should not be causing trouble, and just came here to simply have a meal. As a result, Qin Mingtian did not expect that just after these people sat down, they directly told Qin Mingtian.

"We do come here to drink, but we have no money, can you forgive us?

"If it is possible, then we will eat directly. If not, we will not force it. After all, it is difficult for everyone to do business."

While they were talking, they looked at Qin Mingtian and smiled.

The moment he split his mouth, Big Yellow Fang also appeared.

Qin Mingtian can't wait to clench his fists and give them a punch to let them know what the fate of eating Bawang's meal is.

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