National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 106 The First Air Battle In The Second World!

Of these two players, one of them has no wings, and there is a whirlwind under his feet, so he flies into the air directly. The other person has a pair of enlarged gray eagle wings on his back.

"Goodbye!" Lin Feng pointed to the south: "Shuanger, let's go."

The direction he pointed was to the east of the city of Naro, where there were many mountains, and it was more difficult for players to run on the ground.

As a result, the two players who had just taken off saw the gorgeous two-winged unicorn flying across the sky like a white flowing shadow.


"Hurry up!"

The two shouted, and then flew towards Lin Feng with all their might.

It's a pity that the speed of the two is too slow, their flying speed is not as fast as Lin Feng's running speed on the ground, not to mention that the Gemini Guardian Unicorn is much faster than the two of them.

In just three or four minutes, the two of them couldn't even see Lin Feng's shadow.

At the same time, when Lin Feng flew away from the original place, many players below also ran to the south one after another, quickly chasing him.

It's a pity that this is a level 100 monster area. Some players didn't pay attention, and just after running not far, they were rushed out by a level 100 monster and were instantly killed.

Subsequently, some players began to besiege the monsters, and some began to hide.

The "Nine Zero Three" players who were running towards the place where Lin Feng was originally, saw that the small header pointing to the public account token was also moving, so naturally they also quickly shifted direction.

After another ten minutes, more players in Naro City chased in the direction of Lin Feng, only a few did not come.

And as everyone ran wildly in the wild. Some players who didn't want to participate and felt that they had no life to grab guild tokens couldn't help but want to watch the excitement, and they all joined the team one after another following the direction of Lin Feng marked in the game.

At the same time, the Oumen Second World game official website forum also became popular because of Lin Feng. Many players who are not in Naro City have entered the game forum to keep an eye on the action at any time.

[The mysterious player got the first guild token in the game, and the 180,000 players in the city of Naro are fully mobilized. Can they kill the mysterious player? Who can get the first guild token and establish the first guild in the game?】

The second floor: "I'm from the city of Naro, I'm unlucky, that player can fly, and even flew to the level 100 monster area, I didn't find the player, he died halfway, unfortunately I fell to level 20 after level 21 level up."

The third floor: "Envy, why am I not a player of Naro City? I also want a guild token, and I also want to establish a guild."

Fourth floor: "I am a member of the Holy Spirit Guild, the strongest guild in the city of Naro. The president has assembled a 10-member flying team to intercept and kill mysterious players. Our Holy Spirit Guild will definitely become the strongest guild in the second world."

"Fortunately, if our Glory Guild was in the city of Naro, this mysterious player would have died long ago.

in the game.

After chatting with a player for a few minutes in the afternoon, Glacier fell into hesitation.

Then she sent a message to Murong Yiyi: "Yiyi, my brother sent me a message, asking me to kill Mengwang to grab the guild token. He still doesn't know that the guild token is Mengwang, and he doesn't know that we know each other very well. ,what do I do?"

Murong Xiaoyi: "First of all, if you go, you won't be able to kill him, you will be killed 100%."

Noon's Bing Chuan: "That's not what it means. We are friends. I can't listen to my brother, but I dare not tell my brother that I know him. Because, now, only the two of us know about it. If we tell him, he will know." The status of Mengwang may cause trouble for Mengwang."

"My brother is the vice president of Glory, and he is only outside the second world. He wants to take this opportunity to develop rapidly in the second world and become the president of Glory, so he wants to take advantage of this opportunity. If I help him get the guild order card, he has an 80% chance of becoming the president, I am so entangled!"

Murong Xiaoyi: "Don't worry, if you really do it, you will lose your life at most. Go over there to watch the excitement, let's go through the motions! Also, your brother is too ambitious, you better be mentally prepared, you want to follow Your brother is leaving, but he still wants to be independent. With the first guild token appearing, there will be many more in the future, and without accident, your brother may form a guild on his own."

Noon's Bing Chuan: "Huh? He's already become the vice-guildmaster. After working hard, he can become the president. Glory is the strongest guild. It's hard to develop if you create it yourself."

Murong Xiaoyi: "This is the second world, not other games, just wait and see! I'm going to enter the dungeon, I can't."

Another 5 minutes have passed, and it has been 50 minutes. There are more and more players chasing Lin Feng, but Lin Feng sees hope, and persists for another 10 minutes. The drop rate may be very low, and at worst, return to the city to resurrect and teleport away directly.

Flying in mid-air, he looked at the players running and chasing him below, and couldn't help complaining: "It's true, I'm being chased by people as a precious animal everywhere I go, am I so popular?

Lin Feng roughly estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of people below, and there may be more than he imagined. Anyway, looking down, there are huge crowds of people, and there are people everywhere.

This was dozens of times, even hundreds of times more than the group of people in Hot Pot City he was fighting against.

At this time, Lin Feng in flight had already left many players behind, and came to the Koli Mountains in the east of Naro City, the level 100 monster area.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to higher-level monster areas, and it's not that he can't fly higher.

But he didn’t dare, players can fly, monsters can’t fly, Lin Feng rushed into the over 100-level monster area a long time ago, especially in hell, as the monsters exceed 100 levels, there will be more flying monsters .

At the same time, the higher the distance from the ground, the more advanced monsters.

For example, the Nether Bone Dragon that killed him in seconds suddenly swooped down from an altitude of a thousand meters.

Now the talent "Together" cannot be used, and after death, 100% of the guild tokens will be dropped.

He doesn't care whether a guild is established or not, what he cares about is that this token is definitely very valuable. At the beginning, a rare dragon baby was sold for tens of millions, and the current guild token is definitely not inferior to that ghost bone dragon baby.

Lin Feng couldn't bear to lose tens of millions when he died, so he was always very careful.

And as Lin Feng stopped at a height of more than 100 meters in the mountains.

Even if the number of players chasing them has decreased, there are still tens of thousands of people, densely packed, crowded, and at the same time, they are rapidly increasing.

Noon's Glacier also mixed into the group of players, secretly looking at Lin Feng.

Relying on her hidden occupation, she is quite well-known in the city of Naro. She has PKed many times, and she thinks she can beat more than a dozen players...

As in the current situation of being besieged by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of players, I never thought about it, and I even saw it today.

The battle between Lin Feng and Hot Pot City took place in the morning of real time, and the news was only broadcast in China, and foreign countries have not yet paid attention. Naturally, the players here don't know.

"How should he deal with it? There are definitely some players who can fly. Once he is caught in a battle, it will be difficult for him to stay in the air for a long time. How should he deal with it?" Niu Glacier thought in his heart.

Suddenly, ten players flew up from the crowd.

Five of them have wings, three of them have no wings, and the wind blows under their feet, and two of them have mounts, all of which soar into the sky.

These people are flying side by side, and the distance is not too far. It looks like they are forming a team and acting together.

The target is naturally Lin Feng in the air!

"Fuck! There are so many people flying! Shuang'er, run away!" Lin Feng said quickly.

But at this time, one of the players drew the longbow in his hand, and a stream of light flew out. The distance between the two sides was more than 80 meters, but it crossed in an instant and hit Lin Feng directly!


The damage is not high, and it is not a threat to Lin Feng. But this time the damage pulled Lin Feng into a fighting state, and in an instant, his exhaustion value was consumed faster. , 1 second is 1 point!

"Your grandma's, it's almost over, this is still fucked up!" Looking at the countdown, there are still eight minutes, Lin Feng is speechless, and directly casts Guardian Unicorn and Summon Pet

Sagittarius Guardian Unicorn Little Bow and Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei appeared one after another.

"Kill someone." Lin Feng said, and at the same time unmounted his mount.

Lin Feng aimed at the player who attacked him first, and gave up flying directly, trying to reduce his fatigue consumption as much as possible, and then fell rapidly downward.

As he fell, he quickly removed the Death Scythe and equipped the Archangel Sword. He also cast the guardian star shield to prevent it from being controlled and falling into the sky.

At the same time, the two guardian beasts and pet Xiao Hei also continued to move downward.

Falling is actually faster than flying. Lin Feng was the first to approach the ten players, but at this time the opponents had only lifted more than 30 meters into the air. 4.3

"Swipe!" The sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand struck the player.


For players at level 25, their blood volume instantly clears to zero.

Then, Lin Feng waved his wings, stayed in the air, and followed the other players to perform a death charge. At the same time, the other nine players were all within 20 meters of Lin Feng [and also attacked him.

From this point, it can also be seen that the opponent is forming a team, because they are not far away, keeping within 20 meters. That is, if Lin Feng attacks anyone, other teammates can quickly attack Lin Feng.

Ten players, all with long-range damage, six with longbows, three with crossbows, and one with staffs.

"Boom!" Lin Feng charged forward suddenly, and a black shock wave formed in the air, hitting five players directly.






Five shooters were instantly killed on the spot!

Those attacks originally hit Lin Feng's original location, but they missed. Five misses appear.

A blow from the sun!

Golden Arrows!.

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